Interesting Countdown
I can't say I disagree with their number one, but I take umbrage with the exclusion of 1994. FFVI, Super Metroid, Sonic 3 & Knuckles, Earthworm Jim, Donkey Kong Country, Warcraft, Marathon, System Shock, X-Com and the beginning of the CD generation in Japan is a pretty big damn deal.
Yes. 1994 was The Shit. Also, Dynamite Headdy, Streets of Rage III, Super Game Boy, Sparkster, Phantasy Star IV, Blackthorne, Math Blaster Ep. 1, Mega Man X, Mortal Kombat II, Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure, Super Mario All-Stars plus World compilation, Super Punch Out!!, Beyond Oasis / Story of Thor, Cool Spot, Contra: Hard Corps, The Hybrid Front (the music to this game makes up for anything else), Pulseman, Shining Force II, and maybe even Shadowrun?
Netplay was becoming bigger, and the X-Band modem was launched around this time for CONSOLE netplay.
Then again, there was also the 32X and Shaq Fu.