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Author Topic: Reccomend me a MMORPG  (Read 38451 times)


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Re: Reccomend me a MMORPG
« Reply #50 on: 27 Jun 2007, 12:04 »

Goddamnit. I told myself I wouldn't get lost in another MMORPG, but I want frigates all over my boh-dee!
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Re: Reccomend me a MMORPG
« Reply #51 on: 28 Jun 2007, 08:34 »

  I got my Jaguar assault ship yesterday.  Boo yaa! . . .  :mrgreen:


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Re: Reccomend me a MMORPG
« Reply #52 on: 18 Jul 2007, 11:26 »

I'd have to recommend GuildWars, mainly because it's free and easy to pick up and play. Definately the best PC game i've ever played, Plus, you can add me and i can walk you through the early parts of the game and anything you have difficulty with. (if anyone else uses GW you should totally PM me  :-P).


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Re: Reccomend me a MMORPG
« Reply #53 on: 18 Jul 2007, 12:38 »

Wait, It's free?  Where can I download it?  Or do I have to actually buy a copy of the disk?

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Re: Reccomend me a MMORPG
« Reply #54 on: 18 Jul 2007, 13:07 »

You have to buy the actual disk, but there's no monthly fee. That's what he meant by 'free to play'. Better than shelling out 15 dollars a month for WoW.
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Re: Reccomend me a MMORPG
« Reply #55 on: 18 Jul 2007, 13:11 »

I might look into it.  My computer is kind of shitty.


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Re: Reccomend me a MMORPG
« Reply #56 on: 18 Jul 2007, 18:12 »

If you're seeking a free MMO then Runescape is a good bet.

I played that for a whole 2 years and don't regret it now
As long as you have some tolerance to idiocy then you'll be absolutly fine!


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Re: Reccomend me a MMORPG
« Reply #57 on: 19 Jul 2007, 07:59 »

I got Guild Wars the other night.  My friend gave me the disk and his account and everything.  I played for about an hour.  I don't see anything terribly wrong thus far.


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Re: Reccomend me a MMORPG
« Reply #58 on: 19 Jul 2007, 09:07 »

Ok I've finished exams now I've got a load of time\money to burn and am looking for a good online RPG to play. The Last one I played was Ultima Online and that was years ago (from '99-02). I know what a major time vacuum these things can be but I'm pretty prepared to waste my vacation (and possibly beyond). Anyway I'm after some recommendations.

I'm not really interested in World of Warcraft, I've seen people playing it doesn't really look like my thing. I think I'd prefer a Sci-Fi based game rather then fantasy (but if you know a decent fantasy based MMORPG, you can recommend that too).

Two games I've been thinking about are either Anarchy online or Eve online, I think theres some people on these forums who play Eve, does anyone want to share there experiences of either of these with me, what are the good / bad things about them etc.

I'm pretty amazed that no one has mentioned world of warcraft yet...

this game is just freaking *FUN*!
There is tons of variety of play- lots of options for race, professions and classes; and the best part is that leveling is a lot easier and more fun than in other games. In fact you can level completely by yourself (if you choose) as any class in the game! I dunno if you are looking to play a MMO you gotta at least *think* about playing WOW :)


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Re: Reccomend me a MMORPG
« Reply #59 on: 19 Jul 2007, 09:10 »

He did think about it.  He also said he's not interested in it.


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Re: Reccomend me a MMORPG
« Reply #60 on: 19 Jul 2007, 18:34 »

I was in the WoW beta for a while, got to level 10, decided I wanted nothing to do with it ever again.  It really is a boring piece of shit. I'm just hoping Age of Conan turns out to be substantially better (and it is, from what I've heard so far), because if I'm going to finally cave and buy an MMO, I want it to be worth the money I put into it.
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Re: Reccomend me a MMORPG
« Reply #61 on: 19 Jul 2007, 20:49 »

World of Warcraft may get old fast, but it sure is addicting as fuck.


