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Author Topic: An odd art question  (Read 12921 times)


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An odd art question
« on: 23 Oct 2007, 20:35 »

Lets assume there is a person that goes around with a black permanent marker and draws one panel comics in different areas. Just in public places on doors, or benches, maybe bathroom stalls, all kinds of things like that. They aren't bad, totally kid friendly, and maybe even a little humorous. Now, if this person were to put a note next to the image that said to continue it on, and you stumbled across it, would you continue it on?

This is in the rest stop going into Arizona (in Arizona) just past Blythe:

Pants sez

Also, as an add on to this post, I'd like you to check out I have a lot of my miniature painting up there and I'll be taking more pictures of them soon. I would really appreciate any comments you all would have.
« Last Edit: 23 Oct 2007, 20:37 by PantsFTW »
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Re: An odd art question
« Reply #1 on: 23 Oct 2007, 20:38 »

I would do my best, if I had a marker on me. I'm not much of a comic writer but I think that kind of situation would be inspiration enough.
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Re: An odd art question
« Reply #2 on: 23 Oct 2007, 21:36 »

I'm not really one for graffiti, unless it is amazingly extraordinary. So, no. I mean it's not a bad idea, but I wouldn't draw anything.


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Re: An odd art question
« Reply #3 on: 23 Oct 2007, 21:49 »

So you'd consider all forms of street art, or public art graffiti then?
Even just a simple drawing of a stick figure (as it is)? I really want some opinions on that, maybe its an area thing, but I always thought of graffiti as the very stylized drawing, usually with multiple colors or linked letters. And good graffiti is has colors and is extraordinary.

(I see a lot of it on the trains in AZ)
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Re: An odd art question
« Reply #4 on: 23 Oct 2007, 22:48 »

Dude, I had to go to court for drawing on stop signs in chalk. All forms of street art, whether stick figures, gang signs, or actual works of art are graffiti.

And no, I probably wouldn't finish up your comics.
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Re: An odd art question
« Reply #5 on: 24 Oct 2007, 06:50 »

Check this out
The artists name is Dolk and I drive by several of these images everyday, I heard a rumor that he gets paid Alot for these pieces.
Funny thing is, it took me a while to notice that his pictures were all around town hehe.
Do you think his work is good? Always sends me home inspired :p

Oh btw,  just scroll down and then click on the film strip thingy.
« Last Edit: 24 Oct 2007, 06:52 by littlethumb »


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Re: An odd art question
« Reply #6 on: 24 Oct 2007, 07:45 »

If it was in the bathroom stalls at school in my building (the art building) where graffitti is routine, then yes, maybe. If it was out in public, then no. Though sometimes I like looking at graffitti if it's done well, I am not about to "deface" someone else's property without their permission. (I say this because there are some places downtown that allow it while others will charge you a fine, etc.) Public art is one thing, graffitti is another.
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Re: An odd art question
« Reply #7 on: 24 Oct 2007, 14:48 »

Chris Yates does something like this called "Secret Motel Art."


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Re: An odd art question
« Reply #8 on: 09 Nov 2007, 14:58 »

yea i agree if it was a bathroom stall yes, public no. the problem is knowing that other people would end up making it either racist, homophobic or one big sex joke. :cry:

 I mean how many bathroom stalls have you seen without the word "fag" i always mark over it with some random yet deep quote
« Last Edit: 09 Nov 2007, 15:05 by qiZzer »


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Re: An odd art question
« Reply #9 on: 11 Nov 2007, 22:50 »

Even if I liked the comic thus-far, I wouldn't continue it simply because I don't really like graffiti.
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Re: An odd art question
« Reply #10 on: 12 Nov 2007, 04:51 »

So you'd consider all forms of street art, or public art graffiti then?

I generally operate on the assumption that if you've written or drawn something indelible on something that doesn't belong to you without the permission of the owner, then that's generally graffiti, yeah. I mean, it can be really awesome looking graffiti and all, but it's still graffiti.
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Re: An odd art question
« Reply #11 on: 16 Nov 2007, 09:34 »

Dude, I had to go to court for drawing on stop signs in chalk. All forms of street art, whether stick figures, gang signs, or actual works of art are graffiti.

I think Ellis G. would disagree.
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Re: An odd art question
« Reply #12 on: 16 Jan 2008, 11:53 »

Well I would say that you should.
I mean, everyone likes something to read =]
Anyways, how many times have you been in a public toilet with random sayings such as 'Emz is a fag' or 'J luvs R 4eva 07' or 'Kelz is gay wiv Tez'
Personally I would much prefer something more artistic/interesting/entertaining as interesting as finding out about a load of peoples love lives that I've never met and all seem to end in the letter z is



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Re: An odd art question
« Reply #13 on: 19 Jan 2008, 10:52 »

I would. I love things like that.

I just got a book called Guerrilla Art for Christmas that shows how to do thousands of forms of public art and I absolutely adore it. The author presents the position that we are forced to look at tons of advertisements and other forms of public displays of "art" all over a city, so why would a helpul/fun/interesting public artistic piece be looked down upon? She of course also makes it a point to point out where public art should not be done (such as in permanent or private places) and how it should not be done (such as with permanent or damaging materials/toxic materials like spray paint, etc) and all in all, it's a nice awesome and respectful book.

So yes, I would not only continue your comic, but may start my own nearby.



