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Author Topic: It's finally official.  (Read 6607 times)

Storm Rider

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It's finally official.
« on: 20 Apr 2007, 23:34 »


If Lair and Heavenly Sword aren't fucking amazing, then I guess I don't have any more reasons to shell out for a PS3.
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Re: It's finally official.
« Reply #1 on: 21 Apr 2007, 00:49 »

White Knight. I mean have you seen the previews for that game? Fantastic utterly fucking fantastic.

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Re: It's finally official.
« Reply #2 on: 21 Apr 2007, 01:17 »

WOO. My number one reason for spending 500 clams on this system is now defunct!
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Re: It's finally official.
« Reply #3 on: 21 Apr 2007, 09:03 »

Two things:

1) They haven't officially said that it's FFXIII that's going to other systems. It could be one of the spin-offs, though that seems bloody unlikely. It's almost guaranteed that they mean the main FFXIII game, since development costs are so high and they may as well port it to 360 to get more money, but still...

2) White Knight Story looks cool, but I can't help thinking "this sort of looks like a FFXII fan mod with better graphics." Level 5 are amazing developers who singlehandedly made the Dragon Quest franchise interesting and playable to those outside Japan, and Rogue Galaxy is a decent RPG from what I'm told, but still...


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Re: It's finally official.
« Reply #4 on: 21 Apr 2007, 11:48 »

I haven't enjoyed a Final Fantasy game in like 5 years.  X was okay.  XI was crap.  XII?  I refuse to spend 3 hours in a game before it's even interesting, let alone entertaining.

This news is falling of deaf ears with me.  You blew your chance at redemption with XII being a slow-paced piece of crap, Square.


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Re: It's finally official.
« Reply #5 on: 21 Apr 2007, 13:25 »

Wow, that's... kinda crappy.

I need to buy a new system anyways.
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Re: It's finally official.
« Reply #6 on: 21 Apr 2007, 13:27 »

So they break the news by announcing a mobile game? Wow.

Anyway, if it does come to the Xbox360, I am so getting it. I haven't played a FF game since VII.


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Re: It's finally official.
« Reply #7 on: 21 Apr 2007, 17:29 »

I haven't enjoyed a Final Fantasy game in like 5 years.  X was okay.  XI was crap.  XII?  I refuse to spend 3 hours in a game before it's even interesting, let alone entertaining.

This news is falling of deaf ears with me.  You blew your chance at redemption with XII being a slow-paced piece of crap, Square.

Yeah man, Lord of the Rings is boring as fuck for the first 100 pages. Why do people read that shitty book??

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Re: It's finally official.
« Reply #8 on: 21 Apr 2007, 17:50 »

WOO. My number one reason for spending 500 clams on this system is now defunct!

actually Sony discontinued the 500$ model, so you have to pay extra money (for extra bullshit)

as far as FF13, duh. were talking about a system that currently has the same amount of hits as Golden Earing. Developers are jumping ship like theres no tomorrow. in no way could just Lair and Heavenly Sword save this thing.

for ultimate irony, FF13 should go Wii. nothing would scream Pwned louder (course it ain't gonna happen)

Storm Rider

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Re: It's finally official.
« Reply #9 on: 21 Apr 2007, 19:05 »

I've seen the one White Knight trailer that's available right now (as far as I know), and I really wasn't that impressed. It certainly looks sharp, but we know almost nothing about it. Plus, almost no news about it has come out since it was first announced, so it won't be coming out forever.

We know there will be a PS3 God of War game eventually, and that will be amazing. I am not so big on Warhawk, especially since it went multiplayer only, and Heavenly Sword has been suspiciously lack with any kind of gameplay details/videos to this point. At this point, the Sony exclusives are nowhere near enough to merit coughing up 600 dollars.
[22:06] Shane: We only had sex once
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Re: It's finally official.
« Reply #10 on: 22 Apr 2007, 12:40 »

I haven't enjoyed a Final Fantasy game in like 5 years.  X was okay.  XI was crap.  XII?  I refuse to spend 3 hours in a game before it's even interesting, let alone entertaining.

This news is falling of deaf ears with me.  You blew your chance at redemption with XII being a slow-paced piece of crap, Square.

Yeah man, Lord of the Rings is boring as fuck for the first 100 pages. Why do people read that shitty book??

I do have to admit I found the story very... bland. That and comparing a classic fantasy novel which made every fantasy story ever made cliche with it's very existence to FFXII's story is very silly.