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Re: Reccomend me a MMORPG
« Reply #62 on: 20 Jul 2007, 08:03 »

Note about Guild Wars: you don't actually have to buy a physical disc: you're paying for a license to use it, in the form of a product key. You can download the client, enter a trial key if you have one, or buy one online.

As for SF MMORPGs: I've heard of City of Heroes and its sequel City of Villains, though I've never tried either.


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Re: Reccomend me a MMORPG
« Reply #63 on: 20 Jul 2007, 09:45 »

Started an Eve account, running around newbie ville, if anyone knows a good corp let me know. In game name is Edgar Loran.


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Re: Reccomend me a MMORPG
« Reply #64 on: 21 Jul 2007, 11:28 »

I've had friend excited about Age of Conan for what feels like years now.  I still haven't heard much else about it, but I hope for their sake it turns out.  Could be awesome.  Same goes for WHO, I hope, anyway.

I played WoW for two years, but my reasoning for MMORPing was chat and having fun more than seeing pretty content and getting uber phat l00tz.  So, when people started sucking (as they are wont to do), I quit having fun.  I don't see myself prescribing to another MMO anytime soon.

City of Villains/Heroes (Villoes?) was fun, but you get the biggest kick out of it in character creation.  That's fun and all, but it's really just a novelty.  I'd love EQ and SW:G if Sony's UI's didn't make my brain hurt right here.

Eve, as witnessed throughout the rest of this thread, seemed way to friggin' complicated.  I am bitter and jaded!  Grawr!


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Re: Reccomend me a MMORPG
« Reply #65 on: 21 Jul 2007, 15:00 »

I'd have to agree with the WoW bashers out there. Unless you plan to invest many long hours 4-5 nights a week to a serious raiding guild there is no point to getting into the game at this point. It's only been about 6 months since the release of the much anticipated "Burning Crusade" expansion pack and Blizzard has already said on the forums that there will only be 1-2 major content patches until the next expansion, if the game survives that long, and no new armor sets. Non-raid dungeons are repetitive and really not much of a challenge and Player vs Player Battlegrounds are rediculously one sided unless you're rolling with a group of well geared friends. I've been playing since pretty much since launch and sadly the game hasn't kept up with the times, not to mention buggy content and bad in game support make the $13-$15 a month fee (after the $20 game and $35 expansion) just not worth it.

P.S. anyone who's already playing, Phelaira lvl 70 Warlock on Alliance side,  Eredar server

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Re: Reccomend me a MMORPG
« Reply #66 on: 21 Jul 2007, 15:03 »

Somehow I have my doubts WoW will die anytime soon. You know, with 8 million subscribers or whatever it is now.
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Re: Reccomend me a MMORPG
« Reply #67 on: 22 Jul 2007, 08:57 »

It's not the wrong group to cater for, just the group you're not in. What they should really do is release content for all of the customers if they want to keep everyone happy.

Who would have thunk it that WoW would end up being all for the hardcore types and EVE going more and more for the casual gamer?
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Re: Reccomend me a MMORPG
« Reply #68 on: 22 Jul 2007, 09:02 »

It's the wrong group to cater to from a business standpoint, because I highly doubt the majority of the 8 million players are in 25-mans and above.  Most of them are probably people who log in to PvP a little, do some questing, then go to bed at a healthy hour because they aren't obsessed with the game... yet.  The old Azeroth needs some updating, but they really couldn't care less.

And I want to be able to be a bird in Azeroth, where I learned the gorramn spell, thanks.

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Re: Reccomend me a MMORPG
« Reply #69 on: 22 Jul 2007, 13:32 »

People are still playing the original Everquest, so I'm pretty sure WoW, which has become more popular than any other MMO in history, will still be open in 2015 at the very least.

