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Author Topic: Schoolyard Stories  (Read 44532 times)


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Re: Schoolyard Stories
« Reply #100 on: 10 Jan 2008, 21:58 »

British Bull-Dog: I can't 100% remember how this went, but I remember two teams lining up on opposite sides, and it being extremely fun.

In Britain we just call this Bulldog.



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Re: Schoolyard Stories
« Reply #101 on: 10 Jan 2008, 22:07 »

we used to have a game called rambo. one guy was rambo and tried to tackle as many kids as possible. those who were tackled, became rambo, and it would be like last man standing. fun in the mud.


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Re: Schoolyard Stories
« Reply #102 on: 10 Jan 2008, 22:19 »

I miss scarecrow tiggy.
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Re: Schoolyard Stories
« Reply #103 on: 10 Jan 2008, 22:25 »

In grade 8, all the guys (pretty much every single male) would play foot ball in front of the school, on what was actually to be the soccer pitch.  My school had the typical no bodily contact, but they tolerated us playing touch foot ball.  One day at lunch, we got the idea of actually playing tackle.  Me being the largest guy in the school, I received a pass and started running.  It took 4 people hanging off me to pull me down, momentum kept me going and i got a nice green pant leg.  I lied to my teacher, and mother saying I slipped.

Thinking back, I kind of did slip, but I had help of 4 other people.


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Re: Schoolyard Stories
« Reply #104 on: 10 Jan 2008, 22:49 »

Yeah, when I played tackle football with my friends I was the tank of the team, noone could bring me down if I braced for impact. I was heavy with a low-slung center of gravity. Of course playing like that got my leg broken, but meh
Yeah, I mean, "I won't kill and eat you if you won't kill and eat me" is typically a ground rule for social groups.

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Re: Schoolyard Stories
« Reply #105 on: 10 Jan 2008, 23:30 »

I was always the only girl to play football with the guys at lunch.  This went all the way from 6th grade to 10th.  We always played tackle football, even though we told the teachers we were only playing touch.  They didn't really care, the only thing they had a problem with was that we got our uniforms dirty.  It was a lot of fun.  Of course, this is how I broke my spine...  If it had broken even a centimeter more, I would have ended up paralyzed from the waist down.  But I loved playing football. 
I've got a small sticky-out scar like a third nipple just under my right manboob from where I was bitten by another kid in Year 3.


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Re: Schoolyard Stories
« Reply #106 on: 11 Jan 2008, 06:22 »

Yeah, when I played tackle football with my friends I was the tank of the team, noone could bring me down if I braced for impact. I was heavy with a low-slung center of gravity. Of course playing like that got my leg broken, but meh

This was me and my friend Leanne. I think it took 5 to pull her down, even though she's a bit smaller than I am, and 4 to get me, because one guy wrapped himself around my legs, which is a lot easier to do than jumping on my back, like most people were trying to do. Luckily we never broke anything, but we both had some major bruises. But of course, we tackled other people too and the other side didn't last as long. Heh.
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Re: Schoolyard Stories
« Reply #107 on: 11 Jan 2008, 08:11 »

When I was in middle school I apprently bumped into another girl in the lunch line and she took this as me "touching her butt." The alpha female of their little group yelled at me very loudly about how me being a lesbian does not mean I could just touch other girls butts. Unfortunately, I wasn't a lesbian, but I had short hair, which is the same thing for some people.

Anyways, apparently the rumor spread behind my back because a month later in science class a very large (tall, bulky, and viking like, not fat) girl sat next to me and passed me a note that read: "You are going to be my lesbian partner, ok?" I remember spending at least 5 minutes considering what interesting things could occur if I said "Ok," before deciding to just write "No."

Some people still think I'm a lesbian.

« Last Edit: 11 Jan 2008, 08:41 by SevenPinkerton »


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Re: Schoolyard Stories
« Reply #108 on: 11 Jan 2008, 08:37 »

Yeah, I liked having short hair when I was younger, so that misconception happened to me, too.
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Re: Schoolyard Stories
« Reply #109 on: 11 Jan 2008, 09:51 »

The Koreans at our school brought this crazy version of RPS.

