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Author Topic: Whatever, Let's Have A Goddamn Blog Thread, But Try And Keep It Reasonable  (Read 791658 times)


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The cute beardy guy squinted as he handed over the money for his coffee. "Hey," he said slowly. "I know you. Don't you have a Flickr?"

"Oh." I blinked. "Y..yes...."

He grinned.

I twigged. "Oh! You must be in the Newcastle Hunter Valley group!"

"I just joined... had a quick look around." He couldn't believe it any more than I could.

"You really should... you really should come to one of our meetups," I blurted, filling the milk jug and calibrating the steam wand. The slight screech evened out to a steady swooshing as the full cream foamed. "They're a great bunch of people, our next meet is a sunset - I mean sunrise, on the 21st. Or. I forget. It's a Sunday. BBQ breakfast and champagne. They're a great bunch of people, fantastic."

I poured the milk evenly, swooshing a big love heart into the crema, popped a lid on and passed the coffee over. "Here's your flat white. Thanks!"

He bit his lip and smiled a sideways smile as he sauntered out of the shop.


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Don't laugh, dude. I just about died on the spot.


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Wow, do I need a new job. Had a paycheck shorted by mistake a few weeks ago. The owner gave me another check to make up the shortfall and that check bounced.  :-o

Sort of the icing on a rotting cake, if you get my drift. So I'm looking around for something else. 9-5 is good for me, and a little more pay wouldn't be bad. Anyway, I'm sick of retail, I know that much.
Stephen Malkmus has entered my life. I... I never knew...


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the theme of the week here in guelph has been "sunny with spontaneous thunderstorms". i haven't formed an opinion on it yet.

the one i remember most took place on monday, really suddenly. for the duration of the day it had been absolutely clear and sunny. i have these two friends that i walk home with from work every day, and as we left the university this huge black cloud very suddenly ascended in the shape of a massive tunnel and i remember thinking "oh that's so pretty" followed immediately by "hey, i bet this is the sort of thing people see and think right before they die." not even five seconds after that thought crossed my mind there were these blinding flashes of lighting one after another followed by thunder so loud i thought my ears were going to explode and the sky completely opened up with rain and hail everywhere. we were somewhere in the middle of the road at this point and ran into the nearest building, a food bank, pounding on the door and screaming for someone to let us in. luckily the storm lasted only about half an hour and immediately after the sky cleared up and it was as though nothing had happened. really amazing.

the other thing that may or may not make this story more depressing was that the first thing i did when it started raining, without thinking, was take off my sweater and wrap my ipod in it because i was more concerned with the well-being of my ipod than myself. i'm kind of poor so maybe that makes sense.
Not to sound mysoginist, but I hate women.


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...calibrating the steam wand...The slight the full cream foamed.

He bit his lip and smiled a sideways smile as he sauntered out of the shop
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I think Astaldo should be the next Dr. Who


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Should be in bed but I'm watching House.

I feel this is an acceptable trade off.


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The cute beardy guy squinted as he handed over the money for his coffee. "Hey," he said slowly. "I know you. Don't you have a Flickr?"

That is pretty sweet Ally, but I still think that the stranger in my home recognizing me from faux-porn is better.
It's a roasted cocoa bean, commonly found in vaginas.


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a girl i didn't know recognized me from livejournal once, which was pretty fucking weird considering i barely update that anymore and almost never have photos of myself in there. she got really excited and i just sort of shrugged and said thanks which was maybe kind of rude but come on i don't use the internet enough to be prepared for these kinds of situations.
Not to sound mysoginist, but I hate women.


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I can't say I've had any freaky internet stalkish moments, as far as I can remember.

I have had people that have recognised me because of the t-shirts I wear, seeing a lot of student performances and bitching in length about my flatmates before.

Although the last one doesn't really count, as I was actually telling that to the guy that remembered me. Although, now that I think about it, I wish someone had overheard and was inspired by my passionate, vitriolic rant.
« Last Edit: 04 Jun 2008, 09:15 by B!shop »


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As of today, It has been exactly one year since I quit smoking. 


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My boyfriends hot water tap exploded this morning whilst I was on the toilet, showering me with ice cold, electrified water under significant pressure and flooding the room. This occured twenty minutes before his mum was coming round.

