I'm reviving this one briefly because the new maps came out yesterday morning. It took me about 45 minutes of spamming the A button to buy the points necessary to download them, and another 10 minutes of spamming for that to work. So I was kinda pissed. But once I started actually playing them, I forgot about it. Here's the rundown (in the order of least to most liked, but they're all pretty rad):
Carentan remake (from Call of Duty 2). Makes for some ridiculously hectic objective games. As someone in my clan pointed out, Point B in domination has no less than 7 exits to guard. And we finally have a night-time map!
Taken from the first American level in the campaign, there's a big broadcast station a long with a large parking lot with a few buildings in the back. We played Sabotage on this map, and it ended in Sudden Death. There are some pretty cool changes to the building structure from the campaign version, like what seems to be an editing room with a hole in the ceiling that was put there on purpose. Entire rounds can be played without going out of a 20-foot radius of the main building.
BIG map. Has a waterfall. And a tunnel taking you from point A to point C. And some cliff walkways. It's fucking awesome. A lot of people try to be snipers and hang out on the big hill in the middle, but it's more fun to move around and stuff.
Most fun I've ever had in a Call of Duty 4 map. I threw a grenade, died, spawned on the other side of the map, and got killed by my own grenade. AWESOME. It's slightly larger than Shipment, but objective games aren't determined by whoever holds the middle point, because there is no middle point. Playing Oldschool on this (with ragdoll and everything) results in some hilarious body-flying action.