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Author Topic: Bridge to Terabithia?  (Read 5580 times)


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Bridge to Terabithia?
« on: 04 Mar 2007, 21:48 »

Well?  Anyone?

We could discuss stuff.  Like how it's not Narnia, or how we hated it because it was sad, or how all atheists are going to hell.  These are the things they're discussing on IMDB.


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Re: Bridge to Terabithia?
« Reply #1 on: 04 Mar 2007, 22:15 »

The point at which I really know my day is going to shit is when I realize I've been reading imdb message boards for the past half-hour.

That said, I just saw Bridge last night...and I've got mixed feelings about it. There were a lot of moments that were just irredeemably cheezy and poorly executed - for lack of a better adjective, "Disney" (that's not to say that Disney hasn't produced its fair share of magic, but you probably know what I mean). They took creating a "kids movie" and used it as a license to skimp on quality. My most profound complaint about this movie is that it could have been so much better.

There were definitely moments that worked. I won't go into specifics for fear of spoilers (and, as a side note, anyone who gives away this story deserves to be shot). They were, however, relatively few. Their presence, in my opinion, is mostly due to the fact that - even though they apparently threw this movie together without much regard to quality - the story that underlies Bridge (ie the book) is pure gold.

I'm too tired to come up with a good transition, but there was way too much CG in the film. My favorite moments in the movie were when they used it minimally, to suggest the imaginitive powers of the main characters. The last scene goes completely overboard, and as a result it's rather a let down, when the last moments of this movie should be the most powerful (see the 1985 version).

It is (or should be) a sad movie, but that is no reason to hate it! There should be more sad kids movies.

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Re: Bridge to Terabithia?
« Reply #2 on: 04 Mar 2007, 22:33 »

I haven't seen it yet, so I'm not going to judge.

My problem is that after LotR, I've felt that every new fantasy book-to-movie produced feels subpar compared to what we got in those films.

It's about as hot a commodity as superhero flicks, and those are a dime a dozen these days.

I plan to see it soon, but hopefully it won't let me down like Eragon.

God, I don't think anything could let me down like Eragon.


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Re: Bridge to Terabithia?
« Reply #3 on: 05 Mar 2007, 09:46 »

Fuck that movie.  When the hell were there big dumb trolls in the book?  There weren't.  So again, for clarity, fuck that movie.
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Re: Bridge to Terabithia?
« Reply #4 on: 05 Mar 2007, 17:48 »

All right.


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Re: Bridge to Terabithia?
« Reply #5 on: 05 Mar 2007, 18:01 »

I read the book in sixth grade, and it was the first book that ever made me cry. And by cry, I mean sob.

SO, my question is, is it worth seeing if I loved the book? Or will it just make me angry?


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Re: Bridge to Terabithia?
« Reply #6 on: 05 Mar 2007, 20:40 »

It might just make you angry. Not so much from inaccuracy as from underachievement, though. Or, somehow, lower your expectations.


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Re: Bridge to Terabithia?
« Reply #7 on: 11 Mar 2007, 10:07 »

I read the book in sixth grade, and it was the first book that ever made me cry. And by cry, I mean sob.

SO, my question is, is it worth seeing if I loved the book? Or will it just make me angry?

Yeah, my class read it in the fifth grade.  We went one chapter at a time, aloud in class.  I bought my own copy just to read ahead.

I'm very ambivalent about the movie.  I've heard good things, but the CGI overload just rubs me the wrong way.  The story just doesn't need it; the fantasy-world itself was never the point.


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Re: Bridge to Terabithia?
« Reply #8 on: 15 Mar 2007, 21:29 »

yes i too have read message boards on imdb and many say that it is not at all like Narnia....this is funny for in The Chronicles of Narnia The Silver Chair(book) Teribithia is the name of a small island i suggest people read the book. (btw i registered about 3 minutes ago....i like to get active :-))


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Re: Bridge to Terabithia?
« Reply #9 on: 06 May 2007, 14:17 »

the fantasy-world itself was never the point.

I am worshipping you so hard at this moment. No one else seems to have realised this!

I loved this film, frankly. Just got home from seeing it about an hour ago, and it was the first film in a long time that mad me cry. In fact I'm pretty sure the people sat behind us cried too, and I know my dad did. Also it managed not to have the tacky "aww aren't they cute, girl and boy are friends, let's make them fall in love!" thing that films seem to like.

There were a couple of places where I knew exactly what was going to happen (not the big one though, I don't think anyone was expecting that) but this was probably the first film ever where predictabiility was a good thing. I liked the fact that I knew what things symbolised.

The opening felt a bit awkward. I knew that it would get better, because it always works like that in Disney children films, IMO. But when it got going, it was very good. And I loved the youngest sister's name!
There's this really handy "other thing" I'm going to write as a footnote to my abstract that I can probably explore these issues in. I think I'll call it my "dissertation."


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Re: Bridge to Terabithia?
« Reply #10 on: 06 May 2007, 17:11 »

My friend's mother illustrated the book.

I have yet to see the movie.
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Re: Bridge to Terabithia?
« Reply #11 on: 08 May 2007, 20:47 »

Jesus. I saw this movie a while ago, and I knew what was going to happen. I was expecting it. I waited for it. The scenes leading up to it, I knew it was happening. I prepared myself.

And I still fucking cried like a baby.

I hate CGI effects in any movie. They always seem cheesy to me(and not to often good cheesy). But overall, I liked the film. The youngest girl reminded me of my kid sister.
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