Yeah, I had no hype either. I played the game because it was an FF game and I needed a game for my shiny new playstation. In those days the only series I bought and played faithfully were LoZ, FF, Metroid. Any other games I played were games my neighbor (when I lived in PA) decided to give me. I was completely lost as far as the market, I had no idea what was coming out and was supposed to be good or bad or whatever, I pretty much relied on him for game buying advice. And I had no reason not to, because he always lead me to games I enjoyed. But I liked all the previous FF games I had played, so I bought it.
Anywho, I have a theory that nothing is overrated. If a lot of people like something, that's the facts and there's really no disputing it. If something is popular, it's because a lot of people enjoy it. Now, you still have the right to think that something is not so good, but that doesn't change the fact that the vast majority disagree with you. It works in reverse too (nothing is underrated either). A good example: rap music. I despise the vast majority of rap songs (especially the popular ones ones), but the people who make those must be doing something right because a lot of people enjoy them. The people speak.
Then again, I also think that the vast majority of people are stupid. To quote Ellen Degeneres, "Not us, it's others."
I can see why people don't like FFVII. It had bad translation and a few plot points that were more annoying than anything. It's not a game for the patient, as it's medium paced and very wordy. But to me, those things were easily overlooked by a deep, involving storyline, awesome characters, addicting gameplay, and great music. It never gets old for me and I still enjoy playing it. It's my favourite video game so far, and I think people should play it and develop their own opinions, or leave it alone but not judge a game they haven't played (I've heard a lot of people say it was good/bad without ever playing it).
Sorry for the speech: now on to the question:
I was about eight when it came out, but I didn't play it until I was about ten. Yes I did cry because I was always a very sensitive child, and because I liked Aerith at that point (even though I hated her at first). She was kinda weak as far as attacking, but her limit breaks and magic skill saved me lots of times. Enough to warrant a permanent party spot (until she died of course). I had even acquired her final limit break (by the way, you don't need to cheat to get it, you just have to do a bunch of extra stuff that's hard to do that early in the game). When she died, I was initally just sad about her death, but later on it hit me that I had spent so much time on a character who I wouldn't get back.