You're making a lot of assumptions about the person who has a gun in your face. You seem to be dehumanising them somewhat. A person is still a person, and while genuinely psychopathic people do exist, a lot of people are driven to acts of crime by desperation. Does this somehow lessen their value as a human being?
If a single person is killed as a result of firearms who didn't deserve it, then there is something wrong with using firearms in those situations. While I don't want to take this thread offtopic, I'm going to liken this argument to an argument against capital punishment, as I find it easier to describe that situation and I think the mentality behind the argument is the same argument I am trying to make here.
An argument against capital punishment is that the life of one innocent person being killed for a crime they didn't commit is reason enough to abandon it completely. I happen to completely agree, and I think that only people with an insatiable bloodthirst would support it. Now, if a person robs you at gunpoint, and you shoot them to kill, this is somehow okay, because they were allegedly trying to kill you? Well, you're still alive, and they're not. You'll never know. But you also didn't let them live long enough to find out. What if the person was a family man, stealing money to feed his kids? Panicking, nervous, not himself, he chooses to rob a convenience store. A quick and easy job for money. He is then shot and killed, for being a criminal, even though he had no intent to harm anybody, and he was driven to act by external factors. Was that man really a criminal?
People attach the word 'criminal' to a person in order to dehumanise them. To take away their faces, to make it okay to hate them. It's assumed that all "criminals" are bad. This is simply not the case. The word 'criminal' is used so loosely that it could apply to anybody. From a child stealing candy from a store, to a person who has avoided paying taxes. From protesters for human rights, to bank robbers. The reason that people think it's 'okay' to shoot criminals is because they see in black and white, and we all know that there's also shades of gray.
I don't think that 'criminals' and so-called 'law abiding citizens' are mutually exclusive by any sane standards given modern day society, especially in light of many recent events.
There are people like KharBevNor in the world, who would be happy to hurt someone first then take their money. Relying on a criminal not to harm you if you comply is asking to get hurt.
This is not a fair comment. I've been reading KharBevNor's posts and I believe his has a very high level of respect for
all human life, excluding DJs.