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Re: Emo
« Reply #50 on: 12 Jan 2008, 11:46 »

This part of my Post is about music:

See, I am gonna come clean and say that a lot of the band you guys are talking about is TOTALLY news to me. I have spent the last five years Damn damn sure that I knew what emo was, that the Promise Ring was the best band ever, and that Emo started in the mid-Nineties. My mind isn't just blown, it got blown, came, fell asleep, woke up next to all this new music, and blogged about it. I basically just downloaded every band A pack of Wolves has posted about in his last 15 posts, and and pretty pleased with all the results. I am thrilled that my favorite kind of music isn't as hollow as I'd always secretly feared. There is a really cool book out about Emo it's called Everybody Cries. It's all about what and what isn't Emo, and lists all of the subtypes of Emo. It's pretty cool.

The truth is that I'm pretty young, and I grew up in Upstate NY (Kingston, New Paltz Area) and so my musical library was limited to whatever my friends had. I absolutely Fell in love with emo (As it was portrayed then by Taking Back Sunday, Thursday, and Yellowcard's good album) but had no idea it had started as a different kind of music from the 80's. I mean, I can totally see the resemblance between Moss Icon and Thursday (I listened to their albums back to back and was really surprised actually). It's been said before but I'm fairly certain that the very idea of Genre is awfully executed. Terms like Emo and Indie Rock are just too all encompassing, and doesn't the term "Indie Rock" comepletely defeat the purpose of not sounding like other bands.
Record Exec: "We need a way to organize all these hippies with plaid shirts and weird names into one wholly ironic caste system that literally strips them of every individualistic viewpoint and, if at all possible, is more expensive to the consumer that absolutely necessary."

If I may pose the thread a question: What is it about Emo that gets you? That pulls you in?
Personally, with my primary exposure to Emo being Taking Back Sunday, Thursday, Yellowcard, MCR, etc. (My first CD ever was Weezer's Blue Album, because my dad and Rivers Cuomo were friends and Rivers gave me a signed copy when I was little), I was basically totally enthralled that people out there (in the World) felt as shitty as I did. I was overweight, undertall, absolutely TERRIFIED of girls, and lacking in basically every form of applicable confidence known to man, but when I had my headphones, my CD player was full of songs about getting over the bullshit, or being really angry and yelling about it, or songs about *Gasp* suicide!! oooooh!! As I matured into the social Monarch butterfly I am and realized girls were actually not scary, but exactly as cool as boys but with key differences, the music began to hold much more sign significance, because now the majority of the songs on all my emo albums were about dealing with the Inevitable tsunami of teen-drama/horse shit that people deal with in high school in there relationships, and knowing that there were tons of people out there, who'd been hurt real bad, but had survived and not only that, but gone on to turn their pain and experience into a beautiful song. Weezer's "The World has Turned" was my number one breakup song of all time until i got married, hopefully I won't ever need another break up song again =)

This part of my post is 2cents on the MCR/Queen/Attacking hipsters debacle. If this does not interest you, please skip to the next post =):
There is an awful lot of back and forth about a lot of non discussiony Jank, primarily about attacking hipsters. I'm not, nor have I, nor will I ever, attack hipsters for liking or disliking music, and doing so pre-emptively can only lead to some seriously cold posts in the future. Again, Even if they don't listen to Mogwai and beat it to their heavy riff centric stoner rock tones, they might still hate bands like MCR which is marketed heavily to 14 year olds (Who interestingly enough are the kids most likely to identify with any of the lyrics on their first or 2nd album). All i'm gonna say is "If you have never actually taken the time to sit down and investigate a band yourself, then just don't talk about them." As an avid fan, I am pleased that MCR still gets hell of publicity, because hopefully that means more tours, and regardless of whatever criticisms anyone has about MCR, they put on fucking jaw droppingly awesome live shows.