You hold the other person's left hand in yours in a fist.  The winner of the round of RPS slaps the loser's hand as hard as possible.

End result: huge, swollen, purple/blue-spotted hands.
Oh yeah I played that a lot back in Korea. Only we weren't slapping the loser's hand, we would whip the inside of their wrist (y'know, the spot where emo kids slit their wrists) using our extended index and middle fingers.


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Re: Schoolyard Stories
« Reply #110 on: 11 Jan 2008, 11:46 »

Yeah, ours was the inside of the wrist, too. Except you didn't hold hands while playing. And you got to proffer your wrist to make it that much easier for them to hit you.

Some fuckers lick their fingers before they do it.

We also had this game where you got to have your ears boxed a lot. I don't really remember what it was about... but I remembering the ringing for days afterwards. g'ah.

Oh, and there's the hand slapping game. One person holds their hands facing up, and the other positions their hands just above them, facing down. They don't have to be touching, but you usually play where they're just touching. The person on the bottom moves their hands and slaps the person's on top.. unless the top person moves fast enough out of the way. If you hit the top person, you get to keep going. If you miss, you switch. And if the top person moves their hands out of the way and the bottom didn't move their hands to slap (false alarm, shit), you get a free slap where they aren't allowed to move.
Logged long as the word "cookie" is in your country's vocabulary, it's an okay place to be.

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Re: Schoolyard Stories
« Reply #111 on: 11 Jan 2008, 12:08 »

I always sucked at that game, and yet I played it ridiculously often. 
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Re: Schoolyard Stories
« Reply #112 on: 12 Jan 2008, 14:31 »

My friend is ridiculously good at that game. I remember someone playing him and he got them so much their hand started swelling up and they didn't get him once. Was painful to watch.
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Re: Schoolyard Stories
« Reply #113 on: 12 Jan 2008, 14:56 »

I would always play about 1 round, then get too irritated because I sucked, and gave up.
I've got a small sticky-out scar like a third nipple just under my right manboob from where I was bitten by another kid in Year 3.


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Re: Schoolyard Stories
« Reply #114 on: 12 Jan 2008, 15:07 »

i was in year 9 in 1999.  not a good year for schools after colombine.  so here i am in an Australian Public School on the monday after Valentines day and i notice there's a LOT of people away.  Apparently what had happened is one kid when balls crazy and threatened a Valentines Day Massacre on the previous friday.  a good three quaters of the student body took the day off (half because they were afraid of getting shot accidentally, the others were genuine tools and deserved to get shot) and the rest assumed (quite correctly) that he'd never go through with it.  i was the only one who had no idea about the threat


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Re: Schoolyard Stories
« Reply #115 on: 12 Jan 2008, 15:13 »

There was one girl in 3rd or 4th grade that used to kick me in the nuts all the time (I don't remember how provoked these sessions were.  Pain does that to my memory.).

I saw her in the fabric store yesterday and she apologized and gave me her number.

Three cheers for stylish earring and mustache!

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Re: Schoolyard Stories
« Reply #116 on: 12 Jan 2008, 16:38 »

In first year at high school we played a ridiculous game. It was basically everyone got a stick, formed 2 teams and then hit each other with the sticks until lunchtime was finished. I'm never even sure if there was a winner. It was the cause of a big fallout between me and my best friend cause i hit him a wee bit to hard cause the teams were really un-even. Don't think we played it again after that.

 What a tool.
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Re: Schoolyard Stories
« Reply #117 on: 13 Jan 2008, 05:15 »

Yeah it was a pretty shit game. I often look back at those days and think that was pretty fucking retarded.
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Re: Schoolyard Stories
« Reply #118 on: 13 Jan 2008, 15:20 »

I was suspended from high school 3 times... twice in year 8 and once in year 12.

The first time, a girl kept pushing me around, and when I pushed back, a teacher saw, and we got sent to the year level co-ordinator's office. Both of us got 1 day suspensions, but we were friends by the end of the day. (I went to her engagement party a month ago.)

