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Author Topic: The Random Question Game  (Read 88018 times)


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Re: The Random Question Game
« Reply #300 on: 19 Jul 2007, 21:16 »

"Its not who I am underneath but what I do that defines me." Batman, from Batman Begins. This is my favorite movie quote of all time since it is corny but expresses a concept which few have managed to successfully over time.

What do you believe and why?
I'm a girl! I have a vagina for god's sake!


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Re: The Random Question Game
« Reply #301 on: 19 Jul 2007, 23:00 »

I believe in a thing called loooooveeeee....
Kidding. I believe that extreme situations bring out the worst and best in people. Everything else is up for grabs.

Money or love?



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Re: The Random Question Game
« Reply #302 on: 20 Jul 2007, 01:35 »

oh, definitely money.

who was your most psycho ex? share your painful story with us so that we may be entertained.


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Re: The Random Question Game
« Reply #303 on: 20 Jul 2007, 05:50 »

Oh God... psycho ex... this one girl I dated would be absolutely crazy physically behind closed doors, but hated to display affection publicly. We broke up violently over that. I had a particularly good day, saw her in a mall, gave her a hug from behind, and she proceeded to elbow me in the ribs, turn around, and slap me so hard I fell down. I remember sitting there for a few moments, suppressing this anger, getting up slowly, turning to her, and telling her not to call me again.

Dunno where she is now because she took my advice.

To shift gears in a particularly more sadistic light, what's your favorite form of torture? Use details.


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Re: The Random Question Game
« Reply #304 on: 20 Jul 2007, 06:01 »

This is why I hate the "detailed answers" requirement. I spend like fifteen minutes writing up a response, and someone beats me to it. Fuck it, though. I win the psycho exes game, so I'm posting it anyways.

I have worked my way quite effectively through the briar patch of psychos. I've heard the phrase "Just because I said no, doesn't mean I didn't want you," and I've been dumped for getting "too serious" by a girl who proposed marriage to me. I even dated a girl for a year who was literally diagnosed as a borderline sociopath. They all pale, though, to this girl I dated just before I turned twenty.

We only dated for about a month. Within a couple weeks, she was telling me she loved me. She then started pressuring me with the whole "if you love me, you'll sleep with me" thing (Which I didn't want to do initially, as she was a virgin and I wasn't sure I'd be with her long). Eventually, I did sleep with her and then she got even worse. Calling me like every hour, popping up at my job randomly and getting paranoid about all my friends (At the time, most of my friends were girls). Eventually, I dumped her. What followed was a month of her STILL calling me every hour, only now she was threatening suicide and screaming shit like "how could you do this to me?!" (Don't forget, we only dated a single...fucking...month). After about a month, she ended up having herself committed and then a month later she showed up with her "girlfriend" at my new job. She asked me what I thought of her new girlfriend in a rather "see, I don't need you. I don't need you at all" desperate tone, I kinda responded with "Well, she's nice if you like plain, chubby chicks, I suppose."

Thankfully, I haven't seen her since then.

In answer to the actual followup question: the mercury torture. Basically, the way it works is you take a shaft of mercury in a VERY thin coating of glass (I.E., thinner than a thermometer) and jam it up a dude's urethra. From there, you bring in something that will arouse him. Shortly, the mercury will expand from the heat and burst inside his urethra. It makes me cringe thinking about it.

If you could only watch one TV show for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?
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Re: The Random Question Game
« Reply #305 on: 20 Jul 2007, 06:25 »

Doctor Who.
There's basically enough episodes to last me a lifetime, plus I would eat handfuls of cold gravel if David Tennant asked me to. I'm really quite upset that I work nights at my new job because it means I miss the new episodes, as well as Torchwood. I wanted to cry the first time I missed it, but I figured getting paid was really more important.

What is the most embarrassing thing you have ever worn?


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Re: The Random Question Game
« Reply #306 on: 20 Jul 2007, 06:30 »

I feel like there should be a timeframe on that question. Like, my mom used to dress me in pastel Benneton sweatsuits in elementary school, but such attire was not nearly as embarrassing then as it would be now. Or perhaps the question should specify what is the most embarrassed you have ever felt in an outfit, thus disallowing anything where you're embarrassed looking back on old photos or something like that.