And it seems like the next MMOs that everyone is really excited about are Age of Conan, Warhammer Online, and whatever the hell the BioWare MMO ends up being. The thing is, with the breakout success of WoW and the incredibly lucrative nature of MMOs, there are now like 5 million MMOs in development, because everyone wants to capture all the WoW players when the fanbase eventually tapers off.
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Re: Reccomend me a MMORPG
« Reply #70 on: 23 Jul 2007, 07:34 »

  Gah, hasn't anyone ever heard of a little game called Darkfall?!

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Re: Reccomend me a MMORPG
« Reply #71 on: 26 Jul 2007, 14:29 »

City of Heroes is pretty good, though having to solo at level 30 is annoying


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Re: Reccomend me a MMORPG
« Reply #72 on: 26 Jul 2007, 21:14 »

 I'm currently playing WoW... Suffice to say, it sucks.

I've been playing off and on for a while... I started my rogue back in late '04 early '05(ish). I got to 58 in about 3 months time(didn't play too much, and sadly, these were the golden days of WoWing) and then took a long break until BC was released. Some of my friends who I was playing with a lot before the break came back too, so that was cool... The new content was kinda neat, but it only kept my attention for the better part of a week(I had exams, which didn't help either =0). When I quit back in February I was lv63 with a couple of my closest in-game friends around the same level. So, as winter slowly faded to spring, and spring to summer, I decided I might as well pick up WoW again... It's still the same old shit, only with nobody around.

 My biggest WoW pet-peeve is the fucking tedious ass quests. I'd rather go on a slaughter fest instead of doing this bullshit for these people. There's no god-damned short prologue to get you interested in the task that they're making you do, but it's just as well, because each of these quests of epic proportions that you're sent on take about 10minutes max! It's just "Hey man, I lost my book atop the Ogre Mound south of here. Go get it for me and I'll give you a sensual award *wink* *wink*" You're retarded if you decide you'd like to explore the place yourself and find it, because you can do it in half the time if you use thottbot to tell you exactly what to do. It's bullshit, less MMO and more RPG people! These bullshit quests you do to no avail daily just feel like chores to get exp! Quest grinding is like 1000000 times worse than monster grinding! Basically, I'm fighting to even play the game, I'm that bored with it. Isn't it supposed to be vice versa with MMORPGs?

Seriously guys, the first MMORPG that actually has a cool story will be phenomenal. FFXI was pretty awesome, but the grinding was horrendous since parties were mandatory.

Anyway, if anyone plays Server: Drak'thul  Name:Elverkonge Faction:Alliance Class: level 66 Rogue


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Re: Reccomend me a MMORPG
« Reply #73 on: 27 Jul 2007, 10:21 »

I've played a are my opinions...

Guild Wars - if you don't want to pay a monthly fee, go with Guild Wars; frequent expansions, Nice's a pretty good game. However, it -is- free for a reason, and I don't feel it has the same long term appeal as some of the other subscription games. In's a poor man's lineage. Guild Wars is pretty, but when it comes down to it, I want a little more than ‘pretty’….but that’s no reason to turn away; Guild Wars looks good, seems to release new content and expansions faster than you can buy them, and is well worth a look if you’re not wanting to pay a subscription fee….if you are willing to pay to play, then have a look at an upgrade…

Lineage 2 - For a long time, Lineage 2 was my favorite game....why did I stop playing? Because of the free pvp. Never buy a game that has free pvp....why? Because sooner or later you'll end up in that 'low level, high level' crossover zone, and some high level wazzock will find it funny to go out of his way to one-hit you, laugh, and run reason, just to be a smeghead. Death in Lineage was far too expensive (massive exp loss, and potential drop of gear, up to and including your currently equipped weapon/amour) for this to be justified....PKers killed Lineage for me, and I don't intend to go back. It was a good game in its day though…it’s probably the prettiest MMORPG on the market, with a massive selection on nice looking armor, weapons, raid bosses, and so on….but honestly, the world is pretty small by MMORPG standards, and the odds of you making it through the low levels without being ganked are next to 0. You’ll lose gear, levels, and time far too often, and just be driven to frustration.

