Alton Brown is just pretty dang cool.
Eddie Izzard paraphrase FTW!

Like almost everyone else in this thread, I love watching Alton Brown's shows. He's brilliantly entertaining and educational... love it! They used to show repeats every weeknight at 11pm - I wish they still did...
I'm surprised no one's mentioned Feasting On Asphalt - that show is just all kinds of amazing! Even aside from all the amazing travels and diners they visit, watching Alton and his crew interact with each other is just awesome.
I just REALLY, REALLY wish he hadn't gotten involved with Iron Chef America. There is absolutely nothing good about that show - not one damn thing. There is almost nothing in the entire world that could make me watch an entire episode of Iron Chef America. I mean, the guy playing the Chairman is the bad guy from Cradle 2 The Grave, for Pete's sake! Ugh.
My hatred for Iron Chef America basically comes from the fact my whorish love of the original
Iron Chef. I love that show SO much - it just has a style and grace that Iron Chef America will never have. The look, the style, the interaction of the commentators, Kaga's rambling introductions... everything was interesting and imminently watchable about that show. Even the competition itself was just more engaging. Often times American television will co-opt something interesting from abroad, bastardize it, and air it - this is just another example.
Also, Bobby Flay. Any show that features Bobby Flay need to be drenched in kerosene and burned. Then, burned again, then smashed, then destroyed.