Reading some of the reviews for this game, I am absolutely convinced that this game was the number one reason for the delay of Smash Bros. Brawl. I was looking forward to Galaxy enough, thinking it looked like a fun little distraction to kill time when I got bored of Smash. I'm finding that this is a common viewpoint, people just didn't really care all that much because it was overshadowed by Smash Bros. Now that SSBB is off into February and people can really look at Galaxy without thinking about Brawl, it really shows through to how big this title is.
Sure, it gives them extra time to fine-tune Brawl, but with Galaxy not having to fight its own studio for sales this winter, this game's press and sales potential seem to have skyrocketed. Personally, I planned on asking someone to pick it up for me for Christmas, but I really don't think I'm going to make it through the week now.