5 months later, I was having a really shit day, and my friend Rhiannon's younger brother Tristan was getting in my personal space as he did all the frickin' time, and I ended up slapping him really hard, and left a nice hand print on his cheek. I dobbed myself in, but i still ended up getting susupended. (1 day.)

I managed to stay out of trouble for the rest of my time at Macleod College, but I changed schools in Year 12 and ended up at my younger sister's high school. She was known for not giving a rat's ass about whether she got into trouble for pounding the shit out of someone, but anyway.. She was friends with this one girl, who's older sister Jenna decided that I was a good target for her hatred. FOr the most part, I ignored her, but in the few weeks leading up to the end of the year, I snapped, and just didnt put up with her teasing and bullshit. The teachers just ignored the situation, which pretty much gave Jenna licence to bully me further, then my little sister and her little sister got it in their heads that it would be a perfect idea to try and get Jenna and I to be friends. I yelled a lot and they didnt try that again. But my sister was mad at me for some reason.

Then after one time Jenna was giving me shit, one of her friends came up to me and told me that she was pregnant, so that may have been why she was being such a bitch. I flet sorry for her, and I was on pretty ok terms with her younger sister, so I asked. And after we spoke, she said she wouldnt tell Jenna. The next day in homeroom, shit really hit the fan, and Jenna demanded to know why I'd asked her sister if she was pregnant. I said that someone had told me and I wanted to know if she was okay, and then she started cursing and yelling at me, so I stormed out. Then she followed me around the corner near the principal's office, and I turned around and put up arms in front of me in self defence and accidentally pushed her a tiny bit. She grabbed me by the hair, and started belting my head into a conveniently placed ledge (why I didnt end up dying from head injuries, I'll never know). I just kept kicking her in the legs repeatedly because even though I despised the bitch, her kid didnt need to suffer.

They year level co-ord came out of her office demanding we stop it, and get into her office, NOW! I told her to fuck off, something I'd never ever said to a teacher, and ran off. Jenna and I both got suspended, me for 1 day, and her for 3. Later, the principal called me into his office and said that because he knew I was generally a good kid, the suspension wasnt going on my record (it takes 12 months for something like that to be removed, and can hamper job prospects), but he had to be seen to be doing the "right" thing. After all my years of school, Mr White was my favourite principal ever, because he actually gave a damn about student welfare.

I also got pelted with rocks in year 9 by stupid boys in my class, and funnily enough, I'm friends with them now, 5 years later.
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Re: Schoolyard Stories
« Reply #119 on: 13 Jan 2008, 15:44 »

I was the girl who sat on the side during recess and read too (had no friends in 3rd grade because I moved to a new town over the summer before it started). About 2/3 of the way through my 3rd grade year, my teachers "challenged" me to only read during one recess (we had 2 recesses... snack recess and lunch recess). Every day when I walked into the room, I calculated which recess was longer and read during that one.
In fourth grade I made friends. Everyday, during recess, we played "boys vs girls" which basically consisted of somehow immobilizing everyone of the opposite sex. Once a boy was coming after me and he had a big wide-brimmed felt hat (it was a pilgrim hat. this happened around thanksgiving) that I grabbed off his head and threw like a frisbee. It landed in a puddle and he cried. I felt really bad about it.
Also playing boys vs girls, a boy named oliver grabbed me in a bear hug from behind. I wiggled around trying to get out (nothing sketchy going on. we were in 4th grade) and swung my head around. Unfortunately, my nose hit his very hard shoulder and I got the most spectacular nosebleed. The boy whose hat I threw in november was the person who took me to the nurse. He wanted to take me to our classroom first (on the opposite floor and opposite side of the school from the nurses office) and I totally flipped out at him. I reminded him that I had two hands full of my blood (my hands were cupped around my nose) and if he didn't take me to the nurse I'd throw it at him. He basically dragged me to the nurse.  :lol:
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Re: Schoolyard Stories
« Reply #120 on: 13 Jan 2008, 15:56 »

That reminds me, when I was in first grade, I was walking in from recess and I slipped on the ice and hit my fore-head really hard. I rubbed it and saw a bit of blood on my hand, but I didn't feel a bump. On the latter part of my trek to my classroom, I was asked by a kid in a higher grade if I was okay; I just shrugged him off. When I got into class, everyone was making a big fuss about my head, I didn't really understand why until I looked in the mirror. There was a 4 inch radius on my forehead that protruded like a small horn, on the tip of it there was a nasty gash that was at that point a dark-red scab. The teacher then questioned me about how it had happened, sent me to a nurse who checked me for signs of a concussion or something like that, and then sent me home. I played Zelda: Ocarina of Time and ate ice-cream for the rest of the day. My mom made me a root-beer float, too. It was a pretty good day, all in all.

