Everybody on this forum is a stalker.
I want a chibi version of Tom Hulce from this picture:http://imdb.com/gallery/ss/0086879/959.jpg.html?path=pgallery&path_key=Hulce%2C%20Tom&seq=4
all clothes reflect identity constructs, destroy these constructs by shedding your clothes and sending pictures of the process to the e-mail address linked under my avatar
(It was Your Winner)
It's a roasted cocoa bean, commonly found in vaginas.
man that game was so heavily weighted toward bad things. All kinds of crazy shit can happen in random events, and you can be stuck living in a (literally) broken home. My friends and I called it "The Miserable Game of Life."
I also hate that if you land on a 'you has a baby lol' space you are kindof stuck with it. I hate kids.
Someone should totally make a modern, realistic, in-your-face remake of Life. That would so make my day. With new professions like pimp, drug dealer, internet porn star, etc.
I'm like the boy who cried "you guys are faggots"
Suck it up dude it's one fucking peg in your car and you get more money for it at the end. YOU SUCK AT "LIFE"
What the hell game was it and why have I never played it?
so.....are we going to get the avatars that we asked for in one big package or did jeph realize that there's like 10000000000000000000 requests and 1 Jeph?
I will do these until I get tired of them, at which point I will stop.
Liz is touching me.
Fuck you, I want him so bad.
Yeah, I mean, "I won't kill and eat you if you won't kill and eat me" is typically a ground rule for social groups.