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Author Topic: Phobias.  (Read 61092 times)


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Re: Phobias.
« Reply #150 on: 28 Dec 2007, 06:56 »

Yeah being afraid of dangerous things is just normal I think. And nasty bugs are nasty. Although I find the furry varieties of spider kinda cute.


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Re: Phobias.
« Reply #151 on: 28 Dec 2007, 13:13 »

Man, if a group of teenagers tried to break into my car while I was at a stop sign I'd make them regret it real quick.
Yeah, I mean, "I won't kill and eat you if you won't kill and eat me" is typically a ground rule for social groups.

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Re: Phobias.
« Reply #152 on: 28 Dec 2007, 15:26 »

Being alone.

Seriously, I hate it. If I'm in a big place, there has to be people around, or if I'm in a small place, I have to be with someone.

They can be strangers for all I care, but if I'm on my own somewhere (excluding my own house) then I freak and run until I find people.

Who then get scared of this chubby guy chasing them.
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Re: Phobias.
« Reply #153 on: 31 Dec 2007, 16:47 »

I'm certain poodles with non-douchebag owners don't look this terrifying, but I saw a dog show a little while ago, and I remember looking at a standard poodle and saying to myself, "Jesus, that looks like an alien."


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Re: Phobias.
« Reply #154 on: 31 Dec 2007, 19:17 »

that is horrible. why would you post that?
oh good god 4lko jaeger bomb. Holy goood god what have I done.
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Re: Phobias.
« Reply #155 on: 31 Dec 2007, 20:06 »

Finally spiders and the dark. They all never fail to creep me out.



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Re: Phobias.
« Reply #156 on: 31 Dec 2007, 21:16 »

mayonaise ....

i can eat a whole meal and if at the end you tell me it had mayonaise in it, it will immediatly induce a panic attack and possible vomiting

i have be known to starve rather than cope with mayonaise

How do you feel about a well made aioli?


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Re: Phobias.
« Reply #157 on: 01 Jan 2008, 22:59 »

a dirty bathroom


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Re: Phobias.
« Reply #158 on: 01 Jan 2008, 23:05 »

Man I have an irrational fear that I am turning myself into an unsettling spiral of despair and wasted moments because an inner portion of me feels this to be a form of art and that by destroying myself slowly, thoroughly, and beautifully, I might somehow move someone to think on what transpired for more than a moment.

Also, fucking tortlenni in alfredo sauce. What the hell is that?
It's a roasted cocoa bean, commonly found in vaginas.


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Re: Phobias.
« Reply #159 on: 01 Jan 2008, 23:37 »

It's perfectly rational to be afraid of alfredo sauce. That shit is -terrifying-
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Re: Phobias.
« Reply #160 on: 02 Jan 2008, 07:43 »

My main ones are injections and wasps. Basically anything sharp, thin and pointy that wishes to stab me really creeps me out.

I also have a fear of being hated, if I know someone they have to like me or a get really nervous and fidgity.


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Re: Phobias.
« Reply #161 on: 02 Jan 2008, 09:53 »

Addendum: I have a completely irrational fear of my friends secretly disliking me but putting up with me because they're being nice. You'd be surprised how much of my day goes into thinking about this, analyzing facial expressions and tone of voice when talking to me.

I think it's perfectly normal paranoia everyone gets it...unless you're left handed, in that situation it could be an onset of psychosis  :lol:


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Re: Phobias.
« Reply #162 on: 02 Jan 2008, 22:49 »

It's perfectly rational to be afraid of alfredo sauce. That shit is -terrifying-

Wait... WHAT???  This unjustified attack on what is perhaps my favorite food needs to be explained.


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Re: Phobias.
« Reply #163 on: 02 Jan 2008, 23:24 »

It's like carbunara with anorexia, man.

Also Anyways I'm going to say that I have pretty much the same thing going on. I mean, I couldn't care any less what a complete stranger thinks of me, but if it's somebody I know/like, I don't want to come across as a dick.
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Re: Phobias.
« Reply #164 on: 11 Jan 2008, 21:07 »


Sucks, since I'm currently living in Lisbon and there are statues EVERYWHERE.


