I stumbled upon a comic awhile back and I don't remember what it was called. The art was crazy, very colorful and well done. It was a sci-fi comic involving an upper world and a lower world. There was a boy who had to take medicine to keep him from collapsing, and could fire these radioactive looking energy beams from his hands, and his girl cousin who is very loud and angry, and another guy. They meet up with a guy and a really badass girl from the lower world. The guy insists on bringing them and the girl is pretty against it... she has purple hair and you only see one of her eyes until later, when you find out she has a really bad scar that she covers with her hair. And there are crazy monsters, and a top secret government group, and all sorts of other stuff.
Argh, I forgot a lot about it, which is making it really hard to find. If anyone knows what I'm talking about, please let me know!