I don't see where all the comparisons to The Princess Bride are coming from. TPB was quite light-hearted and fun, even goofy in a couple of places. Stardust had a much more serious vibe to it. Yes, they're both basically fairy tales, and of the rare type that both adults and kids can enjoy, but other than that I don't see the similarities. Stardust had a few lighter moments, and a somewhat weird recurring theme that seemed more for comic relief than anything else, but it was definitely darker in tone.
I thought it was great. It took a little while to get going, but there were a few important things that had to be set up first, and they had to be careful because there are a twists along the way and they didn't want to make things too totally obvious. You figure it out if you're paying attention, but you don't feel like they just handed it to you. Quite well done, IMO.