I'd just like to add that I never cried from injuries as a kid. I even broke my wrist in fourth grade and didn't even tear up. I cried about stupid things though, like not being able to go on a sleep-over, or being teased by my brother.
« Last Edit: 13 Jan 2008, 15:58 by Chrasstor »


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Re: Schoolyard Stories
« Reply #121 on: 13 Jan 2008, 17:30 »

Some of the most hilarious moments in my grade-school days were when the older kids would steal rare Pokemon cards out of me and my friends backpacks, and then we would send our armies of second graders to attack and get our cards back. Of course, after a few weeks we got Pokemon cards banned at my school, ha. Good times.
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Re: Schoolyard Stories
« Reply #122 on: 14 Jan 2008, 06:08 »

The only real memorable thing to go on during Elementary school was when I was in about 2nd maybe 3rd grade, I had always had a problem with severe ear infections, didn't help my grandmother lived with us and smoked constantly (yes they are linked together). Well my ear infections just progressively got worse and worse as time went on, constantly in the doctors office for it, when one day during P.E. we were all lined up military style doing roll call (sad part of the public school), when my hearing just gave out. Apparently the teacher was calling my name at the time and I was just sitting there completely oblivious since I hadn't even noticed myself. Then he walked up to me as I was sitting and I looked up and saw his mouth moving but nothing coming out, so I turn to the kid next to me and the same thing. The teacher thought I was ignoring him the whole time and pointed to this clock (we had to sit under a huge clock if we were bad), so I go to sit and spend the rest of class there, after which luckily for me my sister had P.E. after me and saw me, so she comes up and realizes what happend, goes to explain the whole situation to my teacher, his jaw just dropped. Later on after going to the hospital to get surgery, and have my ear canal reopened and what not since they had collapsed, once I could hear again he was constantly apologizing to me.
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Re: Schoolyard Stories
« Reply #123 on: 14 Jan 2008, 06:32 »

John is not a very big guy, but he's totally fearless and never loses his cool. He got up, went and bought a chocolate milk, opened it as he walked over to the popular kids' table, and calmly poured the entire contents on Scott's head. "Not laughing now, are you, ASSHOLE?!" he shouts at him. And indeed he was not.

I had something like that, only it was this chick who was pissed at me. It was during 10th grade year, it started in math class, the girl said something rude to me and I told her she looked like a pig. Later during lunch I'm sitting with my friends getting small gifts since it happened to be my birthday, when she walks up and pours my own milk onto me and a new shirt I had just gotten. I just sit there nice and calm my friends just look and dont say anything, I wait till she got seated in her chair with her group of friends. One of the Asst. Principles happens to be watching the whole situation as it is going on. So I get up walk to her table, and just lift the whole thing spilling all the food onto the girls lap. I proceed to walk by the asst. principle and tell him I was going to my locker to get a change of clothes, he just looks at me and says "go ahead its your birthday" and I got off free of any trouble.
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Re: Schoolyard Stories
« Reply #124 on: 14 Jan 2008, 20:36 »

My huge thing when I was a kid was running around naked.  I would run out of the house without clothes, pretending to be a bird or Peter Pan or some shit, having an awesome naked time.
My first day of school, my parents had to tie my uniform on me.  You can see the rope a little in the pictures, even though it's discrete.
Later in my school career, I would still wear as little clothes as I could get by with.  This meant a short skirt rather than a long skirt, shorts rather than pants, all according to regulated uniform of the school.  This is because I was a little exhibitionist as a child, I can find no other rationale.  It wasn't for comfort - even a Hong Kong winter is freezing when you're not wearing that much fabric.  Once a teacher asked me why I wasn't wearing more clothes, and realising how crazy it was that I was not wearing more clothing, I blamed it on my parents - my mom and dad stole all my pants.
That must have seemed super weird, but I was also the kid who was crusading for bug rights on the playground, going around with a jar and saving them from being stepped on.

