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Author Topic: Whatever, Let's Have A Goddamn Blog Thread, But Try And Keep It Reasonable  (Read 812366 times)


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Barmymoo, congratulations!

I would've participated, but I had way too much school work. Maybe next year.
Expect lots of screaming, perversely fast computer drums and guitars tuned to FUCK

Quote from: Michael McDonald
Dear God, I hope it's smooth.


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I did that with my English term paper and honestly I'm just handing it in late. Less stress and even if I lose marks it'll be a much better paper.

I wish I could have done this with my 12 page paper but she deducts 20% for every day it is late, so it's really not worth it.
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Liz is touching me.
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Fuck you, I want him so bad.


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my roommates are expecting me to be present at this christmas potluck dinner thingy they're organizing (which is tonight) and i said i would be there, since we haven't been spending much time together lately and it would not be cool to be like "fuck you guys i am barricading myself in my room and writing this paper" all of a sudden.

I think that's totally reasonable grounds for ditching a potluck.
It's a roasted cocoa bean, commonly found in vaginas.


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D'aww, poor Jens. Pop on Skype for a moment, perhaps I will tell you a joke or something to cheer you up.
Quote from: John
Liz is touching me.
Quote from: Bryan
Fuck you, I want him so bad.


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Dear blog thread,

My lady and I accidentally ran her cell phone bill up to like $113. She won't let me help pay it. I am more than happy to pay it, I got her into this mess, but she is insisting that she take care of it, and I feel really guilty because of it. Bonus fail since all we ever talk about is how much it sucks to not have any physical contact anymore. Such things are not normally the things our relationship revolves around, but they're the only things missing right now, so it's just an assload of money going toward talking about not getting laid. I could talk about that with my friends both in meat life and non-meat life and it would be so much more inexpensive for my lady and just as unsatisfying.

I've decided that the Crystal Method are entirely listenable, though, so that's good I guess. Also, Cat Power,

My long-dead band Troubador! licks your gentlemen's legumes on the cheap

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my roommates are expecting me to be present at this christmas potluck dinner thingy they're organizing (which is tonight) and i said i would be there, since we haven't been spending much time together lately and it would not be cool to be like "fuck you guys i am barricading myself in my room and writing this paper" all of a sudden.

I think that's totally reasonable grounds for ditching a potluck.

well the reason i wanted to go is so i don't sit around thinking about stupid relationship problems/how i am currently failing at life, because that's what i'd end up doing instead of work if i were to just sit in my room alone.  also i want food. i haven't really had much to eat all day, and i would rather not end up passing out in front of my computer.  also i tried to explain to them that i am wayyyy busy and need to head someplace quiet and they were like "oh, can't you at least stay for dinner?" and looking at me with sad puppy eyes.  they're not even close friends of mine, what the hell.

so yeah. i guess that is what i'll end up doing. because i go wherever the food is, being a secret fatty and all.

amusing side note: if i had a dollar for every time i heard "all i want for christmas is you" during the past week i would probably be able to hire someone to write my essay for me.  the girls i live with are obsessed with that song, i swear.
« Last Edit: 30 Nov 2008, 16:52 by 20 jazz funk greats »
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All Canadians are two to four Welsh Corgis in a human suit.


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20 jazz funk greats

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cross bones style is my favorite cat power song. and also just one of my absolute favorite songs ever.
Quote from: KvP
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Quote from: Jace
All Canadians are two to four Welsh Corgis in a human suit.


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And Chan Marshall was goddamn hot then.


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She is still pretty attractive, but I was similarly stricken upon watching that video. Like holy shit seriously,
Cat Power,


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"Cross Bones Style" is good, but for me it's all about "Metal Heart".

God I love that whole album so much though.


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admittedly i like a few songs by cat power but honestly, i do not get what everyone sees in her. to me she is just not all that attractive or talented.
sorry, cat power thread.
Not to sound mysoginist, but I hate women.


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I was going to listen to Cat Power today, but then I decided not to.



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I'll admit that my love of Moon Pix (from whence springs my love of Cat Power) is not even slightly rational or subjective. Before I bought the album I had a listen to it in the shop; when I was listening to it suddenly, out of nowhere, I got the idea for a longish story which really excited me. This prompted me to buy the album. I then listened to the album as I was writing the story, every night for about two months, and at the end of the writing I knew it better than just about any other album I own. For me Moon Pix and Cat Power are inextricably linked with that peculiar sensation of absolute and overwhelming absorption in the creative process; listening to it today still gives me some of that old residual thrill, even years later.


