Ok, I had a look around the music forum briefly and didn't find a general gig thread, I went and saw Muse last night and wanted to talk about it, but I didn't want to make a thread just to one gig (even though it was spectacular) so I decided I'd make it this topic instead. Talk about the gigs you've been to, what you thought about them, good, bad, changes, etc.
Now, about Muse. It was a pretty incredible show, Perth was the first date on the Australasian tour, and they decided to have the gig as an open air. The used this place called The Supreme Court Gardens, erected a pretty big stage and had a fair amount of rigging for lights and all that, including to the sides of the stage. The rigging on the sides were mainly for the speakers and also there was a huge screen on either side of the stage, there were also three screens in a line at the back of the stage the same size that could be used individually or as one big screen.
ANYWAY, the support band was fairly shitty, I didn't like them, they were called The Dirty Little Secrets (*cough* shit name *cough*). Halfway through their set though some crew stopped the band and told all of the crowd to move back, they were getting to close to the barriers in front of the stage (Who would have thought? People wanting to get close to the stage at a gig? What on Earth?) anyways, after about TWO HOURS of fucking around with that, moving and rebuilding the barricade, and getting water out to the crowd, they finally came up on stage and said thankyou for being patient, and then they put the fucking support band back on! At least it was only for two more songs, they then changed over the equipment real fucking fast, did the soundchecks and then the lights dimmed.
The show was pretty fucking spectacular, best visual show I've ever seen by far. Muse were going through songs, the crowd getting really into it, singing all the words along with them, Matt Bellamy was the most interesting to watch. There were a lot of their songs that had the whole "Stand up for what you believe" message being played with the crowd all coming together for it, it was pretty damn cool. And they would let the song finish but still keep playing and then just have almost a jam session, being able to rival the kind that you would find at Woodstock, it was awesome. They were going through their songs from all of their albums, rather than just playing from the most recent. They were going between their softer and lighter songs through to their more energetic songs, with Bellamy going to a sweet grand piano that had sections light up when he played, and back to guitar. I've got to say, that it's really quite hard to transfer the idea of what was going on during that show through this, but I seriously advise that if ever you get a chance to see Muse live. DO IT.
Peace out.