Hey JD, I really like your penis, man.
not bad considering the source, though I have a soft spot for cute/creepy drawingsI have 2 problems with it:1. I have never been to 4chan so i don't what each /-/ thingie is2. Backrounds?(then again it is MS paint...)
Why did you put /b/ in the closet?
Though it is a 4chan production, aswell as a result of MS paint, you have to congratulate the artists for doing it as well as they did.
You just came back to shit in my heart, didn't you Ryan?
I still prefer to think of rugby in a more friendly way: Everyone tries to hug the guy with the ball. The team with the most hugs at the end of the game wins. Extra points for group hugs.
"Bendy-buses, like atheism, are a danger to the public at large.
Do you have a regular arts site? Or a deviantart?