As for comparing them to Queen, anyone who follows MCR can tell you the band is extremely respectful of the band and they all grew up listening to that glam rock that they are trying so heavily to bring back into the limelight. and Jesus, if you took all the cash that MCR and P!ATD last tours made, it would seem that big overly flashy over produced rock shows are back in full swing. I do not think this is a bad thing.
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Re: Emo
« Reply #51 on: 12 Jan 2008, 11:52 »

Now, got that out of the way. I would just like to say: Fucking hypocrites. You claim to be music lovers, or at least like music, yet you let the production and distribution of an album get in the way of your opinion of said music. I know that you guys won't actually admit to this

Well, I won't admit it because it's not true.  I like lots of mainstream music.

In other words: You're doing it wrong.

Lurk more.

On topic: Elliott?  Really?  I saw them and June of 44 open for Fugazi like 9 years ago and they were horrible.  June of 44 was not, however.
« Last Edit: 12 Jan 2008, 11:57 by zerodrone »
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Re: Emo
« Reply #52 on: 12 Jan 2008, 13:26 »

On topic: Elliott?  Really?  I saw them and June of 44 open for Fugazi like 9 years ago and they were horrible.  June of 44 was not, however.

Yes, really.  "U.S. Songs" is fucking brilliant, but a little too similar to Texas is the Reason.  "False Cathedrals" is also a damn amazing album.  Plus, that band has put on a ridiculously tight show every time I ever saw them.  You can say you don't like the music, but with Kevin Ratterman on drums, you can never call them horrible.  That dude's a god.  If you caught them in their earliest hardcore inception (I hear some members may have been in Endpoint and Falling Forward, but I've never checked) I heard that was not good.  Dig deeper.  They're cool beans.  Nice dudes, too.


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Re: Emo
« Reply #53 on: 12 Jan 2008, 13:57 »

(My first CD ever was Weezer's Blue Album, because my dad and Rivers Cuomo were friends and Rivers gave me a signed copy when I was little),
regardless about what i think of you, you are now some kind of hero to me if only because you know one of my items of worship on an almost personal level.  moving on...

As for comparing them to Queen, anyone who follows MCR can tell you the band is extremely respectful of the band and they all grew up listening to that glam rock that they are trying so heavily to bring back into the limelight. and Jesus, if you took all the cash that MCR and P!ATD last tours made, it would seem that big overly flashy over produced rock shows are back in full swing. I do not think this is a bad thing.
The (my) problem isn't that MCR like Queen.  It's that MCR are trying to BE Queen.  Bands like the Foo Fighters that you mentioned took riff based rock they learned from songs like Tie Your Mother Down and Fat Bottom Girls and produced stuff like Generator and In your Honour.  MCR took Bohemian Rhapsody and came back with Bohemian Rhapsody.  (oh and lets not start on that god awful cover of under pressure).  My point is that even if you spent your childhood with A Night At The Opera playing through headphone surgically attached to your head, there's no excuse for trying to mimick the sound and go around calling yourself an original band who were inspired by Queen when people like Muse, Foo Fighters and Radiohead al have the same credit on thier resume, yet sound nothing like Queen
« Last Edit: 12 Jan 2008, 14:12 by doki »

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Re: Emo
« Reply #54 on: 12 Jan 2008, 14:08 »

The Hated - this was the band that took emo out on the road so people who weren't from DC got to hear it (they were from Maryland if I remember right), criminally overlooked these days. All their records are now out of press although I hear Troubleman Unlimited are doing a discog, but that's been supposed to be happening for years so who knows when it'll see the light of day. Very melodic with those classic out of tune vocals used to much in emo, they're probably the early emo band with the greatest distance from hardcore.

Moss Icon - another of the first emo bands from outside DC, Moss Icon ploughed a much more hardcore furrow than The Hated in their later recordings. Some of my favourites though are songs like the compilation track Cornflower Blue which are incredibly vulnerable, sounding like complicated poetry set to music.

I'm pretty sure they're both from Annapolis, which is where I go to school and which as of now has absolutely -no- local music scene.  I've heard grumblings its related to the city basically kicking out the kids as it were, which is makes sense given Annapolis' current status as overgrown marina with attached bar/retirement community.

Two bands that include ex-Orchid members and kind of pick up the torch of crazy postmodern hardcore are Bucket Full of Teeth and Panthers, though Bucket Full of Teeth is definately better, if you ask me.