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Re: Phobias.
« Reply #165 on: 12 Jan 2008, 00:43 »

I also worry that overnight everyone who knows me will wake and realize what a complete piece of ass candy I am. I worry that the police will arrest me, though I haven't broken any law besides speeding in years.


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Re: Phobias.
« Reply #166 on: 12 Jan 2008, 22:18 »

Addendum: I have a completely irrational fear of my friends secretly disliking me but putting up with me because they're being nice. You'd be surprised how much of my day goes into thinking about this, analyzing facial expressions and tone of voice when talking to me.

I have that too. God damn! I have alot of phobias.
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Re: Phobias.
« Reply #167 on: 12 Jan 2008, 22:24 »

That's not so much a phobia as it is pure perfectly human paranoia, I think the same thign too every now and then, especially because there's another guy in the group we can't stand and we sort of pretend to like him amongst my friends on the sole fact that he's my best friend's roomate. So yeah, I can imagine that talking behind his back aimed at me between others.

This guy, I don't hate him, but he is annoying as hell. But he means well so I'm actually sincerely nice most of the time.
Yeah, I mean, "I won't kill and eat you if you won't kill and eat me" is typically a ground rule for social groups.


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Re: Phobias.
« Reply #168 on: 12 Jan 2008, 22:42 »

I just bought a bike today, for the purpose of having a mode of transportation to the store, library, a job, etc...

I'm fucking terrified of it. I haven't ridden a bike in twelve years, and I've never ridden a bike with hand brakes or gears.

I got a pretty red helmet that looks like it could totally take my bike if it tried anything, though. It's got, like, pointy bits in the back.
Logged long as the word "cookie" is in your country's vocabulary, it's an okay place to be.

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Re: Phobias.
« Reply #169 on: 13 Jan 2008, 02:28 »

I also worry that overnight everyone who knows me will wake and realize what a complete piece of ass I am.

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Re: Phobias.
« Reply #170 on: 01 Feb 2008, 12:38 »

Zombies. Apparently, not too irrational, considering they're scary as fuck (That was from one of my friends), but I am seriously terrified of even the idea of them. Also, torture. According to one of my friends who is a Phsycology geek, it's because I don't like the thought of anything/ one so lacking in humanity that it will continue to hurt me even after I've been begging and screaming etc. for it to stop. I think he's kind of right.
But yeah- masses of dead dudes, who are all trying to eat you alive, swarming all over the globe?
I don't get how people can watch zombie films.
I had nightmares after Shaun of the dead, for christs' sake!


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Re: Phobias.
« Reply #171 on: 01 Feb 2008, 14:27 »

In Colorado, the flies walk more than fly. I'm so scared of them. They'll crawl on you and you have to flick them off. They won't fly away just because you're batting at them.


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Re: Phobias.
« Reply #172 on: 01 Feb 2008, 14:57 »

I have a fairly major phobia of using the phone, especially when phoning people I don't know, that almost got me fired from my website job.
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Re: Phobias.
« Reply #173 on: 01 Feb 2008, 15:33 »

Zombies. Apparently, not too irrational, considering they're scary as fuck (That was from one of my friends), but I am seriously terrified of even the idea of them. Also, torture. According to one of my friends who is a Phsycology geek, it's because I don't like the thought of anything/ one so lacking in humanity that it will continue to hurt me even after I've been begging and screaming etc. for it to stop. I think he's kind of right.
But yeah- masses of dead dudes, who are all trying to eat you alive, swarming all over the globe?
I don't get how people can watch zombie films.
I had nightmares after Shaun of the dead, for christs' sake!

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Re: Phobias.
« Reply #174 on: 01 Feb 2008, 15:38 »

The fear of going through my whole life without mattering to anyone.
The fear of outliving everyone.
The fear that I've already hit the peak of my life and that it can only get worse from now on.