Y'know what, it doesn't actually matter. I have a situation where I was terribly embarrassed at the time, and it is embarrassing to look back on it. When I first moved to this country, before school started there was a get-together for new day students (I went to a boarding school, but I lived in the area.) I was under the impression it was a pool party, so I wore my swimsuit (and mind you, the only swimsuit I had was rather garish.) As it happened, it was not a pool party, so there I was, this awkward nerdy highschooler, stuck in a gathering of my new classmates at a new school in a new country, and I'm dressed like a goddamn beach tourist. Oh yeah, and I was the only guy present; it just happened that every other student who showed up, including the upperclassmen running the orientation session, were girls.

What is the worst movie you have ever seen?
« Last Edit: 20 Jul 2007, 06:43 by jhocking »


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Re: The Random Question Game
« Reply #307 on: 20 Jul 2007, 06:54 »

Sounds hot.

Anyways, far and away, worst movie I have ever seen was the Blair Witch Project. It was awful and a letdown in any way. I actually fell asleep the first time I tried to watch it. The ending was also the biggest load of shit ever conceived.

What is the best movie you have ever seen?
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Re: The Random Question Game
« Reply #308 on: 20 Jul 2007, 08:03 »

The best movie I've ever watched? I don't know, I remember being really impressed by Fight Club and Memento. Both are, at the very least, excellent films. But I can't write much about them, while technically they were very good, very well made, etc. they didn't really affect me in any way, or leave me wanting to watch them again. So I'll talk about my favourite movie ever. Hopefully that'll turn out to be more interesting, anyway.
Almost Famous is far and away my favourite film. I've seen it so many times I've lost count. And that isn't an exaggeration. Every half term I have, I watch it at least once. I must have watched it at least half a dozen times last summer, and the summer before. My exams finished late June, and since then, I have watched the film three times, on three consecutive days. Instead of getting boring, as you'd excpect, it actually gets better every time I watch it. Now I know the plot inside out, and know word-for-word most of what is said, I'm noticing loads of incidental details and throw-away comments, and they just make the movie even better than before.
The reason I love it, though? Obviously, one of the big draws is the music. (the music budget was $3.5m most films have a music budget of less than $1.5m*) There isn't a bad song in the entire film, and they are all perfectly suited to locating the film within the time period, and more importantly, they really make you feel what the characters are feeling, which is something I honestly can't say for almost all of the other films I have ever seen.
Obviously the plot is also something that I love, but I won't go into spoilers so I don't ruin it for those of you who haven't seen it. I'd summarise it as the kind of coming-of-age story that everybody would love to go through.
Also: Kate Hudson topless!

Alrighty... a question. Do you watch comic > film adaptations? What is your opinion on them? Do they all suck? Are they all great? Is it anything more than directors trying to get a sure-fire hit?

*According to wikipedia.


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Re: The Random Question Game
« Reply #309 on: 20 Jul 2007, 11:12 »

it really depends on which movie you're talking about.  i loved the x-men films (except the last one), loved the spiderman films (still haven't seen the last one) i hated the hulk, hated fantastic four, hated hellboy, and hated sin city at first, but then i loved it.

there are so many variables... i'm much more likely to forgive shortcommings if it's a franchise i love (more LIKELY, but not NECESSARILY).  it depends on director, actors, script... specialFX are almost always good, so it's rarely the look of the film.

so, i guess what i'm getting at is, they're either really good, or total crap.  i don't think it's directors trying to get a sure-fire hit, i think it's the big companies that are trying to make a shit load of money whether the movie is good or not.  some directors love the franchise they're directing and try their best to do it justice.  but, then you keep making sequals that bleed the franchise dry...

ok, my question: what is the worst gift you ever recieved that you had to pretend to like?
"Liquor doesn't punch holes in walls, you just hate your dad."


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Re: The Random Question Game
« Reply #310 on: 20 Jul 2007, 12:37 »

A large variety of clothes... I hate receiving clothes as gifts, because it is usually stuff I would not be caught dead in. The most ghastly, I think was a powder blue sweater, which on it's own would be fine, but given my love of penguins, my grandmother took it upon herself to sew a couple dozen of them sporatically all over the sweater. My Sister was given one similar to it, excpet with kittens... the difference between my sister and I: she actually wears it. Mine is still shoved in a drawer at home somewhere...

Where are you going to be at 12:01 tonight?


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Re: The Random Question Game
« Reply #311 on: 20 Jul 2007, 13:08 »

At 12:01, I will be leaving my local 24-hour grocery store, with my new HP7 book in tow. Of course, I already have a copy of the book on my computer (whooo bit torrents and silly book sellers that shipped early!)... Ron dies on page 481, American version.

I was totally kidding, by the way. Hermione dies on that page. RON just gets terribly injured on page 266, and he ends up dying later, on page 621...