Also, Neil Perry is a pretty good screamo band, particularly their late material.

By the way, I think it's included in that history of emo that's online somewhere and may have been linked to, but when exactly is the point where emo gets infused with indie rock/slowcore/whatever and stops being synonomous with Emotional Hardcore?  I'm not really into most of the less hardcore 'emo' bands so I don't remember.
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Re: Emo
« Reply #55 on: 12 Jan 2008, 14:11 »

when exactly is the point where emo gets infused with indie rock/slowcore/whatever and stops being synonomous with Emotional Hardcore?

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Re: Emo
« Reply #56 on: 12 Jan 2008, 14:28 »

Oh god Elliott are so good. False Cathedrals, 5* album. By Song In The Air, you couldn't really call them emo, but it's still great. Just all round good band. Never seem them live though so don't know how that goes.

Also, as far as I was aware, Falling Forward was Elliott, just with a different sound and less gorgeous vocals.
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Re: Emo
« Reply #57 on: 12 Jan 2008, 14:40 »

No mention of Cursive's first three (flawless) albums.
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Re: Emo
« Reply #58 on: 12 Jan 2008, 15:41 »

We were saving them for you.

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Re: Emo
« Reply #59 on: 12 Jan 2008, 18:52 »

I'm pretty sure they're both from Annapolis, which is where I go to school and which as of now has absolutely -no- local music scene.  I've heard grumblings its related to the city basically kicking out the kids as it were, which is makes sense given Annapolis' current status as overgrown marina with attached bar/retirement community.

Two bands that include ex-Orchid members and kind of pick up the torch of crazy postmodern hardcore are Bucket Full of Teeth and Panthers, though Bucket Full of Teeth is definately better, if you ask me.

Also, Neil Perry is a pretty good screamo band, particularly their late material.

By the way, I think it's included in that history of emo that's online somewhere and may have been linked to, but when exactly is the point where emo gets infused with indie rock/slowcore/whatever and stops being synonomous with Emotional Hardcore?  I'm not really into most of the less hardcore 'emo' bands so I don't remember.

Bucket Full Of Teeth are incredible, I love that one-sided 12". Really wish I'd picked up the 7"es back when they were released too, I totally slept on that one. Panthers I always found very weak, they didn't even grab me live. Neil Perry I've never investigated too much, I really liked that split with A Days Refrain though. Catchy stuff.

The mix between emo and indie? Well, you could say it began with Rites of Spring really, but the problem basically began with all the midwest sound. Texas Is The Reason, Braid, Jimmy Eat World (to be honest, I thought they were terrible even with their early stuff when they supported every emo band that came through town) and all that. You kind of had that split between the bands who went more polished and pop and those that went into screamo choas. Both produced some great material, but the more polished stuff lead to things like Dashboard Confessional. Perhaps unsurprisingly my heart lies with the likes of Swing Kids and Mohinder though, so that might not be the best synopsis.

Quote from: Clintaga
If I may pose the thread a question: What is it about Emo that gets you? That pulls you in?

Good question. For a start, there's the politics. I like DIY not just a system of making music but also as a general approach to the world much like a lot of emo bands, so when bands start screaming about Foucault or police brutality I'm right there with them. I also really like the idea of music that can be made by anyone, where technical ability is irrelevant and it's all about having good ideas, something you want to say. A real democratisation of music I suppose, and emo definitely delivers that for me. Then there's the simple fact that I enjoy heavy, aggressive music but am not at all macho which describes a lot of emo music.

Was anyone else seriously gutted that Hot Cross broke up last year?