I had forgotten about that until just now.


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Re: Schoolyard Stories
« Reply #125 on: 15 Jan 2008, 19:55 »

^I did the same thing with bugs. I also preached Christianity and told everyone they were going to Hell.

I'm so glad I grew out of that second one and came to sanity. I still love bugs, though.


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Re: Schoolyard Stories
« Reply #126 on: 15 Jan 2008, 19:59 »

I used to catch bugs and pretend that they were Pokemon and that I was a Pokemon trainer.

It was damned fun. I  remember especially loving caterpillars, I wish I could find more caterpillars...


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Re: Schoolyard Stories
« Reply #127 on: 15 Jan 2008, 21:54 »

Seven you'r the type of kid who probably got me beat up in elementary school.

I'd forgotten this story but this brings it up. In fourth grade My parents stopped forcing me to go to church, since I hated Sunday School and the people in it and I hated Church services, and in fact they themselves started going to a place called the Unitarian Universalist Church of Lubbock which is where I first learned about how some people don't believe in God. Well, being the brilliant person that I am at that young and tender age decided that that if there was no Santa Claus or Easter Bunny, and that since I despised sitting still in church or listening to boring stories or singing stupid songs in Sunday School, that there must be no god. So the next Monday I' in school during lunch and I'm talking to my best friend about how I've decided to become an atheist.

Well other kids hear me and several of them know what it is, and they start saying how I'm going to go to hell and all sorts of stuff. One of them tells a teacher (And since this is Lubbock Texas where about 90% of the population is Southern Baptist) she informs the principle who talks to my parents. Well since they can't actually legally do anything and my parents were always awesome for letting us believe what we wanted to believe they had to let it go. But for the rest of that year parents of kids in my grade kept giving their kids Bibles to give to me (which I politely refused) and for the rest of my time in Elementary school a lot of kids wouldn't associate with me, including one kid by the name of Jason who everytime he saw me said "Philip, you're going to hell." A lot of kids actually deemed it part of their Christian duty to beat me up when the teachers weren't looking out of school or during lunch. It was about this time I started taking self-defense classes.

Well once Junior high rolls around I go to a school known for its academic program while most of my classmates at the elementary school, don't. By the time I get to High School in about the 11th grade I've forgotten any of this ever happened, until I hear some guy in the hall one day yell out "Philip, you're going to hell!" Yeah, it was Jason, but at this point its a joke with him, he's actually become agnostic himself, and for the rest of my time as a junior we're pretty good friends. Funny how life turns out.
Yeah, I mean, "I won't kill and eat you if you won't kill and eat me" is typically a ground rule for social groups.

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Re: Schoolyard Stories
« Reply #128 on: 15 Jan 2008, 22:33 »

Karen Ellis, my Health, PE and Dance elective teacher went to jail for having sex with a boy in my year level in Year 10 (4 years ago). It made headlines.

 Holy dang, about 3 years ago we had a teacher named Mr. Ellis who got busted for sexin' up some teenaged girls!
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Re: Schoolyard Stories
« Reply #129 on: 16 Jan 2008, 10:32 »

In high school, there was this one teacher named Ms. Herring (yeah, like the fish) who was absolutely stunning. People argue about what's considered "cute" versus "pretty" versus just plain "hot", but Ms Herring was all three. Beautiful smile, beautiful eyes, and best of all, she was just a really, really nice person. Every hetero male in school was in love/lust with her. So anyway, during Band one time, there's a knock at the door, and our director Mr. Mac, one of the coolest people in the world, yells "Come in!"