City of Heroes/Villains - Fun, but a little dated. Extensive character customization though...far in excess of any other MMORPG on the market (that I know of). Soloing can be a little difficult at times, but it’s still a fun little enterprise. While I don’t believe that CoH/V is the –best- on the market, it still is a very good game, that I don’t really find any fault with it. My only real turn off was the absolute lack of RP that went on. If all you want to do is fight, fight, fight, then CoH/V is worth a look (P.S. City of Villains kicks City of Heroes in the marbles).

Lord of the Rings Online – Bought it, played it, wasn’t impressed. However, it’s far too early to be writing it off. The Game is still young, and there’s still a lot of content to be added…but, thus far, it was the least enjoyable MMORPG I’ve played. I’m keeping my account with it though, just to give it a sporting chance later when there’s some new content added.

World of Warcraft – There are three types of people in the world….those who love WoW, those who hate WoW, and those who have yet to play it. For people who have been introduced to the game, there simply aren’t any neutral stances…I happen to be in the majority camp that believe it is, by far and away, the best MMORPG on the market, and will likely continue to be so. While there are some things I find at fault with WoW, the fact is that the game has provided me with a great deal of fun and enjoyment that far outweighs whatever personal gripes I may have.

The game world is absolutely vast (larger still since the Burning Crusade came out, and with the likely addition of a new continent in the next expansion), there are many playable races with their own distinct character and flavor, many different classes that can be specialized to do very different things (a Holy Paladin and Retribution paladin, although the same class, will fight in a very different manner, for example), two distinct factions with their own storylines, cities and characters, optional pvp (on non-pvp servers) so you won’t be endlessly ganked by high level wazzocks….WoW simply offers more than anything else that I’ve yet encountered.

Obviously, nobody is going to be completely happy with it…but I can honestly say that I have yet to hear an argument from the ‘anti’ camp that I really agreed with, or that I felt was strong enough to make the game either not worthwhile, or not fun to play. WoW is what it is: the market leader, and I believe it is worthy of its reputation as being the best in the field.


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Re: Reccomend me a MMORPG
« Reply #74 on: 27 Jul 2007, 21:07 »

I know it's not an MMO, but for someone who is griping about there being less RPing in MMOs, you can pick up The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, or Oblivion.  The former of which is incredibly dated and shoddy looking compared to most RPGs/MMOs today, but you cannot find a richer world than Morrowind.  Literally endless things to do.  I spent an entire summer playing it, beating the three main quests, as well as two guild quests, and a Great House quest.  I think I logged over one hundred hours on it in three weeks time.  Strictly for the fact that it is such a wonderful, deep environment, Morrowind is probably one of my favorite games ever, if not my favorite.


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Re: Reccomend me a MMORPG
« Reply #75 on: 28 Jul 2007, 15:45 »

If you are looking for a game that has quest grinding, and the quests are actually interesting and entertaining then LOTRO is the way to go. WoW's quests at times can make me chuckle but for the most part they are boring, tedious and monotonous. I am not saying that the quests in LOTRO won't be monotonous at times, but the main difference is that they have crafted it in such a way that almost every quest seems to have a purpose.


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Re: Reccomend me a MMORPG
« Reply #76 on: 03 Aug 2007, 10:24 »

City of Heroes/Villains ... My only real turn off was the absolute lack of RP that went on.

There are actually certain servers that are known for their RP. I believe the most popular RP server is Virtue.
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Re: Reccomend me a MMORPG
« Reply #77 on: 03 Aug 2007, 16:15 »

Instead of doing an in detail comparison of all the MMOs I've played (and I'll include GW since its not really a MMO but still):

FFXI > Planetside > Guild Wars > Lineage 2 > WoW > Earth & Beyond

I'm currently playing Middle Earth Online trying it out (aka Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar).  I don't honestly know where to put it, I'm level 25 so not highest level yet, but I've walked all the way to Rivendell and to the opposite side, as well as made it to a good portion of Angmar on foot at my level alone.  To me that bodes bad for the game - that and the fact that they are very very strict to the Tolkien lore which is a nice thing, but means there is absolutely no magic in the game, no fights with Balrogs in end game dungeons, hell even the giant spider you can't fight.  They'll be in the game, but you can't fight them.  Which makes your character the single most powerful/glorified BOAR killer in the game.  That is a bit drabby...