I have kind of been rocking backwards and forwards chain-smoking all day.
[22:25] Dovey: i don't get sigquoted much
[22:26] Dovey: like, maybe, 4 or 5 times that i know of?
[22:26] Dovey: and at least one of those was a blatant ploy at getting sigquoted


Scandanavian War Machine

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i haven't smoked a cigarette in a week.

i'm doing so fucking good.  :-D
Quote from: KvP
Also I would like to point out that the combination of Sailor Moon and faux-Kerouac / Sonic Youth spelling is perhaps the purest distillation of what this forum is that we have yet been presented with.

Scrambled Egg Machine

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School is out tomorrow. I am fit to explode with joy. Explosion results tomorrow. I will be finished with my Junior year in High school.
Not so sure about these things anymore.


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Woo, go Tommy! Internet responsibility is life-affirming  8-)

I just did some exciting finance-sorting (I'm still at an age where acting like a grown up can be fun) and I'm gutted to discover that my £38.00 tax return hasn't arrived yet. It's been at least a month since I sent off the form, I might have to go and ask my bank what's happened. It seems a little churlish when I just opened a savings bond of more than £3,000 but that is my university money, and the £38.00 was my summer holiday money. So I want it back.

In other news my grandfather is here. I haven't formed an opinion yet; we see him so seldom that I'm not sure whether I like him or not, although I'm inclined to dislike all visitors as a matter of course because they make me feel I have to wear proper clothes and be polite over breakfast.
There's this really handy "other thing" I'm going to write as a footnote to my abstract that I can probably explore these issues in. I think I'll call it my "dissertation."


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Speaking of smoking...

Three of my friends have bought (well, they're renting) a house for the summer. All of them have jobs, so they'll be spending a lot of their time doing that. But they're all pretty big ganj smokers, which is fine, but they've only had the place for 3 days, and every time I go over there to chill with them at night, I'm greeted by this cloud of smoke when I open the door. I don't smoke with them much, but just being in that house gives you a pretty massive contact high. My buddy Seth was using a fork as a roach clip, and when it was just about out, he Wu-tanged it--just shoved it in his mouth, chewed it and swallowed it.

Ironically, it's actually a really nice house. They've got cable,  5 bedrooms, and about 4 different TVs. No intranets though, which sucks for them.

By the end of the summer it's going to be a dump.
"Death is nothing, but to live defeated is to die daily."
 - Napoleon


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Hey, so I'm at work today and I get a call from my fiancee. She's heading up to a place just a few hours north of where I am right now to stay and take some summer classes, but was planning on taking the train. Until this morning, when she found out she had to drive, instead! So, she was able to stop off at campus for 45 minutes or so and see me! We walked around a bit (I was working--still am working, in fact--and walking around campus is basically what I do) and found an empty room (the band room) to sit and talk for a while (it didn't get THAT much more intimate than that) before she had to take off again. I'll probably see her next when we go up to northern Michigan for a while next month for a folk music festival.

Life was good to me today.


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I am a big fan of a recording studio in Evanston, IL called Electrical Audio.

Where exactly in Evanston? Just curious.


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I just looked up their address on their website, and at first I was confused because it sounded like west of me, not north (Evanston is north.) Then I looked it up on on a map and realized that yep, that's not Evanston, that's Logan Square.


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I could not enjoy the Swervedriver show because of a girl

why do i even try
I saw them last month at the Marquis. It was amazing, especially since there were not a lot of people. I could actually see the band which is rare at most concerts because I'm so short. My boyfriend is a sucker for pictures of foot pedals and feet, but somebody yelled at him for having a camera which was weird because it was allowed. Everyone else was so mellow and unlike the other places where I've been to concerts, the place wasn't totally trashed afterwards.
We're going to see Boris there next month. I just got into them a couple months ago, but I'm excited to see them play.


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Sorry I worded that all wrong.

Guys, I have periodontitis and I'm not even 30 yet. Not only do I have to be extra vigilant for the rest of my life to make sure my teeth don't fall out, I've been hemhorraging cash on all the dentist's visits. And this is after the ton I owed in taxes, not to mention an extremely costly visit to the emergency room. Man, it's a damn good thing I just picked up another freelance job to help pay for all this.
Hey, who's your dentist? I kind of need one in this town.

Dear Blog,

I am drinking out of a cool dragon mug and awaiting my 30th birthday.

« Last Edit: 04 Jun 2008, 15:56 by dennis »


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Today I bought a modded PSP slim.



