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Author Topic: Violence is apparently better for children than two gay men.  (Read 14977 times)


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I have realized that I'd prefer violence in games over sex, either straight sex or otherwise. This is because violence, the kind of "rip somebody's body apart by a stream of bullets"-violence isn't something you can experience. Almost everyone knows that violence is wrong, especially towards people in your community. So, violence is entertaining and also something so far fetched and far away from our daily lives that we won't be affected by it.

But take sex in games. Sex is something we do in the real world too (This might come as a shock to some of you, but then you have to spend less time in front of the computers). Therefore, somebody that hasn't had any sexual experiences before will be inclined to believe that the sexuality in games is similar to or identical to the real thing. Which is bad. You can use the same argumentation against sex in videogames as you can use against pornography, it teaches children the wrong thing, and gives a faulty picture of the real world. Of course, violence in games does this too, but hopefully you won't have to shoot someone.
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Snalin, I was going to make a point similar to yours but I didn't know how to say it.  Well put, I'd say.

PQ4, my whole problem with the concept of simulated video-game sex is that it directly feeds the vicious cycle that everyone sad enough to buy into it is stuck in!  I mean, I guess it's just basic addiction economics, but that doesn't make it comfortable for me to think about.  Yes, the only people who will fall prey to the sad misunderstandings I'm talking about (thinking real life works like a dating sim or whatever) are the pathetic ones who are entranced by their computer to begin with ... but they're the people who would be best off without computerized romance!  It's like saying that the only people who would be shortsighted and thoughtless enough to start using painkillers as an escape from reality are the ones who are kinda junkies anyway ... that's exactly the point, the people who are the most heavily affected by the problem are the ones that needed the most help to begin with.

And I'm fully aware that my expectation for "treating sex appropriately" is pretty high.  That's kind of the point ... it's something to be taken seriously and not fudged, in my opinion.
also at one point mid-sex she asked me "what do you think about commercialism in art?"


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I have realized that I'd prefer violence in games over sex, either straight sex or otherwise. This is because violence, the kind of "rip somebody's body apart by a stream of bullets"-violence isn't something you can experience. Almost everyone knows that violence is wrong, especially towards people in your community. So, violence is entertaining and also something so far fetched and far away from our daily lives that we won't be affected by it.

But take sex in games. Sex is something we do in the real world too (This might come as a shock to some of you, but then you have to spend less time in front of the computers). Therefore, somebody that hasn't had any sexual experiences before will be inclined to believe that the sexuality in games is similar to or identical to the real thing. Which is bad. You can use the same argumentation against sex in videogames as you can use against pornography, it teaches children the wrong thing, and gives a faulty picture of the real world. Of course, violence in games does this too, but hopefully you won't have to shoot someone.

This doesn't say much about the people who gave their opinions for the survey.  Not that's there is anything wrong with that.  Makes me wonder how many of those parents only had sex so they could be a parent.  I'm sure that's not the case for all of the participants, but it seems to be a fair portion, anyhow.
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Violence I think holds many more issues in it than sex does.

My primary problem with this poll, and the culture of the US in general, is that BECAUSE we are so closed off about sex, because kids dont grow up understanding sex can be a good thing, a bad thing, etc. we have teens having sex, and having kids.  I dont know about any of you, but I remember my sex ed class in middle school (and high school even) to be little more than essentially scare tactics (OMG LOOK WHAT DISEASES YOULL GET IF YOU HAVE SEX).  Just like the DARE program (anti-drug use program for those not in the US).  I do remember my first time having sex and my first time smoking pot, and thinking that the "educations" I got were a joke.

Yes, there are sex video games, obviously not for sale at your local Best Buy or Wal-mart.  AFAIK, many are just as excessive sexual fantasies as FPS's are violence fantasies.  I could argue that "sex" games could fill the same niche as violent FPS's.  An exotic fantasy that you wont get to live in real life.

Violence is "always" a bad thing, but we grow up understanding it to be a common thing.  Reporters dont even flinch when they report on another school shooting, hell, you just lost a kid in a school shooting?  Katie Couric will come to your front lawn, looking for an interview.  Violence is accepted.

