I decided that I might as well throw in my 2 cents here, have been a lurker on the forums and a long-time reader.
I have been a supporter for Faye/Sven since the two first met. They are the kind of polar opposites that have the attraction to stay together and just enough similarities that they enjoy each others company. Wit, a healthy dose of humour and sarcasm, and a wee bit of booze and they are the Wonder Twins reborn. So that they would get together has been something I've been expecting for a long time, the latest comic proves beyond all shadow of a doubt, at least in my eyes, that it's gonna happen, like it or not folks.
So, question is, what now...
Dora has said she's off limits, with murderous intent. Marten isn't any different, though whether or not Marten has the testicular fortitude to do it is up for debate. Faye herself may not understand her feelings and be hurt at first, meaning bodily harm for Sven. I have noticed no Steve lately, where be Steve...waiting for a convenient time to jump in, I'd wager. Raven will likely feel hurt by BOTH Faye and Sven. All this is nothing more than simple logic, using previous comics as evidence, that I won't link because, well, if I start looking for them, I will end up reading the whole series...again.
How will all this work out, well, honestly, not damn sure it will, groups break apart over shit like this, I've seen it happen, in RL, so the possibility that we are entering the new era of QC is possible, but honestly, that's not what I'm looking towards, but that's how it looks.