Perhaps if you're in trig together, or maybe you see each other three days a week because you're taking comparative religion, or maybe you work in accounts receivable and she's in legal... perhaps then three weeks is lightning speed to go from "We just met!" to "We need to talk about my father's suicide and why that means I can't date."* But that's not what this is.
Faye met Marten, and he seemed nice enough for her to ask to crash on his couch when her apartment burned down. Maybe she only intended it to last a day or two while she found a new place, but Marten was so pliant and completely non-threatening that she settled in. After nearly two weeks she's offering to pay the rent.
In the mean time they're hanging out
all the time. They wake up together, he goes to work, then he stops by her job, following which they go home together, then go to sleep at the same time. Sure, there are other people around most of that time, but they're still
always together. They've been living together for (at least) two and a half weeks when they get a new apartment, then another week on top of that by the time they have the talk.
Three weeks of non-stop, 24/7 tension? That would be
Think about this. The first date determines if there will be a second date. The second date determines if there will be a third date. The third date determines his place or hers***. And that's after seeing someone only occasionally (accts-rcvble/legal situation) or just meeting at the park. In Marty/Faye's situation, three weeks is actually reasonable for that conversation. And Dora's comment that she strung him along for a long time? Well, I'm going to play the "weeks of tension" card, again.
For those of you who have had roommates you hated, how long did it take for you and your roommate to have a fight? When you're in close quarters, you really cannot avoid each other. If there's any sort of tension below the surface, it's always
right there staring at you like a hungry cat and you're still in bed and wake up, dammit!****
So, yeah, Marty's had a rough month. He moved, lost his job, got a girlfriend, joined a band. All in, at least, 7 weeks. I can really see that without needing huge gaps.
* There are girls** out there who are kind enough to dump all their emotional baggage on you after the first date. Some wait until just after sex, when escape is more awkward.
** I don't know about guys. I've never dated guys. And I don't have baggage; I just have cats.
Rule of thumb. Some don't wait that long.
**** This analogy brought to you by a tubby cat who thinks a half-empty food bowl is a travesty in need of immediate correction.
PS: Sorry, I'm sorta new, so Hi! I wanted to join solely to say this, but it turns out I got drunk, joined, and posted a year and a half ago. Go figger.