Edit: I forgot to mention I heard Age of Conan was looking good, but the appeal of the game to me isn't sticking so far.  I think I need to go read more up on it for it to really grab me.  Eve Online definitely tempted(s) me, but I'm worried about the long travel times which were rampant in Earth & Beyond and the fact if you're not in a Corp the game is boring.  I don't mind being in a group/linkshell/guild/corp/whatever, but also at times I like playing the game solo. 

And the one MMO that has me twitching to play *pun intended* is Huxley - but god knows when the game will be released.  Its had more delays than even Middle Earth online did, but the videos of gameplay and the game itself are just gorgeous and tantalizing to me.
« Last Edit: 03 Aug 2007, 16:18 by Kana »


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Re: Reccomend me a MMORPG
« Reply #78 on: 13 Aug 2007, 10:49 »

I've been enjoying Vanguard for awhile, but there are still problems with the UI crashing, and there is no high-end raid content.  Also, membership is seriously declining.  Which is a shame, because Vanguard is an absolutely gorgeous game, with well balanced classes, and a HUGE world to play in. 

However, as much fun as Vanguard has been for a casual MMO-er like myself, I'll probably end up switching to Age of Conan when that comes out.  It'll give me an excuse to install my copy of Vista Ultimate that has been sitting around since March.  It's a Mature-rated MMO, with advertised features like graphic violence, nudity, prostitution, and drug use.  Can I get a hell yeah?


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Re: Reccomend me a MMORPG
« Reply #79 on: 13 Aug 2007, 22:31 »

Well obviously as it's rated M for Mature, it's intended for an adult audience.  I'm interested to see how tasteful it will be in regards to the story and world in general, as opposed to just having it there for the sake of having it there.  Hopefully the rating will keep out the afterschool kids screaming "OMG FUCK YOU NOOB" (in pre-adolescent soprano) into their headsets.  That's one of the reasons I didn't stay with WoW after my trial ran out. 


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Re: Reccomend me a MMORPG
« Reply #80 on: 14 Aug 2007, 00:01 »

In regards to the M-rated nature of Conan, the content there has more to do with a desire to stay faithful to the Robert E. Howard source material than any sort of marketing ploy to get people with "hey look, blood and boobs!"  I mean sure, it'll get those people too, but I admire the developers for taking such care in staying true to Howard's original creation, while jazzing it up a bit for the kids.  This is most definitely not the Conan seen in the movies.


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Re: Reccomend me a MMORPG
« Reply #81 on: 14 Aug 2007, 03:12 »

Well I dropped LoTR:O, the game just wasn't doing it.  Perhaps down the line with patches they'll add more interesting stuff, but that game didn't do it.  I'm now looking at whats there to look at and do at this point.  From what I'm seeing of Conan I'm not too terribly thrilled.  I don't mind swords and all that, but this barbarian/medieval/dark age crap style of aesthetics isn't doing it for me (one of the reasons I pulled away from LoTR:O).  Before all of you smack me for liking appealing graphics, its just my opinion and why those games won't hold interest.  Hell, Guild Wars held me longer than it should have because of the beauty, but that can't keep me going.

Eve looks beautiful but it also looks more time consuming than even FFXI was for me.  Not to mention I played a space mmo before (Earth & Beyond, EA blunder) and it has some comparable things that worry me.

It would be nice to find a good MMO with decent ability to party and/or solo for exp, an established healthy economy, PKing and PvP aren't rampant, has good balance (the devs just don't nerf the hell out of stuff), good crafting system, can be played hardcore or casual (time-wise), and has some nice graphics and a good look to it.  I guess its just asking for too much.