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Oh man you should also get Patapon.  That game is siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick
dumplings are the answer because the foreskin boys


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Since summer started last week I have passed up the last five opportunities for a social life in favor of working on songs. I've been okay with this because results have been pretty sweet but today I am having extreme difficulties

it's time to stop posting


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Today I sit on the internet avoiding class I am unprepared for, tomorrow I regret this.


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I am a big fan of a recording studio in Evanston, IL called Electrical Audio.

I was thinking of joining the EA forums the other day, mainly because it seems like a good place to get practical advice on recording and especially getting work in the recording industry, but from the bits I read it seems like a very hard community to really get into, and they're kind of insular. Is this true? Should I spend an awful long time lurking before trying to get into posting? Is it worth it in terms of helping me become a better engineer?

P.S; Oh shit EA got a Pro-Tools rig oh god the sky is falling
It's a roasted cocoa bean, commonly found in vaginas.


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Speaking of smoking...

Three of my friends have bought (well, they're renting) a house for the summer. All of them have jobs, so they'll be spending a lot of their time doing that. But they're all pretty big ganj smokers, which is fine, but they've only had the place for 3 days, and every time I go over there to chill with them at night, I'm greeted by this cloud of smoke when I open the door. I don't smoke with them much, but just being in that house gives you a pretty massive contact high. My buddy Seth was using a fork as a roach clip, and when it was just about out, he Wu-tanged it--just shoved it in his mouth, chewed it and swallowed it.

Ironically, it's actually a really nice house. They've got cable,  5 bedrooms, and about 4 different TVs. No intranets though, which sucks for them.

By the end of the summer it's going to be a dump.

I live in a house of seasoned stoners (I'm not as enthusastic about it as them either) - it'll be fine, at some point they'll run out of money for weed, or their dealer will be out of town, and they'll suddenly feel incredibly restless and decide that all they want to do in their free time is clean as they realise how rank the place has become. Until they get hideously stoned again and it reverts back to its usual dump-like state again, that is...but it's saved me an awful lot of domestic duties  :-)

In other blog related stuff, I've just started another DJ residency in my hometown of Brighton which is awesome: I get to play whatever I'm in the mood to listen to, drink beer, chat to my mates and wander onto the beach and smoke and get paid at the end of it. I love my job.


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Subject : Fuck Yeah
Mood: ecstatic
Body: Fuck yeah Detroit won the Stanley Cup!

Blue Kitty

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FUCK YEAH, THEY DID.  I wonder if I should go downtown and celebrate

If I don't post at all tomorrow I may very well be in jail
saw horses on the way home, they are preparing for the riots
« Last Edit: 04 Jun 2008, 21:03 by Blue Kitty »


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I can't, if I go downtown I'll get stabbed for not supporting the Predators.

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Chances are everyone hates everything you hold dear and they won't refrain from telling you at the drop of a hat.

I combat this by finding what they love baffling. Seriously, Huey fucking Lewis?
[02:12] yuniorpocalypse: let's talk about girls
[02:12] Thug In Kitchen: nooo


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Dennis, there is no way you can be thirty.

There is just no goddamn way.
You're right, Tommy. I won't be thirty for a few days yet.

Most people have already killed a man and governed a small town by the time they get to be my age.


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small town
That's the underachievers you're thinking of.

In other exciting news tonight I get to write a paper. Because of my penchant for sleeping through alarms, I plan on staying awake until I turn it in.


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Joe, is Logan Square a nice area?
DJ Weight Problem: if you think semantics isn't that important maybe you should just can dig four banana nine jenkins razor blade dinosaur


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Fists pounding. Angry screams. Name calling. Me storming out the door. A breakup? No, a meeting with my Biology teacher about my grade.F

Because of the insane amount of essays due this term/my job schedule and gigs with my band, I've kinda had to shove Biology off this term. 50-page essays on American war literature compared with world war literature are not fun. Anyway, I still handed in some assignments and studied for the tests, but didn't so so much labwork.

Then 2 weeks ago I realized I had an F. Freaking out, I did all the work on the labs I missed. Got F's on them anyway, total bullshit, 'cause he told us way back in August that there were no due dates for labs. My test average was a C, and after meeting with him I found out he completely forgot to grade half of one of my tests. He said he'll do that; I doubt it. My non-lab assignments have a 100% letter grade, so I dunno how the fuck that's not bringing up my overall percentage. Plus, I feel I did well on the final, but bet he'll throw that out the door too.

