(Ok, resurrecting the wisdom teeth theme from a long time ago because it is valid again.)
Tooth thread,
I just got home from the dentist where I had my upper two wisdom teeth pulled out. My dentist is a sweetheart, and she kept telling me things to calm me down even though I don't think I acted nervous or anything (she could probably see the fear in my eyes), and it was all over in roughly 15 minutes. It didn't hurt at all, and the actual tooth pulling was nowhere near as horrible as I had imagined it, but the things surrounding the actual pulling were, and still are, really awful. The worst thing is without doubt the sedation. I am completely numb in my palate, and every time I swallow it feels like I'm swallowing my tongue, which triggers the gag reflects and makes me cough up lots of blood and saliva. And oh god, the blood. It just wont stop coming! I left a bloody trail in the snow between the dentist's office and all the way home. The taste is in my mouth constantly, and it's making me nauseous.
In two weeks I'm having my lower two teeth pulled out, which will be far worse because, as some of you might remember, they are going out the surgical way, and I don't get to be unconscious. Bloody hell, what a mess. (Expect me to resurrect the tooth theme when I'm done with that too, because I'm not wasting an opportunity to whine.)