Dear Kim Deal,
Suck my dick. I don't mean that literally, like I would have a year or 10 or 15 ago, I mean, come the fuck on, sober up long enough to write a fucking song. You should have just released Last Splash again with different cover art, because I would rather buy that. Do not try to be experimental. You're Kim fucking Deal. Do not try to play guitar solos. You're Kim fucking Deal. Stick to quirky simple pop with retarded lyrics. Don't try to be deep. You're Kim fucking Deal. Do not try to do creepy electrronic droning songs. You're not Tricky. You are, I repeat, Kim fucking Deal.
Also, what the fuck, Tanya Donnelly hasn't been relevant since before the last time you were, couldn't you have called her up, made nice, and let her on the album? Or is Mountain Battles your Lady in the Water and I just don't get it, man?
The first song is awesome though.
Your pal,
PS - The last indie rock icon who wrote a song about video games was Liz Phair. You don't want to be Liz Phair, do you?