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Re: It's finally official.
« Reply #11 on: 22 Apr 2007, 19:26 »

yeah, only 2 reasons for me to consider the PS3

God of War 3

heck, i woulda been happy if it too was still a ps2 title the graphics they got out of the system where so good.  but God of War 3 is a must play for me

Metal Gear Solid 4

MGS 3 was the reason i bought the ps2.  its the only game thats made me buy a system solely for the purpose of playing it.  anything else you could always just go rent a rig for a week.

right now the 360 is the more compelling option, better games, edge in price (the new pro version looks sweeeet!) and all around more things going for it.  more games seem to be being made for it right off the bat (like GTA4)

Johnny C

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Re: It's finally official.
« Reply #12 on: 22 Apr 2007, 23:31 »

Yeah I just got a Wii but the next move is a 360 I think.
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Storm Rider

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Re: It's finally official.
« Reply #13 on: 22 Apr 2007, 23:39 »

The thing is, the God of War series is great and all, and I would probably buy a 300 dollar system to play a third one, but there's no way I'll slap down 600 for one more chance to mess shit up with Kratos. The PS3 is just too expensive for one game to be the decisive factor.
[22:06] Shane: We only had sex once
[22:06] Shane: and she was wicked just...lay there


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Re: It's finally official.
« Reply #14 on: 23 Apr 2007, 06:07 »

I keep meaning to play GoW 1 and 2, I just never get around to it. Kind of hard to do with the Wife and Son always in the room.

I spent 120 hours doing everything possible in FF VII. I played FF III (US) like 3 times. I quit VIII when I got to the end, and I knew I couldn't beat the optional hyper boss at the end. I think I just watched my GF beat the last boss. I liked 9 better than 8 but I still didn't beat the optional bosses and I don't think I played all the side quests. I tried playing X, but I just couldn't get into it. and that was the last FF game I played. I just don't have that kind of time to dedicate to a game anymore.

I have the Wii, I'm thinking of buying a 360, but I haven't seen anything that makes me think I need a PS3.



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Re: It's finally official.
« Reply #15 on: 23 Apr 2007, 07:22 »

Metal Gear Solid 4

MGS 3 was the reason i bought the ps2.  its the only game thats made me buy a system solely for the purpose of playing it.  anything else you could always just go rent a rig for a week.

right now the 360 is the more compelling option, better games, edge in price (the new pro version looks sweeeet!) and all around more things going for it.  more games seem to be being made for it right off the bat (like GTA4)

I'd lay very heavy odds on MGS 4 making its way to the 360. Honestly, out of all the major non-Sony produced exclusives, Final Fantasy XIII seemed like the least likely to lose its exclusivity. MGS 2 made it to Xbox, and considering how much the 360 is outselling the PS3 and the rate at which third party developers are jumping ship, I sincerely doubt that Sony will maintain exclusivity on it.

Really, the only solid rationale for buying a PS3 right now is the fact the Blu Ray player is allegedly a good quality one and it's cheaper than most any other Blu Ray player. The downside being, we're right in the thick of a format war with no clear winner in sight. Spending $600 on a format that has about a 50/50 chance of not being around in two years is VERY risky, especially considering how much cheaper an HD DVD player is.

All told, barring a MAJOR price drop (Which is fiscally implausible) or a complete breakdown in Microsoft (Probably even less likely), I don't think Sony has a snowball's chance in Hell of even taking second place in this generation of consoles. Unless Sony nails some MAJOR exclusives and keeps them exclusive, the current projected sales (9.5 million for 360, 6.52 for Wii and 3.15 for PS3, according to various articles online) will likely reflect the trend. It's going to be a two man race between Microsoft and Nintendo this time out, and I honestly think that considering the Wii's price point the two could easily coexist (I have a Wii and am buying a 360 next month). In the end, I'd say the Playstation 3 is pretty fucked.
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Re: It's finally official.
« Reply #16 on: 23 Apr 2007, 07:43 »

I don't think people fully appreciate the SIGNIFICANCE(!!) of both the Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest franchises jumping ship. Allow me to explain...

Not many people in the U.S. care about Dragon Quest, but VIII was the best selling game on PS2 in Japan, and any Dragon Quest game on a system means that system will sell like crazy. The fact that they are bringing Dragon Quest IX to the DS, which already sells like mad in Japan, means they just gave Nintendo a license to print (even more) money.