The shit that keeps me up at night, basically. Also when I close my eyes I hallucinate a bit but I guess that's off-topic :P

EDIT: Oh man I checked the pets and cuteness thread after this one, it's my new therapy for everything.
« Last Edit: 01 Feb 2008, 15:41 by Gurkburk »
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Re: Phobias.
« Reply #175 on: 01 Feb 2008, 16:20 »

I always feel like I"m being watched, or some serial killer is going to break into my house at night and kill my whole family in front of me, or I'll fail to protect them or something, and then I'll die.  I don't like walking in dark places in town at night, because I always think some drugged up moron wielding a knife or broken bottle will jump me and murder me.

So...yeah.  Paranoid is me.
Me too. I hold my keys between my fingers when I walk around town at night, and I hate looking out the window at night (actually, I periodically turn out my lights and look out the window to reduce glare and make sure no one's there.)*

I have a weird thing about people touching my neck. I flinch and want to hit them and feel like they're going to strangle me.
I also freak out when I see movies where people have their fingernails or teeth pried out as torture. I'd probably cave before they even got the pliers a foot away from me.  :oops:

*this is slightly justified. My room is on the ground floor facing the backyard of my apartment, and one time this summer I was changing for bed with my blinds open (I never thought about it because it was like 4am, no one's playing horseshoes, and the apartments are pretty empty over the summer - college town), and I turned around and saw this creepy looking, fat black dude standing RIGHT at my window with a bug-eyed look. And I was alone in the apartment at the time. I ran around locking every door and window and closing all the blinds, and couldn't get to sleep for hours. I wound up sleeping with a baseball bat next to me.


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Re: Phobias.
« Reply #176 on: 01 Feb 2008, 19:58 »

The dark, because there are bad people out there, and I couldn't see them if they were in the dark. Seriously, I refuse to walk anywhere after dark unless it is lit up by streetlights or something.

Also afraid of singing or dancing in front of people, it doesn't extend to playing an instrument for some reason.

I also have that phobia or phoning people that I am not in frequent contact with.
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Re: Phobias.
« Reply #177 on: 02 Feb 2008, 05:11 »

what's with people being afraid of strangers? statistics show you're far more likely to be attacked or murdered by someone you know than someone you don't know. there's nothing to worry about.

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Re: Phobias.
« Reply #178 on: 02 Feb 2008, 05:15 »

Because I know that almost all of the people I know, I could beat the shit out of if it came down to it.

And I would like to know how much of that is involving drunk rages and/or suspicion of cheating.
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Re: Phobias.
« Reply #179 on: 02 Feb 2008, 05:31 »

what's with people being afraid of strangers? statistics show you're far more likely to be attacked or murdered by someone you know than someone you don't know. there's nothing to worry about.

This just goes to show that we should all murder everybody we know. That way, they won't murder us.

This really won't help the statistics at all, but at least Number One is going to be safe.
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Re: Phobias.
« Reply #180 on: 02 Feb 2008, 05:54 »

When I'm walking around places at night, especially on nights when I'm not feeling terribly safe, I stay to the badly lit back roads where no-one can see just so that people don't see me. This also gives you the benefit of less traffic and more often not being on the most direct routes between places. I figure (and every time I've been started on has been in these situations) that people getting attacked and such are mostly targets of opportunity of drunken bogans. These people are often going between places and will take the shortest route, which if they're going long distance is more likely on the main roads though if they're going short distances (which I'll concede is more likely the case) this becomes less likely true. Not really an issue because at least here it's easy to notice them before they notice you (they're usually pretty loud) and there are enough little alleys and other roads that you have more options when it comes to avoiding them.

The people who cruise around in their commodores with their australian flag out the window looking for people to fight, however, will take the main roads. Luckily you can hear them coming.

So phobias? I freak out at the sound of a v8. I do not trust commodore station wagons and I am very wary of the australian flag.
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Re: Phobias.
« Reply #181 on: 02 Feb 2008, 07:12 »

Oooh, here is an odd one. I get nauseous at the sight of blood, unless it is mine. Not sure if it counts as a phobia.
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Re: Phobias.
« Reply #182 on: 02 Feb 2008, 07:28 »

I have a completely rational fear of getting my penis chopped off by a needle, in a dark room filled with alfredo-spiders. The person that chops off my penis can only vaguely be identified in the dark as Rosy O'Donnell with Tommy's rapist beard. But, then my penis grows back and starts shooting out flowers everywhere, vanquishing TommyDsk'Donnell and turning the alfredo spiders into normal spaghettis that glow so hard they lighten up the room. Then I start making out with Tommy O'Donnell's body until it implodes into etherspace.