In walks Ms. Herring, and it gets absolutely silent in the room. All the guys are just staring, and most of the girls have to admit that she's a very pretty lady, and they can't hate her because she's so nice. She says,

"I've thought about what you asked me, and I've decided to tell you 'Yes, I'll do it.' Just let me know where and when, and if I should wear anything special."

The entire Band Room erupts with "Whoo, Mister Mac!" and countless other congratulatory, insidious things. Ms. H apparently realizes what she's said, and how it sounds, and she turns all red and turns to leave. Mr. M yells (over the noise) "I'll call you, okay?" which only increases the degree of senseless screaming going on. Then he too realizes that it was not something that high schoolers are going to let slide, and he turns red, too.

Eventually (like 10 minutes later, once everyone has calmed down) we learn that Ms. Herring was asked to be the new coach of the Pom Pon Squad, which works directly with the Marching Band. Her answer was 'Yes' and I'm guessing she was wondering if she should maybe change into jeans or something. But it sure didn't sound like that, especially to gutter-minded horny high schoolers.
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Re: Schoolyard Stories
« Reply #130 on: 16 Jan 2008, 16:12 »

Karen Ellis, my Health, PE and Dance elective teacher went to jail for having sex with a boy in my year level in Year 10 (4 years ago). It made headlines.

 Holy dang, about 3 years ago we had a teacher named Mr. Ellis who got busted for sexin' up some teenaged girls!

Haha, I wonder if they were related?
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Re: Schoolyard Stories
« Reply #131 on: 16 Jan 2008, 17:52 »

I was the loner kid until highschool because I got shuffled around a bit during most of my school career.  Because I hated the public schools, I worked full time in the summers to pay for my tution to attend catholic school.  We were by no-means poor, but the extra tuition would have prevented my parents fom finishing their Master's.  Because of some school official tool, other kids found out about me paying my own way through school and tormented  me. Needless to say, I got in my share of fights.

One time in at my lovely Catholic eighth grade, I got into several fist fights over the course of a day with another boy, this was the second or third day.  The whole thing started because he said something about hurting my lil sister.  At the end of the day, we were standing about 3 meters apart yelling violent threats at each other.  He finally threatened to rape my sister, and I told him that he couldn't get it up, turned on my heel and announced to everyone that he had "Been caught giving Blowjobs to So-and-So by the gym teacher in the lockerroom."  A teacher stepped inbetween us and told me to calm down.  The guy then went after my sister who was coming over to tell me that our grandmother had shown up to pick us up.  I tackled him, with the teacher still standing in front of me.  I broke three fingers on his jaw, and give him a real nice shiner.  The teacher claimed I broke her nail, and informed me of this everyweek through the end of the year, after which I wrote her an apology card.  We were both dragged to the principal, an elderly lady standing at Four foot flat.  The kid's dad had shown up to see me give his son the shiner.  He was raising holy hell with the principal while I sat out in the hall by myself.  My mother was called in, from out of town to pick me up, she couldn't, so my dad did.  He had just gotten out of an important meeting.  I thought I was in for it, cause I had made him a promise not to fight that year.  She "explains" (aka yells at my dad what I did, and how everything was my fault) and then looks at me, I down at her, and yells "We don't use the word BlowJob at this school!"  My dad snorts, but maintains a straight face and tells her that I will be punished accordingly.  We get to the car, he looks at me and says "Blowjob, eh?" and we laugh the whole way home.  The kid showed back up to school a week later, then left forever.

In High School, I got "expelled" for a whole day.  I was attending and participating in a school function off-campus.  A kid had gone through my backpack and stole over $200 dollars of cash and equipment (a Ti-84 SE and $80 bucks) and trashed a collector's item book my dad had lent to me to read while I was waiting.  I got overly pisssed off, and went looking for him.  a few minutes later, i calmed down and walked over to the room my mother was in, helping to judge.  The kid walks by, flaunting my money, and I snap.  I yell at him from across the hall and he takes off running.  Some lady walks out and told me to stay where I stood, our coach was called up, and she told him that I had the kid in a chokehold and was pummelling him.  I never layed a hand on him, and my mum had heard the yelling and witnessed the whole thing.  During my "expelled" day, my mum met with the principal and laid out the events.  She reinstated me on the spot.  And lucky for me, I was at home, playing video games, avoiding a school mission day.