Honestly, no. They were pretty bad when I saw them on their last tour. Don't get me wrong, I really like Cryonics but they were no longer able to pull it off live and their material after that was very so-so. Much like the demise of JR Ewing, it was time to go. Back when JR Ewing released The Perfect Drama they were on the top of their game but then Humanfly came along and with their mini-cd basically out-JR Ewinged JR Ewing. Then there was the best forgotten period when they tried to go all pop and weren't very good at it. I'm happy to spin the good records and remember back when they could still kick arse.
« Last Edit: 12 Jan 2008, 18:58 by a pack of wolves »
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Re: Emo
« Reply #60 on: 12 Jan 2008, 19:33 »

Really? Hmmm, I guess I was mostly bummed because I never saw them live and I think they were supposed to be coming to Europe sometime soon, then split. If they weren't up to scratch though, maybe it's for the best. No point dragging it out. Wish I'd seen them once though. Bah.
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Re: Emo
« Reply #61 on: 12 Jan 2008, 19:41 »

They were probably bad because one of their guitarists left and I'm not sure if they replaced him. But yeah, Risk Revival was a pretty bad record compared to their earlier efforts which were so promising.

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Re: Emo
« Reply #62 on: 12 Jan 2008, 20:10 »

Yeah, the lack of second guitar was a large part of it. But the way they compensated seemed to be to just thrash everything out, and although I love music played that way it meant they blurred out all the crispness which was most of the point of Hot Cross in the first place. Without that you ended up with some distinctly average punk songs. A shame, particularly since I found myself staring at them and thinking 'you were in Saetia?' and not wanting to listen to Cryonics for quite a while afterwards.
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Re: Emo
« Reply #63 on: 13 Jan 2008, 07:52 »

I was able to get the Bucket Full of teeth 7"s on ebay for not that much.  Maybe 15 dollars for all of them over a couple of auctions?
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Re: Emo
« Reply #64 on: 13 Jan 2008, 09:18 »


Nah dude. I saw them live before, when they opened for Green Day.

And they fucking sucked. That's why I piss on them.
Wait so you're letting something that happened 10 years ago ruin your quality of life? What are you, America? :psyduck:


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Re: Emo
« Reply #65 on: 13 Jan 2008, 10:19 »

i've been into 2nd wave emo since high school and just sort of followed most of my favourite bands members through their various projects.

mineral have always been a huge love of mine, gloria record are ok but dont come quite close. but being from the uk i've not had as much exposure and access to these bands as most of you guys have, so this thread had more helped me discovered some great bands than it has informed me about the genre itself (not that i needed informing).

does anyone have any elliott they fancy uploading for me? plus any other recommendations in that vein or the vein of bands like mineral, i hate myself (i've never been sure how serious these guys were), appleseed cast and such like.
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Re: Emo
« Reply #66 on: 13 Jan 2008, 10:24 »

Orchid is a favorite among some of my friends. I have the Dance tonight/chaos is me CD and like parts of it. I thought it was worth it to get both albums. Orchid's probably not my favorite whatever-core/emo violence/etc band though. That would probably be Jerome's Dream.

They did a bunch of split eps, one with orchid actually, and one full album I think. It's all collected on "Completed 1997-2001"

For the early stuff the guitarist has a ridiculous high-pitched scream that they recorded by leaving a mike on the floor while playing. I don't mean farm animal squealing-just a really bizarre shriek. I love it, a lot of people hate it. For their later stuff though, the singer decided he'd coughed up enough blood I guess-and started using a weird megaphone kinda sounding effect. They relied on feedback for a lot of songs, and I think it works. coupled with heavy as fuck bass and hectic drumming. Most of their songs were recorded with Kurt Ballou, if that means anything to anyone besides me.

yeah. I'm a fan of it-if the poorly written bio up there didn't clue you in. Also-these might have already been mentioned, in which case I'll second them-City of Caterpillar, Circle takes the Square.

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Re: Emo
« Reply #67 on: 13 Jan 2008, 11:06 »

I am so goddamn mad that you guys are at all comparing MCR to Queen. I am so mad.

Have you listened to the new MCR album?

There are a good dozen posts on this board in which I claim to like My Chemical Romance. That was when they dressed like this:

A little cringe-worthy but somehow campy. Dig the Maiden shirt!

Now they dress like this:

« Last Edit: 13 Jan 2008, 11:07 by Johnny C »
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Re: Emo
« Reply #68 on: 13 Jan 2008, 11:15 »

Gerard just needs a big moustache, and he will look even more like a Freddie Mercury wannabe.


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Re: Emo
« Reply #69 on: 13 Jan 2008, 11:24 »

Oh dear god that picture is horrifying.