I'm also afraid of Saves The Day. Completely irrational, those poor kids aren't hurting anything but themselves :'(


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Re: Phobias.
« Reply #183 on: 02 Feb 2008, 07:36 »

I get nauseous at the sight of blood

that would be hemophobia. except that usually involves a really intense fear of your own blood, too, so i guess you just don't like to watch other people get hurt? that is okay i think!

i'm still standing my ground that it's the really common phobias that are most irrational and weird. what's the deal with being afraid of bugs? i've never understood this. they're thousands of times smaller than you and stuff. i realise the whole point of a phobia is that it's irrational but i still find it interesting that so many people share a fear of something that will basically almost never hurt you. is it a cultural thing? who knows? i know fear of strangers is something that is entrenched in everyone due to vast overexaggeration by the media so i guess that one makes sense.

personally i'm baffled more people don't agree driving is the scariest fucking thing in the world.
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Re: Phobias.
« Reply #184 on: 02 Feb 2008, 07:39 »

My dad is afraid of spiders, but that is because he got bitten by a brown recluse when he was a kid, so that is a rational one.

I think I may just be desensitized to the sight of my own blood, as it isn't all that infrequent for me to bleed. I don't cut myself or anything, because pain is bad, but I am clumsy. Almost gave myself a cheek piercing with the end of a high e string once.
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Re: Phobias.
« Reply #185 on: 02 Feb 2008, 08:06 »

personally i'm baffled more people don't agree driving is the scariest fucking thing in the world.

As a person who's been in three different car accidents and lived to tell about them, I can safely say that I HATE DRIVING.

It scares me also
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Re: Phobias.
« Reply #186 on: 02 Feb 2008, 08:09 »

I have been in two, but one I was too young to remember, which I came out of completely unscathed, and the other was just a bump when the guy behind us didn't compensate enough for the ice. I love driving, as long as it is highways, I don't like driving in the city, especially not when pedestrians are out, I always worry that my foot is going to slip off the brake.
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Re: Phobias.
« Reply #187 on: 02 Feb 2008, 08:38 »

My only huge fear is to end up like my parents.


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Re: Phobias.
« Reply #188 on: 02 Feb 2008, 08:38 »

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Re: Phobias.
« Reply #189 on: 02 Feb 2008, 10:54 »

Fat? Bald? Impotent?

Parents of a no-hoper?

I joke.

I gotta say, I find the idea of driving terrifying as well. I think I'm going to be too twitchy to be a driver. I know you're supposed to be alert, but I think I'm going to skid or hit the brakes at the slightest things.
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Re: Phobias.
« Reply #190 on: 02 Feb 2008, 11:37 »

I am scared of spiders.

However, my fear is not irrational! I fear spiders because I am scared they are actually tarantulas.


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Re: Phobias.
« Reply #191 on: 02 Feb 2008, 12:46 »

Fucking pussy.

Okay. Well, what the fuck was with THAT?


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Re: Phobias.
« Reply #192 on: 02 Feb 2008, 13:40 »

...I realize sarcasm is hard to detect in text, but seriously? That was an easy one.
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Re: Phobias.
« Reply #193 on: 02 Feb 2008, 18:57 »

So... no one else is afraid of dogs?

It's the most irritating of fears. Because every one turns around and says "aww but you'd love MY dog!". Oh yeah? Scared of heights? Come to my highrise, the veiws fucking spectacular! People just accept it when you say you're scared of spiders, or flying. But people keep trying to change my mind about dogs, like it's some decision I made.

I really wish I wasn't scared of them. It's not fun. It's not some show put on for attention. I get angry. I resent being made to feel so helpless. So sick with fear and being unable to do a god damn thing about it. No one should ever be made to feel like that.
I'm feeling sick and shakey now, just thinking about it. My dad took me to a dog show when I was 11 to try and get me to confront my fear. It was the first time I ever had a panic attack.