Then, in my junior year, in my English class, taught by Ms. Herring (not the same one, I assure you), my buddy and I decided to stand up and sing "Bid Balls" by AC/DC while we were supposed to read "The Great Gatsby."  That year, I amassed the largest amount of "detentions" in school's history, and I served less than half of them.
Quote from: Tommy on Gabbly
i'm not paying for your boob jon
Quote from: Darryl
I fuck at typos
Quote from: Squiddy
but you haven't sig quoted me yet kevin
Quote from: Darryl on meebo
9 inches is pathetic by today's standard


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Re: Schoolyard Stories
« Reply #132 on: 16 Jan 2008, 19:18 »

"But We've got the biggest,
Balls of them all!"

You are my hero.
Yeah, I mean, "I won't kill and eat you if you won't kill and eat me" is typically a ground rule for social groups.


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Re: Schoolyard Stories
« Reply #133 on: 16 Jan 2008, 23:18 »

Dissy, I like you the best.
Logged long as the word "cookie" is in your country's vocabulary, it's an okay place to be.

Those who forget the past may be doomed to repeat it, but those who refuse to learn from the past and move on are fucking idiots.


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Re: Schoolyard Stories
« Reply #134 on: 17 Jan 2008, 14:18 »

In second grade, one of my friends claimed that Green Day had a song called "Dookie" off their album of the same name.  Then he sang it.  All I can remember is that the first part of the chorus was "Dookie! / Dookie! / I made it on the floor", and one of the verses started with "My wife told me to clean it up / And I told her to eat it".  Delightfully puerile.
You just came back to shit in my heart, didn't you Ryan?


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Re: Schoolyard Stories
« Reply #135 on: 21 Jan 2008, 19:35 »

I got into a fight with a Sikh kid when I was in 3rd grade.  I pulled his headpiece off.  I felt so fucking bad about that.



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WARNING: Very verbose
« Reply #136 on: 23 Jan 2008, 12:39 »

In 4th grade, we had Track and Field and we had to make our own T&F shirts, and we used fabric paint.  We had a little outline to use and stuff, and everyone else had an easy time writing "Masons Mastiffs" on their shirts, and putting their own details on it, then drying it and putting their name on the other side.  I, however, had the misfortune of being left handed.  As I was trying to copy the stencil,My hand dragged across the whole shirt and got globs of paint all over it.  I was trying to be neat, and hoped no one noticed the muddled mess, but the teacher noticed and started freaking out.  She said she would have to do my shirt, made me feel like a dumbass, and asked me to go wash the paint off of my hands and arms.  Unfortunately, I had an allergic reaction to the paint, and my whole arm and my face itched like CRAZY.  I had to get an epi and stay in the nurses office until my mom came to get me.  When she saw me, covered in paint, all red from the allergy, and crying because I was pathetic, she BURST into laughter.  Later, she helped me make my own T&F shirt at home, which was WAY cooler than all those dumbdumbs in the class had.  Woo, childhood trauma.

I have some other ones, but they are WAY too long.  I was always waay too tall for my age, which caused teasing, and my last name is a noun, so I got made fun of a lot for that.  Fun.


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Re: Schoolyard Stories
« Reply #137 on: 23 Jan 2008, 13:39 »

When I was in second grade, I got a scratch on my middle finger during recess.  I knelt down and was examining it when a boy came over and asked me what was wrong.  I curled up my other fingers and showed him my middle one, explaining, "Oh, it's nothing, just a litt--"  He ran off, screaming, "Teacher, she gave me the middle finger!"  I don't think he actually took the trouble of finding a teacher to tell, because I don't remember having to defend myself in my ignorance, but I do remember my father refusing to tell me what it meant at home that evening.

A good friend of mine talks about a similar experience: her parents wouldn't explain why the four F's of evolutionary motivation--fleeing, feeding, fighting, and, er, reproducing--weren't the three F's and an R.


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Re: Schoolyard Stories
« Reply #138 on: 23 Jan 2008, 17:06 »

Fucking Fornication?
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