. A shame, particularly since I found myself staring at them and thinking 'you were in Saetia?' and not wanting to listen to Cryonics for quite a while afterwards.

Yeah, I'd have to agree, Billy's vocals in Hot Cross have nothing on his Vocals in Saetia.
« Last Edit: 13 Jan 2008, 12:04 by Objects inside Clouds »
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Re: Emo
« Reply #70 on: 13 Jan 2008, 11:30 »

There are a good dozen posts on this board in which I claim to like My Chemical Romance. That was when they dressed like this:

I heard a few seconds of an old MCR song and it sounded quite fun.

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Re: Emo
« Reply #71 on: 13 Jan 2008, 12:59 »

I don't think there's anything wrong with MCR, per se, it's just that the whole MCR fan experience is quite frankly bewildering to me. It's like if someone ran you down and proceeded to describe a Domino's pizza in the same glowing terms a Pentecostal minister would describe Christ's ascenscion. Either you're preaching to the converted or else there's bound to be some skepticism. Apparently this forum has some skeptics.
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Re: Emo
« Reply #72 on: 13 Jan 2008, 13:18 »

Now, got that out of the way. I would just like to say: Fucking hypocrites. You claim to be music lovers, or at least like music, yet you let the production and distribution of an album get in the way of your opinion of said music. I know that you guys won't actually admit to this and I'll just get bitched out, but whatever. I bet if nobody heard of MCR and you guys found them, you would get drunk and masturbate to them, like you do for Mogwai.

Huh? I am a music lover, but production has nothing to do with my enjoyment, as I enjoy the diversity of it. Distribution also doesn't bother me until the band tries too hard. I also don't listen to Mogwai. I have heard one song by MCR and while I thought it was catchy, it wasn't enough to make me want to look into them more and buy an album. Not saying catchy is bad, because it's not, it was just lacking whatever it is I like about the music I listen to. Everyone's free to listen to what they want, but calling all of us hypocrites and basically stereotyping the entire forum based on what some of the members like isn't really necessary.
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Re: Emo
« Reply #73 on: 13 Jan 2008, 13:40 »

does anyone have any elliott they fancy uploading for me? plus any other recommendations in that vein or the vein of bands like mineral, i hate myself (i've never been sure how serious these guys were), appleseed cast and such like.

Have you heard the I Hate Myself split with Twelve Hour Turn? Since you're from the UK Bob Tilton and Spy Versus Spy are probably the biggest hitters from this side of the pond, I recommend checking them out. You're probably best off downloading Bob Tilton though since I'm pretty sure all their records are out of press. Christie Front Drive and Braid could well be worth a look for you as well. I can't help with the Elliott I'm afraid, I think I've got one of their albums somewhere but it's pretty bad, somebody told me it was not from their best period.

Actually, I just put Dark Days Coming by Three on and I'm slightly tempted to recommend you just get that if you haven't already instead of anything else I've recommended purely on the grounds that it's absolutely amazing.
« Last Edit: 13 Jan 2008, 14:08 by a pack of wolves »
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Re: Emo
« Reply #74 on: 13 Jan 2008, 16:59 »

@Johnny: I am pretty sure I see Snaggletooth peeking out from under a sweatshirt on the top picture too.
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Re: Emo
« Reply #75 on: 13 Jan 2008, 20:02 »

Woo. I actually just found my old case of albums and cds at my parents house over the holidays.

Sleepytime Trio, You & I, and City of Caterpillar are being uploaded onto my MP3 player as I type this. I haven't heard this shit in years.


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Re: Emo
« Reply #76 on: 13 Jan 2008, 23:44 »

Anyone know what happened to The Corta Vita? Or Kite-Flying Society?
I really liked those bands.. So overly emotional it hurts.
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Re: Emo
« Reply #77 on: 14 Jan 2008, 02:42 »

does anyone have any elliott they fancy uploading for me? plus any other recommendations in that vein or the vein of bands like mineral, i hate myself (i've never been sure how serious these guys were), appleseed cast and such like.

I'm putting up False Cathedrals now.

