Two of my best internet buddies recently set up a site called
PlayItHardcore. We're currently constructing a wiki-style site that offers guides on how to beat a game without ever relying on saving and reloading. Saves are only for when you stop playing and have to go do something in the real world!
I myself am going to be heavily involved in making the site work (I am planning on doing Call of Duty and Half-Life 2 here soon, and I also made the difficulty ratings images) and offer you guys to go take a look and participate. So far, we've really only got a couple snippets of soulmata's hardcore Morrowind run, as well as an entire youtube'd walkthrough of his Deus Ex 2 massacre playthrough (the videos are still being uploaded, but I've watched up through Lower Seattle and it's hilarious), and a FallOut 2 guide.
We realize this is going to take a lot of work for what we plan to be doing. That's one reason I'm saying, come give us a hand! Any game is welcome, as well, regardless of system. I will likely be doing some runs of the 3 SNES Megaman X games, so it doesn't have to be an epic long game like, say, Baldur's Gate 2. The rating system wasn't invented purely so everything would be a 5 or above, after all.