Who do YOU want to die in HP7? Remember, JKR said two "main characters" die.
« Last Edit: 20 Jul 2007, 13:10 by Caiphana »
Logged long as the word "cookie" is in your country's vocabulary, it's an okay place to be.

Those who forget the past may be doomed to repeat it, but those who refuse to learn from the past and move on are fucking idiots.


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Re: The Random Question Game
« Reply #312 on: 20 Jul 2007, 13:34 »

I think they should all die on the last page. A nuclear bomb should hit Hogworts, and unicorns shall rule the rubble.

Could you possibly tell that I don't give one shit about Harry Potter? How many shits do you give about Harry Potter?


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Re: The Random Question Game
« Reply #313 on: 20 Jul 2007, 13:37 »

I give a good few shits.

Who's a bigger wuss:

Someone who reads and enjoys kids books?

Or someone who can't hold their booze?
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Re: The Random Question Game
« Reply #314 on: 20 Jul 2007, 13:39 »

I hope that's a joke, Cai. (Dan mentioned banning people if they post those spoilers.)

Someone who can't hold their booze. I read children's books, I can hold my liquor, and I am no wuss.

What are you doing right now other than looking at a computer screen and typing an answer to my question?
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Re: The Random Question Game
« Reply #315 on: 20 Jul 2007, 13:41 »

edit: somebody else got to the question first


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Re: The Random Question Game
« Reply #316 on: 20 Jul 2007, 14:01 »

What are you doing right now other than looking at a computer screen and typing an answer to my question?
Eating a sammich and watching Moving Up.

How much TV do you watch on the average day?
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Re: The Random Question Game
« Reply #317 on: 20 Jul 2007, 14:09 »

Uh, yeah. I was totally bullshitting. I know that I would probably be tempted to murder anyone who posted spoilers for HP7 today (*especially* without warning). Of course, after tomorrow, I say everything's fair game. If you can't read a 700-page children's book in a day, it sucks to be you. Of course, I'll probably be dead in bed all weekend, recuperating...

I don't watch much TV. Half hour or so? Maybe one hour? It's usually on in the background, though.

What's the most gag-inducng thing you have ever eaten (either because you had to or because you didn't want to offend your best friend's mom or something)?
Logged long as the word "cookie" is in your country's vocabulary, it's an okay place to be.

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Re: The Random Question Game
« Reply #318 on: 20 Jul 2007, 15:11 »

I've been vegetarian since birth thanks to hippie parents, and as such I do not have the stomach enzymes to digest meat. Two weeks ago while at camp, the kitchen staff accidentally gave me meat sauce on pasta...
I only ate about two fork-fuls then promptly spent the next 5 hours vomiting and feeling like utter hell.

Have you ever had to perform the Heimlich maneuver on anyone?
Denn Du Bist, Was Du Isst   (you are what you eat)
also, related to burning stuff: a friend threw up on a hot water heater once, the vomit steam burned her face. awesome!


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Re: The Random Question Game
« Reply #319 on: 20 Jul 2007, 15:48 »

Yes. I took some classes for it awhile back, figuring I'd never use it, but it has actually come in handy a few times.

I'm baking brownies, as we speak. How do you prefer your brownies? "Cake like" or gooey?
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Re: The Random Question Game
« Reply #320 on: 20 Jul 2007, 16:00 »

Gooey, definitely. I put in chocolate chips to make it more better. I've never been a big fan of frosting on brownies, though, so they have to be gooey.

I like that word. Gooey.

What word or phrase have you used lately that someone TOTALLY misunderstood? (example: I said "trying to get that comforter into that grocery bag is a pointless exercise in futility," a few days back and a lady started talking about how her doctor says she needs to exercise more).
Logged long as the word "cookie" is in your country's vocabulary, it's an okay place to be.

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Re: The Random Question Game
« Reply #321 on: 20 Jul 2007, 18:37 »

Today is Stone Gossard of Pearl Jam's birthday. My mom told me this, and I said something, and she completely misunderstood what I said, saying "But it's his birthday..." I wasn't arguing that.

So, the other night, after(actually during, but towards the end) I texted a friend asking if they were still up(it was around 4 or 5am). They never wrote back, not a big deal. Last night, around 12-1am, I called them. No answer. I didn't really have anything in perticular that I needed to tell them, so I didn't leave a voicemail. However, I'm thinking of planning a movie night this Sunday, or Saturday depending on people's schedule. I'd like to invite this person along, but I would hate to call them again. This is someone who I've made out with, and such, but really don't want to be in a relationship with, despite wanting to hang out with him a lot. He agrees on the not going out thing. I don't want to seem to "girlfriend-y". Should I call tonight, or just wait until tomorrow, or so?
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Re: The Random Question Game
« Reply #322 on: 20 Jul 2007, 23:10 »

Wait until tomorrow. Best not to seem too forward, I suppose.