I'm pretty sure I Hate Myself were supposed to be at least light-heartedly ripping on all the overwrought "oh god girls make my life so depressing at least I have poetry" tendencies of many bands. Also they had that song about Dragonball where he screams KAAAAAMEHAAAAAAMEHAAAAAAAAA at the end. Still great band though.

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Re: Emo
« Reply #78 on: 14 Jan 2008, 02:57 »

i would have to say i do like a bit of Engine Down when it comes to emo.


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Re: Emo
« Reply #79 on: 14 Jan 2008, 03:25 »

Have you heard the I Hate Myself split with Twelve Hour Turn? Since you're from the UK Bob Tilton and Spy Versus Spy are probably the biggest hitters from this side of the pond, I recommend checking them out

I have the I Hate Myself split but I dont like it as much as the album I have...10 songs?

Christie Front Drive and Braid could well be worth a look for you as well

I'm a big fan of both these bands and have quite a lot by Christie Front Drive (an Anthology album and their self titled one, plus their split with Boys Life) and Braid, I love the few songs I have from Frame & Canvas, Age of Octeen is ok and the 2 volumes of Movie Music is good just for the Smiths covers.

Cheers for the recommendations!

(Edit) I just looked and realised that I got all of these albums from a torrent that's been circling for a while on most websites called '90's emo' and then lists a load of bands. Its actually not that bad except it has Joan of Arc who arent really what I'd call emo, even if they stem from that scene. It does have everything Pop Unknown did though, and A Retrospective by Saetia (although I've never really given that a good listen, I will now). There's the link if anybody is interested, its not seeded too well atm.

« Last Edit: 14 Jan 2008, 03:31 by blanktom »
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Re: Emo
« Reply #80 on: 14 Jan 2008, 04:44 »

Also they had that song about Dragonball where he screams KAAAAAMEHAAAAAAMEHAAAAAAAAA at the end.

I completely lost my shit at that point the first time I listened to that song.

I don't know if they're "emo" per se, but I really dig Small Brown Bike.
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Re: Emo
« Reply #81 on: 14 Jan 2008, 06:16 »

I've never been sure of I Hate Myself either.. I like that though. I Would
Set Myself On Fire For You and I Wrote Haiku's About Cannibalism In Your Yearbook
are great examples of that kind of in-the-scene sarcasm.

Btw some modern emo/screamo recommendations:
Maladie, Tristan Tzara, Cease Upon The Capitol, Bucket Full of Teeth,
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Re: Emo
« Reply #82 on: 14 Jan 2008, 06:58 »

By the way, I think it's included in that history of emo that's online somewhere and may have been linked to, but when exactly is the point where emo gets infused with indie rock/slowcore/whatever and stops being synonomous with Emotional Hardcore?  I'm not really into most of the less hardcore 'emo' bands so I don't remember.

Most people go with Sunny Day Real Estate's release of "Diary".   


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Re: Emo
« Reply #83 on: 14 Jan 2008, 15:54 »

I *just* figured out that MCR stands for My Chemical Romance.

God what a fucking awful band.

On a more positive bent, Nothing Feels Good is the Promise Ring's best album and basically my favorite emo-ish thing ever recorded.
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Re: Emo
« Reply #84 on: 14 Jan 2008, 15:57 »

plus any other recommendations in that vein or the vein of bands like mineral, i hate myself (i've never been sure how serious these guys were), appleseed cast and such like.

If you like Mineral and Appleseed cast you will probably really really love Braid and Engine Down.

And then if you like THOSE bands you will probably really like Minus the Bear.
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Re: Emo
« Reply #85 on: 14 Jan 2008, 16:46 »

I've always been curious about Mineral, but I never see them in any record store I go too, and I lack just enough curiosity to go and buy an album from amazon or something.  On the other hand, I'm really happy this thread reminded me that Orchid existed.  Ebullition wants $100 worth of stuff purchased before they'll send you anything, so I bought Chaos is Me/Dance Tonight from some bloke on ebay.


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Re: Emo
« Reply #86 on: 14 Jan 2008, 17:09 »

Lurk more.

only if you put out more.

