I don't wanna hijack the thread, but I have a question, plus some info for the poster:
When I was learning to draw people, I found a site. Now, this site,
www.bakeneko.com, is mostly abandoned now, but it has some very good tutorials on getting general body forms down- even if you don't want to draw in the anime style like the tutorials are designed for, they are good generalized proportions in most cases, and simplify the body's muscle mass allowing you to figure out positioning easily. Right now, I'm studying Hogarth's Dynamic Anatomy to help me improve on muscle mass and structure, and highly recommend it.
Now, for my question. I prefer to draw by hand, and scan images into my computer to modify for the comics I'm preparing to use. However, here's my problem: I can't afford a Wacom tablet to use for 'retouching' my artwork, or anything like that, but I want to be able to fix things with my compy without doing it pixel by pixel with my mouse. Are there any quick tips for essentially removing the minor variations from my work without all the hassle? I mean, I've tried modifying the gamma, reversing colors, contrast, everything to try and make the images straight black and white but there's still the little contrasts that make color fills almost impossible and jaggies a constant worry from the over-pixelated images of my artwork.