What place would you like to visit, if you could? (this does include imaginary places, if you so choose)


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Re: The Random Question Game
« Reply #323 on: 22 Jul 2007, 16:05 »

the weirdest dame I've ever played
awesome typo

holy shit I didn't even notice that.

and, to answer the question:  Italy.  I would give my left nut to be able to go to Italy, don't even care which part.

However, thanks to the magic of my school system, I get to go next summer!  MaiAda, if it turns out we get any free time in Rome, I'll try to let you know and we can get un gelato or something.

What one song instills the most emotion into you? Doesn't matter what emotion it is, just that you feel the most from listening to it.
i shotgunned a beer, made my facebook pic an american flag, and have been yelling "AMURIKA" all evening.


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Re: The Random Question Game
« Reply #324 on: 22 Jul 2007, 17:01 »

What one song instills the most emotion into you? Doesn't matter what emotion it is, just that you feel the most from listening to it.
Rogue Wave - California

Partially because of attached memories and partly because it's just great melancholy guitar and Zach's voice is amazing.

What was the last good book you read?


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Re: The Random Question Game
« Reply #325 on: 22 Jul 2007, 17:11 »

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I loooved it.

What's the last good movie you've watched?
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Re: The Random Question Game
« Reply #326 on: 22 Jul 2007, 17:13 »

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. I thoroughly enjoyed it. ...Actually, I can't remember if I saw that or Ratatouille last... So one of those.

What was the last good meal you had?
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Re: The Random Question Game
« Reply #327 on: 22 Jul 2007, 17:23 »

Last weekend. I went home and my mom made fish and some great potatoes. Otherwise I basically live off of Ramen.

What's your dream car?
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Re: The Random Question Game
« Reply #328 on: 22 Jul 2007, 18:16 »

One that's shaped like a pink unicorn and has wings and has a cappuccino machine! Basically I want to ride a pink unicorn with wings and a cappuccino machine.

What did you want to be when you were growing up?

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Re: The Random Question Game
« Reply #329 on: 22 Jul 2007, 18:43 »

A couple of things really. A Psychologist, then a Jet Pilot, then a voice actor, then a writer, then a screenwriter and now I'm studying to be a psychologist so I'm pretty much doin what I wanted to. The reason I changed my mind so many times was because all my teachers, well, most of my teachers said I wasn't smart enough to do Psychology.
However the correct answer to the 'What do you want to be when you grow up?" question is a slightly confused paused follwed by "I already am..."

Staying on topic, did anyone in a place of authority (eg. teacher, parent, 40 year old track coach...) tell you you're not smart enough to do what you wanted to do? If so, did you prove them wrong?
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Re: The Random Question Game
« Reply #330 on: 22 Jul 2007, 18:50 »

Yes. My middle school english teacher said I wasn't smart enough to be in the HS honors class. So 9th grade I was forced into the average english class, but the year after I was in honors and the two years after that I was in Advanced Placement and got college credit. I don't like it when people say things like that to me.

When you daydream, what's it about?
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Re: The Random Question Game
« Reply #331 on: 22 Jul 2007, 20:20 »

When you daydream, what's it about?
The myriad ways that I'm going to improve my life, starting the next day.

Who has been the most influential person in your life?

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Re: The Random Question Game
« Reply #332 on: 22 Jul 2007, 20:29 »

I would probably have to say my Dad.  Even though he is not usually around, thanks to the terms of the divorce, I have learned so much from him, like ethics and morals and how to be a good person.

If you were a super hero what kind of powers would you have?


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Re: The Random Question Game
« Reply #333 on: 22 Jul 2007, 20:31 »

The ability to change people's reality. I would use it only for my own amusement.

What is the lamest superpower ever? Be creative.


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Re: The Random Question Game
« Reply #334 on: 22 Jul 2007, 20:32 »

Being invulnerable without having anything else, and you still feel all the pain. You get to be the 'decoy' for everything.

What's your drug of choice?


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Re: The Random Question Game
« Reply #335 on: 22 Jul 2007, 20:35 »

Um...Matter-Eater Lad has the lamest powers ever. Hands down.