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Re: Emo
« Reply #87 on: 14 Jan 2008, 17:50 »

plus any other recommendations in that vein or the vein of bands like mineral, i hate myself (i've never been sure how serious these guys were), appleseed cast and such like.

If you like Mineral and Appleseed cast you will probably really really love Braid and Engine Down.

And then if you like THOSE bands you will probably really like Minus the Bear.

And if you find you do like Braid and Engine Down (both great bands) then you may also like Hey Mercedes and Denali, the subsequent incarnations of each band, respectively.


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Re: Emo
« Reply #88 on: 14 Jan 2008, 18:18 »

I'm pretty sure my band opened for Denali back in college. Also didn't they break up like last year or something?

They're a bit whiny for my taste, but then again I don't really listen to any of the bands I just mentioned anymore anyway.
« Last Edit: 14 Jan 2008, 18:20 by jeph »
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Re: Emo
« Reply #89 on: 14 Jan 2008, 19:16 »

I opened for Denali once, too.  They did break up (as did Hey Mercedes).  It's more atmospheric music with female vocals.  Good stuff overall.


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Re: Emo
« Reply #90 on: 14 Jan 2008, 19:51 »

One of my largest problems with comparing music is the assumption that because one has similar elements to a certain artist, they are trying to be like them when you don't like the band, yet are merely influenced by them when you do like the band.

For example, someone earlier said Mika is trying to be like Queen. This is of course based purely on the fact that there are similar elements involved in the music and because the media is hyping him as the next Freddie Mercury and is a complete assumption. (While there are several interviews in which Mika admits surprise and bashfulness at him being compared to someone as good as Queen.) Media ravings does not equal reality, folks.

Yet, look at the first list of early-emo bands. Many are incredibly similar. Heck, many "hipster-approved" bands are quite similar to the point of hilarity. Are they trying to be like each other or one similar influence, or what? Either way, it's all complete assumption. And as we all know, assumptions make us all look like idiots.

also, Sunny Day Real Estate is probably my favorite band of all time. If you haven't given them a listen, I highly recommend it.


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Re: Emo
« Reply #91 on: 14 Jan 2008, 20:40 »

The fact that Mika's big single involved lines about wanting to be like Freddie Mercury may have added to it.  Doesn't make him any less dreadful though.


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Re: Emo
« Reply #92 on: 15 Jan 2008, 06:20 »

I'm just going to take this opportunity to express my admiration for Texas is the Reason: Yes.


Is their name from the Misfits song 'Bullet'? If so, awesome.


Actually 'Texas is an Outrage' might have been a better name.

I saw MCR live on their first European tour. BEFORE THEY WERE FAMOUS OMG. It was so long ago, they were actually wearing normal clothes on stage. I also saw Bullet For My Valentine back when they only had one EP and played support slots. Then, I stopped going to a gig every week just for the hell of it. Actually, My Chemical Romances first album, though in ways hopelessly formulaic,  but it was also interesting, especially when I was 14/15. They had reasonably interesting lyrics, some nice riffs and hooks, and I think genuine emotional content. I remember at the gig, Gerard Way was all like D: as he was singing.

Then they did that 'I'm Not OK (I Promise)' song. And that's why I never had an assymetric fringe. Man, MCR have gotta be one of the fastest sellouts ever.

Also, fucking hell, Mika. When I was working in a kitchen over the summer, that fucking 'Big Girls' song was all over the radio. Man, not only is Mika OBVIOUSLY GAY but that song, doubtless meant as a sop to his coterie of fag hags, is one of the most objectifying and sexist songs I have heard for ages. Empowering fat women it ain't.

« Last Edit: 15 Jan 2008, 06:34 by KharBevNor »
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[22:26] Dovey: like, maybe, 4 or 5 times that i know of?
[22:26] Dovey: and at least one of those was a blatant ploy at getting sigquoted


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Re: Emo
« Reply #93 on: 15 Jan 2008, 06:35 »

I'm just going to take this opportunity to express my admiration for Texas is the Reason: Yes.


Is their name from the Misfits song 'Bullet'? If so, awesome.