So after arguing with him angrily about this matter, I called him an incompetent jackass and stormed out the door. That won't help my grade either, I bet. So, since I've given my college permission to send grades home to my parents, I can expect a bitchfest when their A-grade student suddenly has disgraceful F for Biology. Luckily I'll be in Arizona by then, miles away from grades and college and stress and bullshit.
Tell her to buy a cosmo magazine, usually they have an article titled 101 ways to put stuff in your manfriend's butt.


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I got complimented on my coffee making today.

As nice as it was, I was waiting for the guy to leave so I could jump in the air like an excited schoolgirl.

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 I heard a pretty good argument once in the favor of ghosts existing. I don't necessarily support it, but it seems like a clever idea to me. The idea is that ghosts are real, and that they are the energy left over from the human who has died just floating around. Since energy cannot be destroyed, this seems a little bit possible.
Hate, rain on me


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I got my school yearbook yesterday, and already miss the old days that ended 3 weeks ago

But thankfully, I got plenty of revising in today, so can relax this evening. woop!

Scrambled Egg Machine

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School is out for summer. I am full of glee. I need to find a park with some swings now.
Not so sure about these things anymore.


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I explained to her both Occam's Razor and Russell's Teapot*, none of which seemed to make them understand why I don't believe in ghosts. Finally, I got so annoyed I found a Lord of the Rings clip on youtube and said "Look! Hobbits! They are real!". They answered "but that's fake!", I said "prove they're not real then!" and she said "prove they are!". I asked her if she understood this was exactly the same situation as with her ghosts - and she said, "hobbits and ghosts aren't the same you idiot".

People sometimes make me mad with their sheer stupidity.

Ahahaha!  Some people just refuse to believe they may be wrong.

Scandanavian War Machine

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Dear Blog Thread,

the cute barrista that i always flirt with moved away. now i have to order my lunch from her less attractive, less compitent coworkers.
Quote from: KvP
Also I would like to point out that the combination of Sailor Moon and faux-Kerouac / Sonic Youth spelling is perhaps the purest distillation of what this forum is that we have yet been presented with.


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I find irony in the misspelling of "competent."

That aside, since it's come up here, perhaps someone can explain the following phenomena to me:

I'm a skeptic as far as the idea of ghosts and such goes (I don't really believe in angry spirits floating about, but conversely I find it hard to swallow that consciousness is a fluke of nature that just kind of ceases to exist after eighty odd years). A few years ago, an ex of mine dragged me to a local cemetery with my camcorder and we went by said cemetery with it at around eleven at night. As we passed, odd lights and weird artifacts (In video terminology, an artifact is random static or flickering) showed up. The artifacts ONLY showed up through the camcorder's LCD, but not to the naked eye (I didn't think to check the viewfinder at the time). When we went home afterward, the artifacts were nowhere to be seen upon replaying the video.

I'd assume there's some sort of scientific rationale beside this, as judging by her idea to do it, there must be prior precedence for it. Anyone able to explain it to me?
I've decided to give up psychology and become a peacock
Quote from: Tommydski in Gabbly


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MiniDV handycam variety. Your basic consumer level film camera. I'm fully aware of things that can fuck with film and all, but the weirdest part of it is that it's never pulled the same thing on me before (And I've done plenty of night shooting) and it didn't actually record to the film (Which was the absolute weirdest part to me). Feel free to take this with a giant grain of salt, as I've got absolutely shit all to back it up other than my word.
I've decided to give up psychology and become a peacock
Quote from: Tommydski in Gabbly


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Heh, I guess I come across as equally stupid seeing as I refuse to believe in ghosts, but as long as the evidence shown to me consists of youtube videos only, I feel my case is justified. Show me a ghost, or hard, scientific proof that there's the slightest chance they may exist, and I'll start doubting.

I can't really give you physical proof, but I can give you anecdotal proof of sorts:

Last summer, some of my friends and I decided to go sit on top of the mausoleum in a graveyard on the outskirts of town, so we did.  While we were in there.  I saw an orb (which is some sort of manifestation of energy), we heard laughing and the sound of voices from on top of the hill, but we were the only people in the graveyard (however there were houses nearby, so that may have been the source), and we heard the sound of footsteps on the grass roughly a few feet away from us yet nothing moved.  One of our friends was sitting on the ground when he suddenly lapsed into a trance and went silent.  Dylan, the probably the most shamanistic of us assumed someone had "walked" through him and he had me help him do energy work on Tim.  It was strange.


