I have to say that I really hate the Yankees. I think one of the reasons I don't like baseball as a whole is because of the Yankees, to be honest. It's downright boring that 99% of the time, the team to beat in any given year? The Yankees. It's been that way since before I was born and it'll probably be that way when I finally die. Dynasties in sports are kind of a bummer because it takes a lot of the fun out of it. That's one thing I like about college basketball. Yeah, some teams are pretty much always good but you never really know which is the best until the very, very, very end of the year.
Actually, when you were born, the Yankees were pretty effectively garbage. Outside of '81, they didn't even sniff the playoffs. They made it to and lost the World Series in '81 and didn't make it back until '96. Of the last 25 World Series, the Yankees have actually only won two more World Series than the next leader (Which includes the Marlins, a team that's not even two decades old, the Royals who are considered perennial cellar dwellers). The Rays are actually the only team in the Al East to not have at least one World Series victory in the last two and a half decades.
At least with football, you just gotta be patient. The Patriots' success won't last forever, and neither will any other team's. I mean, during the 80s and into the 90s, it was like the team to beat was the 49s, but proof you don't stay good forever would be them this season. A new coach will come in or a star player will get hurt or traded or pretend to retire just to sign on with a better team (*coughjrseaucough*).
That's the same with ANY sport. You clearly haven't bothered to do accurate research before spouting this off. No dynasty lasts forever. Sure, certain teams will repeat success every once in a while, but every team has its highs and lows. The Red Sox are current reigning champs of the MLB and are considered favorites to repeat at the moment. In ten years' time, though? They could be in fourth place in their division. Ownership could change, a salary cap could be introduced, they could start making some piss poor decisions. Anything can happen.
Actually, no. The former, most definitely not, considering the NFL has a salary cap. It's one of my few problems with the MLB really, is that it's the only pro sport in the US without one, which is how you get people complaining about a lack of parity (Which is true to an extent, but not as bad as people make it out to be, there're 17 different WS champs in the last 25 years).
So, no I'm not going to deny it. But it pisses me off, because if another team did the same thing, the fans of that team would catch the same shit. This point is only brought to light because the Yankees are good. It's the same reason people hate them so much, merely because they're good, so people find whatever reason they can to hold something against them.
That used to be true, but at this point it's mostly because of the attitude the Yankees, and many of their fans for a while, carried. The most telling factor of that is that the Yankees really aren't that great anymore. The last few years, Steinbrenner's been trying to buy his way back to a championship, ignoring the fact that it's very tough to do so. Sure, they're a damn good team, but they've got zero chemistry and have become notorious for choking when it really matters. Welcome to the A-Rod era. Most of the work in those dynasty years was done by guys brought up through their farm system that were brought in while his dumb ass was banned from the MLB. Hank looks like he's off to a really bad start too. Next time I hear that douche talk about what it "means to be a Yankee" or any of the other crap he spouts implying that just being the Yankees makes them better, I'm gonna drive to NY and deck the putz.
I guess the reason I'm so bitter is because literally every baseball fan I know that isn't a Yankees fan maintains that you either love or hate the Yanks, there is no middle ground. And this pisses me off. Especially when people tell me their favorite team and I have to kindly remind them that the Yankees do not give a rat's ass about the Twins/Giants/Reds/Nationals/etc.
And that's the problem with the Yankees and some of their fans these days. They don't take anyone else seriously. If you're not big market, you're off their radar. This is how they got smoked out of the Series by two expansion teams this decade. They go in with their Yankee swagger, assuming people will just collapse and cry because they have to face the mighty Yankees while the other team is actually playing them twice as hard just to shut them up. I remember points in the beginning of the season where half the damn roster was on the DL and fans were still saying they were the best team in the MLB. It's not the fact they're good people hate them over. If that were the case, people would shit on the Angels constantly. People hate them because they're so damn complacent. It doesn't hurt that they're playing in what is currently a very weak division (Outside of themselves and the Sox, the Al East is pretty effectively garbage right now and it doesn't appear likely to change soon).