What's the weather like?

Edit: crap, to slow... Question remains, but answer to the last one: Caffine. I am addicted.


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Re: The Random Question Game
« Reply #336 on: 22 Jul 2007, 21:30 »


What is the furthest decimal point that you know pi?

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Re: The Random Question Game
« Reply #337 on: 22 Jul 2007, 21:43 »


That's the farthest it goes on a graphing calculator.

What is your favorite flavor of anything?


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Re: The Random Question Game
« Reply #338 on: 23 Jul 2007, 04:01 »

Being invulnerable without having anything else, and you still feel all the pain. You get to be the 'decoy' for everything.
oh man, I need to get 3x3 Eyes on DVD.


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Re: The Random Question Game
« Reply #339 on: 23 Jul 2007, 10:27 »

I do have mad triangle skills... But I'm not sure I'm ready to take on that responsibility... Nah.

How much wood could a woodchuck cut if a woodchuck could chuck wood?


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Re: The Random Question Game
« Reply #340 on: 23 Jul 2007, 11:39 »

Probably not much, woodchucks are fat little shits! Even if their front limbs were long enough to chuck wood anywhere, they'd probably just say fuckit and waddle off to munch plants and wander into traffic.

What is your opinion concerning mohawks? When you see someone sporting one, do you write them off as a little trendwhore kid, or does it pique your interest? Do they offend you in any way?
Denn Du Bist, Was Du Isst   (you are what you eat)
also, related to burning stuff: a friend threw up on a hot water heater once, the vomit steam burned her face. awesome!


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Re: The Random Question Game
« Reply #341 on: 23 Jul 2007, 12:03 »

I'm of the trendwhore argument. The mohawk's been done to death. It used to have rebellion and anti-establishment all over it, but now it's become such a mainstream "punk" staple that it's lost all meaning and street cred and just makes the wearer look like an oddball moron who doesn't realize they missed a spot shaving their head.

Though, by contrast, it's nowhere near as bad as the "devil lock." Nothing screams "I write utter shit poetry and cut myself to Linkin Park" than a devil lock.

What did you think of the new Harry Potter book? Try and elaborate a bit.

If you didn't read it, you can have an alternate question:

How does it feel to be excluded from that prior question? Are you hurt? Angry? Jealous?
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Re: The Random Question Game
« Reply #342 on: 23 Jul 2007, 12:50 »

Didn't read it. All of the above.

Did anybody notice that I completely fucked that woodchuck tongue-twister up?


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Re: The Random Question Game
« Reply #343 on: 23 Jul 2007, 12:53 »

Yes, but it didn't bother me.

How many terabytes of hard drive space do you have?
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Re: The Random Question Game
« Reply #344 on: 23 Jul 2007, 14:06 »

What the fuck is a terabyte? (Is it like 100 megs or something?)

Should that count as both the answer and question?


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Re: The Random Question Game
« Reply #345 on: 23 Jul 2007, 14:10 »

It's 1024 gigabytes. Which is a lot.

Would you/have you ever paid for sexual favors and if so, how much?
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Re: The Random Question Game
« Reply #346 on: 23 Jul 2007, 14:20 »

I haven't, nor would I ever. Why pay for something when people are so willing to give it for free? You see, God gave me these great boobs that seem to hypnotize so many two-legged creatures with penises.

Given the choice between daily masturbation and no intercourse or bi-monthly intercourse and no masturbation, which would you choose?
Logged long as the word "cookie" is in your country's vocabulary, it's an okay place to be.

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Re: The Random Question Game
« Reply #347 on: 23 Jul 2007, 14:28 »

A terabyte is 1000 gigabytes.  I have a total of 2.37 terabytes of hard drive space.
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Re: The Random Question Game
« Reply #348 on: 23 Jul 2007, 16:21 »

That wasn't the question.


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Re: The Random Question Game
« Reply #349 on: 23 Jul 2007, 17:15 »

You guys suck at games.

Previous Question: Would you/have you ever paid for sexual favors and if so, how much?

Answer: I haven't, nor would I ever. Why pay for something when people are so willing to give it for free? You see, God gave me these great boobs that seem to hypnotize so many two-legged creatures with penises.

NEW QUESTION (answer this one): Given the choice between daily masturbation and no intercourse or bi-monthly intercourse and no masturbation, which would you choose?
Logged long as the word "cookie" is in your country's vocabulary, it's an okay place to be.

Those who forget the past may be doomed to repeat it, but those who refuse to learn from the past and move on are fucking idiots.
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