No, the first things I think when I think "post-rock" are Tortoise and Slint. EitS are like... third-wave. They copped their sound largely from GY!BE and Mogwai.
One thing I certainly don't understand is why EitS seem to be one of the most popular post-rock bands. I love them, but their latest album is somewhat boring and I'd say that Mono are doing the same thing much, much better.
What I really liked about the Red Sparowes concert on there is that it was a little broader in palette - slide guitar, bits of it even reminded me of old Metallica (in a good way). I could see the album being boring only if they made bad choices in terms of production and execution. If it sounds basically like the live show, I think I'd love it.
Take all this with the caveat that I only listen to post-rock as background music. When my friends and I get together, we don't put on Young Team and rock mope out. We generally end up getting drunk and watching The Last Waltz for the twentieth time or listening to Bruce Springsteen or Spacemen 3. (Yes, I know it sounds weird. We smoke a lot of dope, okay?)