i used to be a caribou addict. now that i'm an east coaster, i've been barred from my beloved brew. that's ok, in the interim i've realized other things ... namely, that it's robbery to charge $2 for a cup of coffee. am i the only person perfectly content with the shitty swill they serve you at like, denny's? i mean, it's bottomless, it keeps me up, and if i drink it fast, i hardly taste it. the point of coffee is not flavor ... i'm not waving it in front of my nose and noticing its "delicate bouquet." john kass of the chicago trib wrote an article about the masturbatory nature of coffee drinkers, and it was hilarious. if i can find it, i will post a link.
i used to work at panera ... say what you will, but their hazelnut blend is pretty damn good. so long as i had actually changed the coffe filters in the past two hours. (um.) and i loved how the "limited time brew" was ALWAYS THE FUCKING SAME.
intelligentsia is also remarkably popular. and if you're in chicago, try out argo tea. my friend worked there and got me addicted to red tea lattes (and i usually can't stand milk in my anything!). yum.