My alternative name when Fenriswolf is taken is Hrovitnir, a word I can't even pronounce and is actually spelt Hróđvitnir
Rather hard to write down the sounds, but something like 'Hurrod-th-veetnear'. The d-like letter is an eth, and is pronounced th as in them.
Awesome. My interpretation is probably about as good as it's going to get without imitating a native speaker then.

This is why I only look for lez porns and such if I do so. If I really want to explore the specifically male body parts I can do so with my own.
I wish there was more "lesbian" porn with women who are genuinely into women and not just putting on a show.
Yeah, it's pretty annoying looking at your average "lesbian" porn, and for a start they have
huge nails (uh huh, that's just great for fingering), but more importantly most of them aren't very good fakers. *sigh* I'd rather watch amateur videos of girls hooking up in clubs. Though that whole thing has become somewhat creepy of late what with the fucking Girls Gone Wild bullshit *gag*
the unfortunate thing about pornography is that it's also an area where it's really hard to draw the line between what's degrading and what isn't. an amateur video featuring a girl being gang banged and clearly not enjoying it isn't hard to identify, but what about girls who really legitimately enjoy being in videos and being submissive and make a very decent living off of it? mostly i am trying to play the devil's advocate here but really what a lot of people seem to miss is that telling a women she can't be in pornography because it's degrading is really just as sexist as telling her she's nothing but an object for guys to put their dicks in, because both scenarios still ignore the fact that women are actually smart enough to make their own decisions. kind of like what brittany said i guess, is something really degrading if you understand what's going on and are comfortable and in control of the situation? probably not.
I definitely see what you're saying. But then I think there's a pretty clear delineation between movies where the men are cutting the film to be degrading, and one where the woman/en enjoy something that's traditionally degrading. I am uncomfortable with porn that is for men who get off on degrading women, for while dom-play (that may be degrading) is all good in private with lots of communication I just don't feel comfortable making it something acceptable for a general audience (um, not that I think BDSM porn is bad but rather that that's a very specific subset of porn and very different to disgusting pigs like Max Hardcore).
I guess it's like rape fantasies - it's understandable for women to have rape fantasies, or men on the receiving end. It's taking control of something that is ultimately traumatising due to your lack of control. But I just don't know how I can accept men (or women) fantasising about
raping someone. It all gets very delicate when you're part of a rape fantasy with your partner and obviously on some levels you enjoy it. But if you are
not uncomfortable with the role you're playing (as the rapist) then I just don't think you should be doing it. And I just cannot see any kind of consent-blurring on film as OK at all (including stuff like shoving your cock so hard down the actress's throat that she gets tears in her eyes

I agree that it's utterly patronising to say that women cannot choose to be a porn star or prostitute and own that decision, but we mustn't start acting like this all occurs in a vacuum. All things being equal I think porn is awesome but in the real world there are a lot of issues with power differentials and social dynamics. Sometimes your decisions are not 100% your own.
Finally, legalisation of prostitution. Prostitution is legal in NZ. Thankfully that means we don't have arsehole cops getting to abuse women for selling their bodies. But it doesn't seem to have helped women a lot, there's not a hell of a lot of regulation and it's very difficult for women to work without a madam since we have by-laws in all our main cities saying prostitutes have to work in the CBD: something that is prohibitively expensive.