As for Final Fantasy, it's absurd the number of people who bought a PS1 and PS2 just to play the FF installments on those systems. None of my friends had any interest in the PS2 until FFX was shown off to the public. I would go so far as to say that the FF series has become a console making franchise in the U.S. That the main numbered game in the series might go multi-platform is unheard of, especially since every FF since VII has been on a Sony console.

The other important aspect we need to consider is that it costs a lot of money and takes a lot of resources to develop for the PS3 and 360. It makes more sense to developers, even the ones with lots of money and lots of resources like Square, Capcom, and Konami, to make their new installments multi-platform. It takes less money and resources to port a game than to develop it initially. On the other hand, we see Nintendo with their "underpowered" Wii and DS saying "come develop for us, it's easier and cheaper." The discrepancy in power between handhelds and consoles is getting smaller, such that we will start seeing major franchises have sequels (not spin-offs) on the DS. You can develop and release a DS game in much less time than it takes to develop a console game. They just announced Dragon Quest IX in December and I wouldn't be surprised if it was out by this winter in Japan.


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Re: It's finally official.
« Reply #17 on: 24 Apr 2007, 03:05 »

Really, the only solid rationale for buying a PS3 right now is the fact the Blu Ray player is allegedly a good quality one and it's cheaper than most any other Blu Ray player. The downside being, we're right in the thick of a format war with no clear winner in sight. Spending $600 on a format that has about a 50/50 chance of not being around in two years is VERY risky, especially considering how much cheaper an HD DVD player is.

In a vacuum where Blu-Ray and HD-DVD are the only options, Blu-Ray will win, as much as I am loathe to say it. It has more support and more recognition among videophiles already and is pulling ahead very quickly. In the real world, however, there is a third option: none of the above. And that's what the average consumer will choose. Most people don't give a crap about an HD disc technology. They don't have the TV to support it, they don't want to spend the money for the hardware to play it, and beyond the resolution increase there's no incentive to buy it. DVD was a very noticable improvement from VHS: interactive menus, special features, easy to use, no rewinding, etc. When DVD fell to affordability (which took several years) there was no reason to stay behind on VHS.

I don't see that same epiphany happening to the HD disc formats. It will be a niche market until it just fizzles out due to the advent of a superior technology.
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Re: It's finally official.
« Reply #18 on: 24 Apr 2007, 09:06 »

Normally I am all up on these things, but my dad asked me to explain the difference between Blu-Ray and HD-DVD yesterday and I was at a loss.

Anyways, Sony's apparently even lost exclusivity of Katamari Damacy. Poor bastards. And by "poor" I mean "arrogant."
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Re: It's finally official.
« Reply #19 on: 24 Apr 2007, 09:24 »

Why aren't they porting Katamari to Wii?? It's a perfect god damn game for what the Wii is all about.


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Re: It's finally official.
« Reply #20 on: 24 Apr 2007, 09:53 »

The difference between the formats is, overall, negligible. Blu Ray is bigger (25/50 for dual layer) than HD DVD (15/30 for dual layer). Beyond that, there's really no difference that's measurable by human perception. Blu ray costs more, though, obviously and the porn industry recently jumped ship to side with HD DVD, so I'm thinking if there's a winner, I'd bet on HD DVD now.

As for K.D., that's a good point. That game seems tailor made for the Wii controller.
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Johnny C

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Re: It's finally official.
« Reply #21 on: 24 Apr 2007, 10:50 »

There is a rumoured Wii version but they haven't announced it yet.

Judging from the sheer number of objects visible in the Katamari preview pics I'd assume they'd have a bit of a stumbling block as far as slowdown is concerned. Katamari's always been about simple graphics so that wouldn't be a problem, but if the Wii would have trouble rendering the volume of zombies in Dead Rising then I assume it would have problems rendering six hundred Fish Men.

Also 0bsessions I have no idea what those fractions mean.
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Re: It's finally official.
« Reply #22 on: 24 Apr 2007, 11:12 »

Gigabytes. Blu Ray is 25 for single layer, 50 for dual, HD DVD is 15 for single layer, 30 for dual.
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Re: It's finally official.
« Reply #23 on: 24 Apr 2007, 13:41 »

Gigabytes. Blu Ray is 25 for single layer, 50 for dual, HD DVD is 15 for single layer, 30 for dual.

and when it comes right down to it, they even use the same codec.  Blu-Ray had a different one, but it apparently sucked, so they changed it to the one that HD-DVD was using.
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