My best friend owns a dalmation and an alsation. She made me come over when they were puppies to adjust to them. I thought it would help, but now they are so big. I can go round, I'll pat them but i can't be alone with them. I can't look them in the eye. I scream and run when i hear them bark.

It's hard to leave the house day or night, because there's always some negligent owner who lets their mutt wander around off a lead, or leaves the gate open. I do leave the house, I sing to myself to distract myself from thinking that there might be a dog around the corner. I must look like a loony, but it sure beats crying and shaking. I do however feel proud that I do go outside alone. That i don't hide in my house. I'm aware that one day I just might stop going outside for fear of dogs. I hope that day never comes.

And I get that most dogs are lovely and harmless, but the thing about phobias is that they are irrational, you're not thinking of the best possible outcome.

Anyone else at all scared of dogs? Anyone?
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Re: Phobias.
« Reply #194 on: 02 Feb 2008, 20:03 »

When I was 5 a poodle tried hanging onto my thumb with it's teeth while snarling menacingly. This did not imbue me with cynophobia but merely an extreme intolerance towards small yapping dogs. That being said, I actually like fair size dogs like golden retrievers and German shepherds.


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Re: Phobias.
« Reply #195 on: 02 Feb 2008, 20:22 »

the thing about conquering dog fears (or fear of most animals, really, but dogs seem to be most common) is that the whole thing actually is a completely self-fulfilling prophecy. dogs can literally smell fear; they have a very acute sense of smell and are able to detect certain chemicals that other animals and people release in their sweat glands when they are afraid. unfortunately, for most predators fear is synonymous with aggression and once the dog smells this it pretty much assumes that you're going to attack it unless it attacks you first. this is why it's so common for people who love dogs and people who hate dogs to end up relating completely different stories and think the other person is a lying jerk. "dogs always attack me, they're so dumb" vs "oh i love dogs, i've never had any problems with them" etc. it's hard to control your emotions, especially if you've already had a lot of bad experiences with dogs but maybe this information will help you in the near future. i love dogs and all but they are really not smart enough to have personal grudges against people they've never met, they're just acting on their instincts.
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Re: Phobias.
« Reply #196 on: 02 Feb 2008, 21:12 »

I like dogs, animals in general like me.
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Re: Phobias.
« Reply #197 on: 03 Feb 2008, 00:46 »

Oh i don't hate dogs. I resent being scared. If I hate anyone it's bad dog owners. A dog is simply an animal following it's instincts, what ever they are at any given time. I don't expect it to have a human thought process. Anymore then i think telling my cat off will stop it killing birds.

I'm aware it's a fear and I very much know they can smell fear and respond to it. Thus the Panic attack when I was 11. I could not stop envisioning them smelling me and hundreds of dogs responding and going for the kill. The fact this didn't happen didn't help.

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Re: Phobias.
« Reply #198 on: 03 Feb 2008, 05:23 »

I got attacked by two dogs in the space of about three weeks once. I ended up being scared to leave the house, scared to walk down my own damn road to go to school.

I built up more and more courage, etc. Honestly, whilst I'm not entirely over it (if something moves in the corner of my eye or something, I still jump like a motherfucker even if it turns out just to be a plastic bag, and the unexpected sound of a dog randomly barking scares the shit out of me), the reason I've reached the point I'm at now is because of what I believe is called aversion therapy. A mate of mine had an Alsation, that at the time was bigger than me - a big-ass motherfucker that probably could've ripped me to shreds. But it's the dopiest, soppiest thing I've ever known, it was fantastic, and aside from it managing to at one point stand on my testicles (no, really) it played a great part in helping me recover from this fear.

Basically...find the most docile dog you can, and identify with it.
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Re: Phobias.
« Reply #199 on: 03 Feb 2008, 10:35 »

I have a fear of heights.  But its weird.  I'm ok to be out on my grandmothers balcony 11 stories up.  But put me on a zip line 2 stories up, I'm scared shitless.
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