I tried to find that one quote from the Lord of The Rings: The Two Towers movie, where that one princess girl is all, "I don't fear death, I fear being caged or whatever..." and then Aragorn is like "You're a princess, that shit aint gon' happen."..
Oh well.
I don't like spiders. So, I guess I have slight arachnophobia. I still kill them when I see them though-it's just a slight "Oh fuck, it's a spider!", then I squish it;sometimes even with bare-hands.
Oh yeah, and I have a slight phobia of midgets and blatantly opened homosexuals who I don't know. I don't know where the midget thing comes from, but I think the homophobia links back to when my mother told me about molesters and my best-friend's brother came out of the closet and was hardcore-gay around me all the time. I was like 7, I'm okay with my sexuality and stuff, so it's not that... Like, on the internet, or anywhere that isn't face to face I'm fine with talking to them, but I just get nervous around gay guys in person.
I have no problem with homosexuals except that they kind of make me nervous when I'm around them. Oh man, I never want to meet a hard-gay midget.
PS- By midgets I mean people with dwarfism, not short people.