ok, so just for your information, this is super long. partially b/c I had a few responses and partially b/c i had to put my own two cents in
Urgh, I can't imagine this. She's so childlike in her current form it'd just feel weird.
hmm...you know i definitely think of her as very innocent, but i've never thought of her as a child...it just didn't occur to me haha...it's an interesting point. I still don't think it would be too weird though, I think it would be good for her. Obviously it would have to be a very specific type of person, but maybe it would help her? I don't know, I just think Hanners could use a good man
Not without a guy who's not equally as innocent and perhaps obsessive/psychotic at least.
But if there WAS such a guy, they'd be so cute together, what with never even touching and all.
You know, I wonder if it would be good for her (or the potential extreme ocd guy) to be with someone exactly like her...but at the same time, who else could understand and embrace her disorder because it's so extreme. But yes it would be cute.
that's not how mental illness worksharblgrbrlsarjdnf
umm...having been diagnosed with a form of ocd myself, i think it's safe to say there isn't any one way that mental illness "works"
i've noticed that when i keep busy or distracted, i'm better able to control it. So who's to say that another person couldn't help? I didn't say a man would cure her, just help her. And actually I didn't even refer to her disorder. Her disorder is something she lives with not ever aspect of her entire being. I was just thinking, she's shy and has never had many friends and she's grown with her new group, maybe a romantic interest could do the same thing.
Cliche ? Uh. If something is stereotype, you would at very least expect it or something.
For me, wishing for the Faye/Sven relationship is something extremely weird. Why join the girl with issues with the extremely immature playboy ? Seriously !
The cliche part is that there's always this sort of relationship in various forms of fiction (novels, shows, films, etc) where there is this girl with some sort of issue and there is this guy who's supposed to be the quintessential "bad" boy who never shows any sign of settling down with a woman. But the two meet and after a series of events, often something including miscommunication, the woman is better able to deal with her issues if she hasn't resolved them and the bad boy has reformed to being one woman man and they all live happily ever after.
Wow, putting it like that sounds bad even to me and I often like a cliche happily ever if its presented in the right way. I figure life sucks so the fantasy should play out well.
That would be some kind of Wil.
hehehe can you imagine?!
Funny thing is despite all this talk of a potenial relationship for her, i'm not even a huge Hannelore fan. Not that I don't like her or anything I just don't really focus on her.
I think the reason so many people are calling Sven a dick is b/c despite what the two of them have been saying this whole time, their behavior has indicated that they are both more into it than they want to admit to themselves or each other. Plus you look at his expressions in this last comic, or his general friendship (not the romantic aspect) with Faye he often treats her differently than most other girls so again the reader feels like there's more to it than friendship regardless of its official or conventional. And so, in a way, to the reader it can feel like he sort of cheated. Someone referred to him as having deep seated issues. I don't think so. I mean everyone has issues to an extent, but here I think Sven (at least in his original incarnation) is just your classic playboy and as someone else mentioned he's not used to being dumped, it's not his style.
And for those who are all "it's just a comic" a comic is just like any other storyline that you get emotionally involved with. And as is apparent in many peoples comments a lot of whats going on in the story is relatable (which is why it can get so heated) so people feel inclined to discuss it.
i think i'm done now.