Everything by Eluvium (besides the upcoming Matthew Cooper release and the Jesu split) needs to be on vinyl immediately! It's some of my favorite ambient material ever and I would love so much to have vinyl quality and large artwork. Luckily, it's in the works!!
MONO's 'Under the Pipal Tree' is also an absolutely brilliant album by one of the best bands currently making music but it will, sadly, never get a vinyl release since Tzadik, the label it came out on, refuses to issue it or let anyone else buy the rights to issue it.
'How Strange, Innocence' by Explosions in the Sky also really needs to be repressed on vinyl. It got one pressing of 100 way back when the band toured for the first time ever and it will never, as per the band's request, be pressed again. The only copy I've seen is on ebay for a 'buy it now' price of $440.