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Re: An odd art question
« Reply #14 on: 10 Apr 2008, 13:46 »

Check out the Street Bubbles section of this website:

It is along a similar theme to the idea you have but simplified, I think. The other upside is that you can print out your own bubbles from the website to stick about your vicinity. An interesting way of opening a dialogue with the masses :)

Other good websites for graffitti-related stuff are:

and of course


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Re: An odd art question
« Reply #15 on: 07 Jul 2008, 21:16 »

I think that would be pretty cool, but yeah it would degrade into a bunch of offensive shit.
I'm not into graffiti myself (legitimate art or not) but I always wanted to do that one XKCD comic
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Re: An odd art question
« Reply #16 on: 08 Jul 2008, 10:46 »

Graffiti should be allowed on ugly grey buildings in my opinion. I know, a bit undefined, but I say anything that doesn't have any architectural value and isn't someones house. That pretty much leaves things like super markets and the like, that could use some more colour.
I would do this kind of thing, although I should buy some markers first. xD
I wasn't going to d/l any of that, but once I read "oldest lesbian", I kind of had to.


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Re: An odd art question
« Reply #17 on: 08 Jul 2008, 20:51 »

I would totally continue it, but hey, I draw lions on all my monies.

still new here, didn't wanna piss anyone off


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Re: An odd art question
« Reply #18 on: 08 Jul 2008, 21:15 »

Holy hell, that mustachioed money is awesome.


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Re: An odd art question
« Reply #19 on: 10 Jul 2008, 10:34 »

I would definitely attempt to continue it.
Personally I never go anywhere without at least one camera, and a few sharpies.
In my school, graffiti was always pretty typical in the washrooms. The really immature, high school sort of thing that one might expect. About halfway through last semester, kids started fighting back, and putting positive messages up instead. Things like "you are beautiful" "what have you got to lose?" "be spontaneous" etcetera etcetera.
I thought it was amazing, and obviously so did the janitors- they left most of it up for the rest of the year.


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Re: An odd art question
« Reply #20 on: 11 Jul 2008, 00:27 »

@ roxy vinyl

I get what you're saying but I think you might be dramatizing it a little. If it's permanent than the janitor isn't going to have to kill himself trying to get it out (that's why public bathrooms are covered in graffiti rather then dead janitors) and chances are that nice graffiti would be a pleasant addition to the poor guy's day. In fact, I think all civil-minded people should rally up and leave a message like "hey janitor, I think you're a pretty neat dude and I hope this brings a smile to your face" and wrap it in a heart, of course.
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Re: An odd art question
« Reply #21 on: 11 Jul 2008, 04:39 »

I would definitely attempt to continue it.
Personally I never go anywhere without at least one camera, and a few sharpies.
In my school, graffiti was always pretty typical in the washrooms. The really immature, high school sort of thing that one might expect. About halfway through last semester, kids started fighting back, and putting positive messages up instead. Things like "you are beautiful" "what have you got to lose?" "be spontaneous" etcetera etcetera.
I thought it was amazing, and obviously so did the janitors- they left most of it up for the rest of the year.
That is so awesome. I'm tempted to go do that when school starts again.

And roxie vinyl, what about graffiti on the outside of say, a parking garage or a warehouse? You think people would mind them having a little more colour, really?
I wasn't going to d/l any of that, but once I read "oldest lesbian", I kind of had to.


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Re: An odd art question
« Reply #22 on: 22 Jul 2008, 18:54 »

I like the idea of a trans-global graffitied comic done by different, random people that would be essentially impossible to read all the sections of. It's not the kind of thing that I'd contribute to myself, but I like the idea of it.

Generally I'm in favour of graffiti. If the choice comes down to look at a completely blank, bland surface, or looking at something drawn or written on that surface to give it a touch of individuality, in most cases I'd be happier to see the latter. Even if it's just something banal like a tag: at least it lets me know that a real live actual person passed this way once, and felt the need to tell the world "Hey, I'm here! Don't ignore me!"

In Melbourne we have some pretty awesome street art. The stenciling scene here is particularly famous, but there's other cool stuff, too: for instance, the owl illustrating this article on Wikipedia, which is only a couple of blocks from my house (I walk past it every day on my way to the local shops). The best piece of graffiti I've seen was on Brunswick Street in Fitzroy, which is one of the most popular areas of inner-city Melbourne: one night somebody wrote a long, meandering (both physically and narratively) monologue in coloured chalk down the footpath of the main drag of Brunswick Street. It went for several hundred metres, and consisted of the author musing on various topics, interspersed with comments on what the author was doing at that moment of writing ("the cops just came past to ask what I was doing"; "I'm going into this shop here to get a drink" - with an arrow pointing towards the shop door). All day long you could see people walking slowly up the street, reading the whole thing, smiling to themselves and taking photos and pointing it out to their friends. Naturally, as people used the footpath the writing got worn away, and after a couple of days it rained and everything that was left got washed away. It was awesome.


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Re: An odd art question
« Reply #23 on: 22 Sep 2008, 13:20 »

I'm all for permanent private graffiti, but non-permanent public graffiti unless it's been asked to be permanent as a form of public art.  So continuing the comic would depend on what surface it were on.

For example, there's a bridge in town where the weirdies sit and write beat poetry on it.  Other kids fee like they should write dumb shit like "Holden Lives", but things like that are soon ignored.

so it depends on where the public restroom is.
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