Having personally played games for nearing 17.5 years of my valuable life (started at 18 months with some flight game which my dad tells me I adored, involved capturing bases and they reinforced regularly.)
Well in all my time, I can express several views. Single-player, Multiplayer(Lan and Online) And MMO (Massm ultiplayer online, not limited to RPG!).
In my experience of singleplayer games I think the worst case scenario as previously stated is RPGs, where you need to grind god knows how many levels to proceed. (Even worse in mmorpg, must be level xxx to proceed!In retrospect, thats not to bad, at least your warned!) In singleplayer your only warning is where your last savepoint was, (Worst case scenario, the gorgous game of final fantasy 7, I missed the save point (I simply forgot to save to be honest) And decided I should grind a bit and take on this boss!.... BIIIG mistake. I lost a valuable 16 levels from each character which took me some 6 hours.
(Sin = Self stupidity)
Multiplayer LAN. Well the ultimate sin here is cheating, you can see where everyone else is on a splitscreen, also the blatant stealing of controllers (Thankfully the 360 got rid of unplugged controllers for easy gankage). So that sin of LAN party cheating in part was solved but still present.
(Sin = friends cheating!!!)
Multiplayer Online, Heres where it gets interesting. My first ever online experience was through a game called Diablo 2. I played this on a 56k dialup which i thought was amazing, i rarelyi f ever lagged inthe game, if I did lag, I thoguht it was the games fault and simply waited or logged out and back in. Thats okay. The PROBLEM is when you get the "griefers" Those players who come in, kill you, then leave, stealing your ears in the process.
(Sin = sadistic behaviour)
Now onto the more ... colourful experience of FPS gaming online.
List of FPS's played online;
Halo 1,2,3
Counter strike
Half life
Half life 2
Far cry
Doom 1,2,3
Rainbow 6 (Urgh too many gametypes to even start, but Vegas 1 + 2 are msot recent)
Call of duty 1,2,3,4 (3 on the xbox)
Every one of them I have been exposed to probably the most horrible sin of gaming. "N00bs". Now I have actually left games from the abuse these people give, the torrent of abuse (only on games where I can't mute I add). Is just horrible, I wil lactually list what was said to me tonight while playing Rainbow 6 vegas 2.
"u fukin nub u retard u cnt use a p90!" (I had 17 kills and 3 deaths)
"OMG GET A LIFE!" (Leading the match with 9 kills 0 deaths on a 3 vs 3 with 4 lives each. I got banned for being "Too good" My friend was on his side, and I was in private chat with him, no not cheating, he was giving me insults to, but friendly ones.)
These ones were given after gameover.
"u suk u suk u suk!"
"omfg i fuk you mom!"
"Haha u suk i win!"
"omg dude ur mum was as bad as u!"
"lol ur gay"
And assorted racial slurs. Needless to say in playing vegas 2 for the past few days i've probably tripled my avoided player list.
( sin = Abusive behaviour)
MMOs, now these I like to think i've had a fair amount of experience in. Warcrack being the best. Especially from stories im sure other players can relate to. Such as the groups to go travel a dungeon with, now I used to spend a good hour looking for a group, as soon as I found one, travelled to the instance, got on in, getting ready....The healer would say "BRB dinner"... I swear every time something happened, was either the Tank or healer... The ones vital to the groups success.
(Sin = Other players lack of foresight)
Other stories, Going hunting for materials to craft, killing monsters, and look.. a chest/mineral vein. Oh yay I got here first, noone else around, lets start collecting.. oh no wait im being attacked argh!.... Then you realise a hunter has trained a group up to you and is now stealing your loot. This happened 3 times in one night, you'd have thought i'd have learned but i'm stubborn, I got my revenge, I died 4 times but I got her in the end!
(Sin = Other players greed)
I could go on, but lesee... what of the seven sins could I muster up here....
Wrath, Pride, Greed, Sloth Oh AND Envy...