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Re: Reccomend me a MMORPG
« Reply #82 on: 14 Aug 2007, 20:52 »

I just thought I'd point out that the world of Conan is very different from the world of LotRO, and I am sick as hell of LotR stuff, even things not based directly off the films.  Although I can see what you're getting at with a lack of desire for more swords and sorcery.  Still worth keeping in mind that the Conan backstory is much darker than LotRO, and the barbarian they are depicting is a much more cerebral fighter than Ahnuld ever was. 

If you're looking for something different, it's worth giving Grenado Espada: Sword of the New World a try.  It's a typical Korean grindfest, but so far the novelty of controlling 3 characters (think typical MMO+RTS) is keeping me interested.  Best part, it's free to play up to level 20, so there's no risk in giving it a test drive.  I'll probably get bored of grinding eventually, but for now the gameplay and art style are enough.  Linky here:
« Last Edit: 14 Aug 2007, 23:30 by Noct »


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Re: Reccomend me a MMORPG
« Reply #83 on: 14 Aug 2007, 23:08 »

If anyone's interested in the idea of a MMO RPG/FPS, check out Tabula Rasa from PlayNC (same company that puts out City of Heroes and Guild Wars, etc)
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Re: Reccomend me a MMORPG
« Reply #84 on: 15 Aug 2007, 02:29 »

The only reason I don't care about Tabula is because of Huxley.  That and the last PlayNC MMO (Lineage 2) I played didn't hold well with me although thats just opinion.  The other game with the 3 people at one time thing has some nice looking graphics, but I don't think I could get into gameplay that much controlling 3 chars RTS or FFXII gambit style (whichever its closest to).

Someone tell me what MMO would be closest to this:

- Armors that are as stunning as Lineage 2 (Guild Wars weren't bad either)
- Gameplay allowing Solo or Party play (with a nicely setup LFG/LFM system)
- An auction house system (I couldn't believe L2 didn't have an AH, the bazaar crap for the entire system doesn't work too nicely)
- Good content at low, medium, and end game
- Customizability (At the end game everybody doesn't look EXACTLY like each other or necessarily have all the same setup of skills)
- A good crafting system (where every single synth isn't in the negative and the exp gained from each recipe isn't significantly nuked down past a level)

Also one thing about Eve that troubles me is the travel times.  I get home from work, grade papers, setup lesson plans, blah blah blah.  If it takes me 30-45 minutes or even longer to just travel somewhere all the time.  That's not going to let me get very far in the game at all with current time so...

Ones so far I've played:

The Good:

The Ok:
Guild Wars

The Meh:
Lineage 2

Ones I'm curious about:
Age of Conan
Eve (Maybe)
Any others I haven't checked out or mentioned?


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Re: Reccomend me a MMORPG
« Reply #85 on: 18 Aug 2007, 16:10 »

Actually, for Eve, as long as you are carebearing, you can travel while doing work!

I typed up most of my reports n such while the autopilot was taking me places! Ofcourse, if you head into low sec/0.0 you reallly dont want to do that, due to scary people wanting to blow up your ship. But still yey!
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Re: Reccomend me a MMORPG
« Reply #86 on: 18 Aug 2007, 23:18 »

so i'm guessing UO shards are basically dead now?

i didn't start playing until summer of 06 but, my shard was a lot of fun and i got addicted quickly. i've been trying to find a shard but i can't find any that have races and good rp that are still active.

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Re: Reccomend me a MMORPG
« Reply #87 on: 19 Aug 2007, 09:10 »

I'm currently playing Ryzom. It's pretty cool, actually. Well, from the little bit I've played. The magic looks pretty!

That is SO not the reason I play it. I play it because, like I said, from what I've seen this is. the game seems to not make you pick a class. You can choose to do absolutely anything class wise (Fight, Magic, Forage, or craft are the things the game allows, hence "anything"). I've heard it's slightly addicting. It actually is.


