I don't like Of Mice and Men purely because it's so goddamn depressing. I mean, fuck, dude.
I think talking about The Catcher in the Rye is always pointless. People either love it or hate it, and whether they do is pretty much completely independant of its actual literary merit. Either you identify with Holden or you think he's a whiny douchebag. Personally, I loved the book, and I disagree that it's merely the viewpoint of a "disaffected teenager"; it's really the viewpoint of anyone who has ever looked at the human race and said "Man, you guys are fucked up."
What about All the King's Men? That's one classic book I can never get enough of. Much is made about the political/social aspect of it, but I think people are crazy for missing the real point of the novel, which is the viewpoint of Jackie Burden, who is in many ways basically a grown-up Holden Caulfield.