Warning, long nerd post about to arrive.
So, 2 other guys and myself were the main players in my roommate's Dragon Blooded Exalted game. It was based in the world of Avatar the Last Airbender, except it was 100 years BEFORE the show took place.
We had Uehon, Tal'os, and myself, Yongzheng.
Uehon was an Earthbender (same as caste), Tal'os was a Woodbender, and I was an Airbender. We also had Shin, who was a Firebender that sacrificied himself to save his familiar. So he doesn't come into play for this story.
It was the series finale of our game. The players of Uehon and Tal'os were moving away for college so we were ending the game.
This is also going to be a test of my writing skill, I'll be writing this from the perspective of my actual character, because why not?
It was raining when I came back into conciousness, I looked down and my leg was gone. I vaguely remember it being cut off by the Cheshire Maiden. Felix was on my shoulder, he looked concerned. (Felix was the ghost of a long lost boy the group had saved 30 years in the past, he was trapped in a crystal by Yongzheng in issue 15. -Ed.) I looked to my left and saw Uehon, he was a great bull demon, wielding two axes, to the right was Tal'os, his forehead was bleeding. They were abyssals, concentrated evil. I looked to Felix and heard the whisper in my head. He said I could be as powerful as I wanted if I accepted him. That it would take more than a lifetime to master my talents. I knew that already, for I am at the end of my life. Felix told me he could help. I ate the small Felix statue. Most suddenly there was a burst of golden light as my robes tore from my body in golden butterflies, what was revealed was a warrior with bronze skin and a golden leg replacing the one I had lost. The rain no longer fell on my body, as it glowed with gold. I leapt toward Uehon, he put Tal'os in the way. As he burst into flames with my golden touch, I shed a tear, realizing that I would have to kill my own friends to stop them from becoming corrupted. Just as quickly as I landed, Uehon burst from the shadows and flung me sideways. I used the momentum to strike the Cheshire Maiden Smiling In Blood. She burst into flames with a scream of pain. By the time I turned my back, Uehon was fleeing with the body of Pizzato (A servant he picked up in the city of Shatazar in issue 9 -Ed.). I chased him but he ran straight through a brick wall. One of my friends was damned for eternity, and the other was dead. I looked about the field, seeing the battle between the undead army and the city of Ba-Sing Se. I grabbed one of the spears of the dead soldiers and cut a path through the undead. Finally, I would explode upon using my last essence, saving the city from the undead horde. All that remained was my leg, where my soul rests, forever running around with Felix, jumping through the trees.
And that's the story of the end of Yongzheng Yaozu. And, as campy and cheesy as it is, I named the sword that I use in Kung Fu Yongzheng. The sword and the character were both gifts from my roommate so I felt them fitting to have the same name. In case you were wondering (I bet you were), the name Yongzheng means "forever upright" and Yaozu means "honoring the ancients."