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Yeah, I understand.  I've always been skeptical about their actual existence, but I like to think that energy can exist in such a way because it's more romantic and interesting than "You die and then that's it.  Afterwards is nothing."


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I have an MP3 player! This is super exciting! I've just transferred every CD I own onto it (that wasn't very hard, I only have ten) and now I'm listening to it and feeling all happy. It's probably very wrong to be so overjoyed at a material possession but it's a material possession that plays my favourite songs and lets me listen to the radio when I'm at college  8-)

In other news, we had a really interesting discussion in Law today. To be honest, it was actually mostly me and my teacher with a few contributions from two of my friends, and the rest of the class just sat and listened to us. I fear sometimes our talk goes over their heads (not because they're stupid, you understand, but because they think they are). Anyway we were having a debate about whether or not sex (as in the biological component of gender) was socially ascribed. My standpoint was no, because sex is dictated by whether you are born with a womb, vagina and ovaries, a penis, testes and whatever else guys have, or a combination thereof. I said that the thing that was ascribed was gender, and that in humans it's inherently connected to sex whilst in animals it can be more easily seperated. My teacher was quoting some feminist whose name might have been Julie (I can't remember) and saying that sex was also ascribed, but he didn't seem to be able to back it up very well.

I really love our Law lessons when we get talking like this. It sounds like I'm being arrogant when I say that one of the things I really love is having someone to talk to who's on the same or a higher intellectual level, and therefore they don't just concede for simplicity. I know perfectly well that I'm not all-knowing and I'm totally crap at most things, but when it's a subject I'm interested in and good at, I want to discuss it with someone who also knows what they're talking about.

Anyway the point of that ramble was to say that I have no idea why I was so grumpy this afternoon. I think it was lack of sleep and a really, really boring lesson on medieval German literature.
« Last Edit: 05 Jun 2008, 13:21 by Barmymoo »
There's this really handy "other thing" I'm going to write as a footnote to my abstract that I can probably explore these issues in. I think I'll call it my "dissertation."


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Daer Blog Thread:

I'm sitting in class.  I'm bored.  And Tommy is making plans to kill Tania in Gabbly.  I think I'll ask out the cute (and only) girl in class today.

Oh, and Tommy still refuses to buy Jon a boob.
Quote from: Tommy on Gabbly
i'm not paying for your boob jon
Quote from: Darryl
I fuck at typos
Quote from: Squiddy
but you haven't sig quoted me yet kevin
Quote from: Darryl on meebo
9 inches is pathetic by today's standard


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Jon can have mine, if he wants. As can Darryl.

Tell us if the girl says yes.

Man, I'm bored today. Must be an epidemic.
There's this really handy "other thing" I'm going to write as a footnote to my abstract that I can probably explore these issues in. I think I'll call it my "dissertation."


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Today was an absolutely shit horrible day to be outside. On the plus side, I got to see a thunderstorm. Unfortunately, the storm failed to take the incredible humidity away with it. Gross.


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I decided to step out side and take a break from the daily grind.  After picking up a delicious strawberry bar, I meandered over to a small garden/patio area that is always empty.  A strong wind swept the clouds through the air so rapidly that it painted a seemingly unnatural, surreal sky.  Occasionally, a ray would break through the shifting clouds to remind me that the sun still burned bright .  As I consumed my frozen treat, the sounds of a string quartet flowed my head phones.  For ten minutes, I was in a beautiful trance that made me happy to be alive.



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Dear thread

I am sick with some chest cold right now.  The upside is I got to call into work and read some Transmetropolitan.  The downside is that as a 17-year-old who has smoked maybe 5 or 6 cigarettes in his lifetime, I feel like my lungs are cancerous and 50 years older.  I want to get out a damn sentence without having to sound like a sputtering car engine for two minutes beforehand.  Frustrating.  But hey man, I get to be in a crap lowlowlow budget moviefilm tomorrow as a chill drummer in a band.  I get like three lines.  I am just so goddamn excited, or I would be if I didn't think my lungs would try and vomit into my mouth if I expressed any of this excitement.

hey lungs 

fuck you
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