Actually 'Texas is an Outrage' might have been a better name.

I saw MCR live on their first European tour. BEFORE THEY WERE FAMOUS OMG. It was so long ago, they were actually wearing normal clothes on stage. I also saw Bullet For My Valentine back when they only had one EP and played support slots. Then, I stopped going to a gig every week just for the hell of it. Actually, My Chemical Romances first album, though in ways hopelessly formulaic,  but it was also interesting, especially when I was 14/15. They had reasonably interesting lyrics, some nice riffs and hooks, and I think genuine emotional content. I remember at the gig, Gerard Way was all like D: as he was singing.

Then they did that 'I'm Not OK (I Promise)' song. And that's why I never had an assymetric fringe. Man, MCR have gotta be one of the fastest sellouts ever.

Yep.  Several songson their album are about their belief that Texas Democrats, possibly working on behalf of LBJ, arranged to have Kennedy shot so LBJ would become president.


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Re: Emo
« Reply #94 on: 15 Jan 2008, 08:29 »

A few tracks contained references to those beliefs, yes. But that's not what any of them are about. None of the songs on the album, the split, or to my best recollection, the EP were about the theory at all. Even the most obviously named tracks, such as 'Back and to the Left' were about deeply personal events in the band member's lives, the latter being about leaving New York.
I hope I'm not coming across as a pedant, but I keep seeing people refer to the record as a concept album, something which it is not. Some song titles are references to a conspiracy theory, that is all.


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Re: Emo
« Reply #95 on: 15 Jan 2008, 08:51 »

The fact that Mika's big single involved lines about wanting to be like Freddie Mercury may have added to it.  Doesn't make him any less dreadful though.

And if you listened to the rest of the lyrics the entire song is about how record companies are asking him to "be like" someone else to sell records. But yeah, for random listening I'm sure that fueled the media frenzy around him. I hate it when hype prevents people from listening to artists.

I adore Mika. It's rare to find an artist these days that can actually sing and not just talk or ramble or cry. This world needs more falsetto.


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Re: Emo
« Reply #96 on: 15 Jan 2008, 08:54 »

It's also nice when artists move away from traditionally singing and use spoken verse, or whatever it's called, in place of singing.


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Re: Emo
« Reply #97 on: 15 Jan 2008, 09:33 »

I hate it when hype prevents people from listening to artists.

Hype has not prevented me from listening to Mika.  Back before he was hugely hyped, a friend of mine played Grace Kelley for me and I couldn't stand it.  Other friends kept trying the same.  Soon, the song became unavoidable.  I wish I was able to prevent myself from listening to it.

And if you want falsetto, I highly recommend checking out Shudder To Think.  Which pulls us back to the actual topic of this thread, since I do believe they could well be counted as an Emo band.  They are rather amazingly wonderful.  One of the best band Dischord released records by.  I highly recommend Get Your Goat and Pony Express Record.

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Re: Emo
« Reply #98 on: 15 Jan 2008, 09:42 »

I really can't stand Shudder To Think, I've always thought of them as the worst thing ever to appear on Dischord. I've never understood why people find them so powerful, they always come across like some terrible 90s 'alternative' band to me.

I've just thrown on the Angel Hair discography Pregnant With The Senior Class. My word, I'd forgotten just how amazing this record is. The dense, thick riffing coupled with those on-the-edge vocals where you can almost hear the blood coming up as he rips his voice to shreds really works. I can hear so much of this band in countless people doing the rounds these days, not just screamo bands but all of those groups playing metal like they're on Hydrahead frequently end up sounding like a less urgent and compelling version of this.
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Re: Emo
« Reply #99 on: 15 Jan 2008, 10:06 »

Dark Flame, I didn't mean you specifically. I have successfully convinced a few friends to give the guy a try after they were convinced he was some over hyped pop star and nothing more. He might be an over hyped pop star right now, but he has talent. The guy can frickin' sing up a storm (well, the storm would have a lot of rainbows and dancing women)!
Mika seems to be a hit or miss with folks. Right now, he is my happy music.

I'll check out Shudder to Think, thanks for the recommendation.
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