Hey QC fans, I'm not a big poster but I have some art I'd like some opinions on.
Please hold no bars and feel free to tell my that they "fucking suck" if you wish, but please tell me why they do so I can improve upon my art.
I've been drawing for years though I've been in a two year lull due to work and college. I've recently gotten back into it with some Treasure Planet fan art (the first few) to releive built up stress that this first semester is causing me.
Well i hope that at least someone enjoys them, if not then I have failed as an artist in every way

Captain Amelia Fan art I suck I know

This guy I made up based off of Captain Amelia from Treasure Planet

Forgive the black bar to the right side, I didn't scan it right.

I did this to Rob Zombies Song Dragula and I never got around to finishing it (I stopped when I messed the top-end of the motor up)

One of the few I actually colored in (I like black and white) and I was mildly pleased with it for once

A felt-tip pen sketch of Captain Amelia maybe i will shade it in, maybe I wont

This one is going on 4 years old now, it was done for my senior art scrapbook (basically my art projects all put into one book) I drew my old pal's truck and shading it in accurately was a challenge

A horribly failed attempt at making a web-comic in MS paint, it seems I can't do jack shit with art in any way...
so please be gentle I know they arn't great