Simply put:  I think my country has an unhealthy attitude towards sex.  Even more so towards "deviant" sex.  And a very unhealthy attitude towards violence.
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Nope.  Well, not if they're of another tribe.  The Bible's injunction against murder should be read as "Don't kill a fellow Jew".  And Jesus's injunction is "Love your fellow Jew".  Religion never views murder of a foreigner/infidel as a bad thing; it's either a good thing or, at worst, morally neutral.

Not remotely true.  Killing an enemy is good, but not all other tribes are enemies.  The Mitzvot are pretty specific about showing kindness to foreigners.

You may be right about Jesus, though.  After all, who could forget the Parable of the Good Jew?
After seventeen years, once again, sort of a lurker.  (he/him)


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I just remembered Leisure Suite Larry. Tha's just the kind of sex-game we are talking about here. I have only barely seen the game been played, but it's the "get drunk and fuck"-kind of game. Google it or even better, Wikipedia it.

My primary problem with this poll, and the culture of the US in general, is that BECAUSE we are so closed off about sex, because kids dont grow up understanding sex can be a good thing, a bad thing, etc. we have teens having sex, and having kids.  I dont know about any of you, but I remember my sex ed class in middle school (and high school even) to be little more than essentially scare tactics (OMG LOOK WHAT DISEASES YOULL GET IF YOU HAVE SEX).  Just like the DARE program (anti-drug use program for those not in the US).  I do remember my first time having sex and my first time smoking pot, and thinking that the "educations" I got were a joke.

Now that's scary. All we got from our teacher was "whatever you do, and whoever you do it with, use a FUCKING CONDOM!

But we did have that scare "you will get this awfull disease"-campaign, but that was all condom-use-related to. Hell, you'd believe that parts of our education was payed by the condom-industry.
« Last Edit: 16 Apr 2008, 11:48 by snalin »
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Well, the eternal damnation is bad, but don't you get that too if you rip someones head of? Or shoot them or whatever?

Nope.  Well, not if they're of another tribe.  The Bible's injunction against murder should be read as "Don't kill a fellow Jew".  And Jesus's injunction is "Love your fellow Jew".  Religion never views murder of a foreigner/infidel as a bad thing; it's either a good thing or, at worst, morally neutral.

The Jewish Bible is not meant to be taken litterally for face value.

Yes, the commandment states "do not kill your brother", but a seperate commandments requires you to "treatthe stranger among you as your brother."

Also, Jews HAVE NO sense of eternal damnation, which moots some of the original discussion out a bit.  Sex is also treated as a wonderful thingthat you are COMMANDED to do; not a vile and disgusting thing.  Finally, the 613 commandments apply ONLY to Jews, with non-Jews only responsible for carrying out the seven Noahide laws; one of which is for them not to murder as well.

Never base a thought on the Jewish bible off of knowledge of the Christian bible.  While they may have come from the same place; the Christians have changed FAR MORE words and meanings than most people realize.
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Now that's scary. All we got from our teacher was "whatever you do, and whoever you do it with, use a BLOODY CONDOM!

I completely misread this for a few seconds and was horrified/confused.  Was it a euphemism for "having sex with your girlfriend when she's on her period won't get her pregnant?"  I couldn't tell.  Then I realized that "bloody" means more than just "literally covered in blood" in some places.
also at one point mid-sex she asked me "what do you think about commercialism in art?"


  • Vulcan 3-D Chess Master
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Now that's scary. All we got from our teacher was "whatever you do, and whoever you do it with, use a BLOODY CONDOM!

I completely misread this for a few seconds and was horrified/confused.  Was it a euphemism for "having sex with your girlfriend when she's on her period won't get her pregnant?"  I couldn't tell.  Then I realized that "bloody" means more than just "literally covered in blood" in some places.

Oh my god,  I just realized how wrong that sounded. I'll edit it to fucking, which fits the theme a bit better.

I'm so used to forum boards banning the use of the f-word, so I have to use posh british cursing to make up for it. Sorry.

And the Jewish bible had a lot of nice things in it, and a lot of weird things. It's kind of like a really good beef served with Avocado-flavored water with gas.
« Last Edit: 16 Apr 2008, 11:52 by snalin »
I am a cowboy / on a steel horse I ride
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