Got too much spare time? Here is a list of games that I've played recently, some you probably know, others, probably not so much. Any way, I also wrote what I think about these games, ow much they cost, etc. Also If you know any others, I'd be happy to try em out.

Here are some good 3D games I've played recently...
Final Fantasy XI - Probably the best online game out there. With a wide variety of character customization and the job system, this game is without a doubt one of the best online games out there. The graphics are amazing, but can be toned down if you computer can't quite handle it. The online world is huge, it can literally take you an hour to get somewhere. The game itself relies on teamwork for the most part, as the main source of experience for most jobs is through partying. You meet new people, level up, and have a good time. This game is also affordable (especially for the quality game they give you) at 20$ to buy the discs and your Playonline ID and a monthly $12 charge.
World of Warcraft - Who doesn't know about this game? This game is... Pretty complex. There are many things you can do in this game. For instance, you can solo and kill stuff. Or, you can do (my favorite part of teh game) instances, which take you throughout dungeons, caves, and many other places for treasure and experience. The main downfall in this game is the fact that all quests are either... Kill something. Kill something and bring me back an item. Kill something and you might get an item that you need 20 of. Kill a bunch of things. Or escort someone. There is no real plot as in Final Fantasy XI (the reason I'm mentioning FFXI is an answer to people when they ask which I think is better.) The games graphics are pretty good, but note amazing. The game is kind of expensive though. 20 dollars for teh discs and ID, then a $20 startup fee. But then you have a payment choice. But still, the lowest you can get is 15 dollars a month. It starts to add up. This is a great game to play though. For the horde, and what not.
F2P 3D GamesSoldier Front - This game rocks. This is an awesome 1st Person (or 3rd Person o.o) shooter war game. You have the option of playing as a soldier from.... I think 6 different nations? I don't remember. You can level up and buy new guns and stuff and also rent equipment like body armor and gas masks. Each level has it's own mission, such as CTF or whatever. Or you could just play all out deathmatch. This game is pretty good, I can't really play it well though because of my computer.
Gunz - Eh... This games fun. Very fast paced, I can give it that. Pretty much locks you in the middle of your "The Matrix" dreams. You run around spraying bullets around with uzis, gettting shot about a million times before you die. Or chase after someone with a katana. There is Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Gladiator.... I forget the others lol. There's also a quest mode, which pits you and your team against skeletons and ghosts. You get to shoot them, and they get to slowly walk up to you to try to slash you. >.>;; I'm not that big a fan on this game. This game is fun to play from time to time though.
Lunia - A very good F2P game. It's sort of like the PS2 game Champions of Norrath, except you play as an anime character. You can play as three different characters; A mage, a healer, or a swordsman. The game takes you through the plot of the story, and you play online with other people in different stages of the game. There are also quests you can accept from the townspeople and other NPC's you find through out the levels.
2D GamesFSOA game engine with graphics like Zelda: A Link to the Past.There are a lot of FSO servers out there, but only 1 I really bother playing any more. This game is
Maydisle, found at . The game really doesn't have much of a plot, but it gets pretty fun when you try to figure out how to get from one town to the next and trying to get better armor and stuff. The staff and players are all pretty friendly and helpful, and I'll do what I can to help you out if you decide to play.
Secrets of Asherah. A classic FSO game. It's pretty much like Maydisle... except different. I'd say Asherah has more options though. Such as with blacksmithing in Asherah, you can actually make your self weapons. I haven't figured out if you can do that in Maydisle yet. I don't play this one too much tho anymore.
Terraworld.... Ew. No this game sucks. Terraworld is like FSO on crack. Your movement speed on MOST SCREENS is times 4 of regular FSO walking speed. ON SOME MAPS, because randomly you'll hit a screen where everything is slowed down. Which is really frustrating. The players (last time I was on) were all acting like 10 years olds or less. It's just not a very good game. I stopped playing it with a headache.
Well Of Souls - Not an FSO game. This game is.... Kind of hard to explain. . The game you download at that site starts you off with the main world, Evergreen (evernoob >.>) That has a basic plot and stuff and yadda yadda yadda. You click around to move, click the monsters to attack, and click yourself to use items, pretty much. You can learn a variety of spells (there is an elemental wheel that determines what level spells you can use). The real reason this game is fun because of the worlds that players created. Especially Castlevania and the Judgement of Tamriel. I'm also in the works of my own world ( ) which has been a pretty interesting project. This game is fun and addicting. Well.... fun if you don't suck at it lol. The game features a multiplayer or single player mode, both of which allow you to use teh same character, which I found helpful for levelling, or if people just got annoying. Most of the players of this game are helpful and fun to talk to depending on what server you go on, but there will always be those select immature people who try to ruin the game for every one else.
Any way, that would be the end of my list. If you ever decide to play any of these games, talk to...
Final Fantasy XI - Leviathan Server. Tetrakupo DRK26/WAR13
WoW - Drendon Server - Tetrakupo Lvl 32(?) Tauren Druid.
Maydisle - Tetrakupo (what a surprise >.>) 353 HP as of now.
Gunz - Tetrakupo... I think. Lvl 16 If I remmeber correctly.
Soldier Front - Tetranig. I can't really play this though.
I hope all of this was helpful to anyone ^_^
I realized I hadn't exactly explained teh gameplay of WoS or FSO. Now I have, lol.
Looking around the QC forums, I found this freeware Online game...
SOLDAT - This game... Is what I've been looking for for a very long time o.o It's a 2D sidescrolling shooting game. There are about 8 different main weapons you can pick, ranging from Dual Desert Eagles to Gatling Guns. The gameplay is quick and exciting, featuring a lot of different types of match. People have also made their own maps to play on, and it's overall a very fun game. The game can also be played in single player mode with bots, or over LAN or Internet or Direct IP connection.
***October 19, 2007***
Hey... I'm saving for a new computer. This one can't really handle anything.
I've tryed playin some other games that a first taste of makes them seem good, but I haven't really been able to experience that much of it. Such games would be like 9Dragons. Which has pretty decent graphics and, being based off of real martial arts styles, seems like it could be an interesting game.
If anyone wants to try that game and tell me about it, feel free. Or any other game for that matter.
Thanks in advance.