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Re: Reccomend me a MMORPG
« Reply #88 on: 19 Aug 2007, 11:54 »

I reactivated my old FFXI account from 2 years ago to find all my characters still there and most of my gear.  I'm just really bumming along seeing whats changed, not sure if I'm going to even seriously play it.  The new city from the ToAU expansion sucks...and the economy has seriously been deflated.  What once cost 10 million now cost 300k.  Hmm...


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Re: Reccomend me a MMORPG
« Reply #89 on: 20 Aug 2007, 09:14 »

I'm really into 9 Dragons lately.


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Re: Reccomend me a MMORPG
« Reply #90 on: 21 Aug 2007, 11:59 »

I might get everquest 2, I played the trial/demo and I digged being a fae named after Connor Oberst (from Bright Eyes).
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Re: Reccomend me a MMORPG
« Reply #91 on: 22 Aug 2007, 12:04 »

City of Heroes/Villains is a lot of fun if you're in any way into superheroes/comics.  Creating endless numbers of superhumans is really fun and the team aspect of it makes you feel important in your group as long as your into the social team experience in MMOs.  If you like soloing, this game can get old pretty fast in my opinion.  But then again I feel that way about most MMOs.


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Re: Reccomend me a MMORPG
« Reply #92 on: 22 Aug 2007, 23:28 »

Yeah, I wouldn't pay $15 a month for a Massively Multiplayer game, just to play by myself.
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Re: Reccomend me a MMORPG
« Reply #93 on: 24 Aug 2007, 03:39 »

Forget about WoW, Its not fun anymore. Noone roleplays AT ALL on the roleplaying server (you know, the one were you're supposed to roleplay ) That and the game is full of stupid pubie teenagers. Im in one of those groups, but Im not as annoying as all the other ones. I liked WoW when it had a large supply of the older crowd, because believe it or not, the older crowd is the cooler crowd. My guild broke up, so I didnt really have a reason to play the game anymore.

Hopefully Everquest 2 would have the people I'm looking for, but I'm not sure if I should get that seeing how bad Vangaurd Saga Of Heroes was. That game was EXTREMELY hardcore.
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Re: Reccomend me a MMORPG
« Reply #94 on: 24 Aug 2007, 11:30 »

I would so use a Jackson Warrior in place of a battle axe.

(Is it just me or does that game look strikingly similar to WoW?  At first glance I thought it was.)


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Re: Reccomend me a MMORPG
« Reply #95 on: 26 Aug 2007, 09:37 »

I must get this game!


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Re: Reccomend me a MMORPG
« Reply #96 on: 26 Aug 2007, 12:37 »

Forget about WoW, Its not fun anymore. Noone roleplays AT ALL on the roleplaying server (you know, the one were you're supposed to roleplay ) That and the game is full of stupid pubie teenagers. Im in one of those groups, but Im not as annoying as all the other ones.
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Anyway, Dungeon Runners is the game you'll want to play. Screenshot says it all.

it went down though! :'(
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Re: Reccomend me a MMORPG
« Reply #97 on: 29 Aug 2007, 21:03 »

Planeshift is a fun little MMO.

It's still in its pre-alpha stage, and still is absolutely free, but if you want to try your hand at it, go for it.

It's Mac friendly too. :mrgreen:


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Re: Reccomend me a MMORPG
« Reply #98 on: 02 Sep 2007, 15:14 »

everquest! check the thread >.>
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Re: Reccomend me a MMORPG
« Reply #99 on: 05 Sep 2007, 10:35 »

I still play Dark Age of Camelot quite a bit. It's got the best PvP system out of all of them, but it's very dated at this point.

Eve Online is awesome, but I can't play it - addiction sets in and I don't do anything else.

Most of my days are spent clicking away in Kingdom of Loathing. It's hilarious.

I played the original Asheron's Call through the entire beta test right up until 2 years ago. I might consider getting back into it out of sheer nostalgia's sake...
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