What the news about the merger means to me: Okay?
Blizzard hasn't produced a game in years, guys. The last game they released was World of Warcraft, which is how old now? The initial release was in the fall of 2004, wasn't it? They haven't produced a new game in 3 years. Starcraft II is finally in development but we're not likely to see a release for another year or two tops.
I have lost my love of Blizzard. I'm sure the merger means a huge deal to the people involved in both houses, but to the average gamer, this should be a giant "meh." Activision produces some good games and to my knowledge doens't have a lot of rushed titles out there (or at least, doesn't make companies making large, big name games rush their product), but it's not like Blizzard actually makes video games anymore. They continue to make their MMO shittier and shittier, more inaccessible to the average gamer, more inaccessible to people who actually want to live a decent, proactive life with every patch, and all the real talent at the studio HAS FLED.
The only last thing I have to say about Blizzard is that their most successful franchise shit all over itself. Warcraft USED to be cool. I loved the story. I thought it was a very cool fantasy setting. THEN CHRIS METZEN FORGOT WHAT HE'D DONE IN HIS OWN WORLD. Awesome job there, buddy. Let's "forget" that one of the most poignant stages in Warcraft 3 never actually happened. Maeiv Shadowsong, WHO YOU KILL YOURSELF IN THE CAMPAIGN IN WARCRAFT 3, is somehow, miraculously, alive and well in World of Warcraft which is the current Warcraft world. Retconning a universe is just a slap in the face to all the fans.