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Mr. Blog von Thread:

I write to you to let you know that I am ill. Not seriously so, but uncomfortably so. As if a thousand angry Yoshis are eating yellow shells in my face and then doing stomps. In addition to this, I am imprisoned in a library until midnight, forced to suffer both boredom and discomfort.  To top it off, I am also barred from entering Gabbly. Tonight is terrible.

Give me tomorrow.

Yours Truly,
Ozymandias de la Nuevo Mexico
You are 9/11.
You are the terrorist.


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Dear Blog thread

Reading about molecular biology is the most damned boring thing in the world when I know I have brand new Daredevil and Captain America comics sitting in my bag and I could be reading them right now.  It is so hard to care about small nuclear RNAs and the impact they have upon translation and I can scarcely study anymore, having barely even started.  Thank god my exam isn't until Thursday.

And fuck neuroscience the next day.  Though at least that is interesting.



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Guys, I have a review at work on Tuesday. I am nervous. On one hand I think that I have been doing fairly well, and kinda want to ask for a raise/am hoping for one. But on the other hand, I also think I have been doing absolutely terrible, and I am so terrified of being told I am a terrible employee. Also, the owner of the store apparently hates piercings. He has seen me with my septum and never said anything though. He is always really really nice to me. I am so afraid of fucking up.
little bitty bird, with the flaxen hair, can i help you with the weight of the cross you bear?


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admittedly i like a few songs by cat power but honestly, i do not get what everyone sees in her. to me she is just not all that attractive or talented.
sorry, cat power thread.
I'm with this canadian.
I review, sometimes.
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I love this vagina store!
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I sneak that shit
And liek


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Interesting. I think she's pretty, but I'd never seen a video before. She seems like the 80s.


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I think they were trying to mimic Madonna's dancing in that video.


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i started university with the intention of getting my undergrad degree and being done with it, and only this year have put some serious thought into my future and decided i pretty much want to to do nothing else except go to grad school and study criminology and get a master's degree, but since that wasn't my original plan a lot of my grades are pretty shitty and now i'm kind of worried that they will be too terrible for me to actually get in anywhere and i don't have any kind of alternative plan to not going to school that i'm happy with at all.
i know i'm young, and i guess i should probably talk to a program or career counselor or wait and see what happens before i start reevaluating everything, but shit.
Not to sound mysoginist, but I hate women.


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Coming from my tiny town and doing not a whole lot of research, I didn't really know grad studies were a thing until I actually got here. I am in somewhat of a similar boat, I do not want to go into industry, and I'd rather go to grad school and study interesting things. My marks aren't great though, really not great. I figure the way to do it if I'm still able to do it is just talk to profs and get in that way.
A good friend of mine with a name oddly similar to yours did her undergrad with just OK marks but got into grad school because the prof liked her and thought she could be a good grad student, so if you want to do grad stuff where you're doing your undergrad, you've got to network.

I've really no idea what I'll be doing in a year.
It's a roasted cocoa bean, commonly found in vaginas.


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They're likely to overlook shitty grades if they were when you were younger. If you've been getting progressively better grades, that's something they're more likely to look at like "hey, this person grew stronger academically". My best friend is finishing up grad school (currently writing a thesis about Dostoevsky and religion), and he barely got back into college as an undergrad because he went for three years and then failed out.
What about orgasmic chemistry.

I can expand the definition of that if anyone wants to roll around to my Fortress of Love.

Jimmy the Squid

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I did a BA with a Psych major but my marks weren't great and as a result I wasn't able to get into the post-grad course I wanted (basically grad school). I ended up taking another course this year, part-time. I now have the equivalent of two B.Psych degrees and hopefully I have raised my marks enough to get into grad school for next year. If I haven't then I really don't know what the hell I would do as I've never really considered that I wouldn't get to become a practising Psychologist. If I don't get accepted for next year I guess it is time to start thinking about it? Maybe I could just pool all my efforts into being in the raddest Black Metal band in Australia. Really our only competition is Astriaal. Fuck.
Once I got drunk and threw up in the vegetable drawer of an old disused fridge while dressed as a cat


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(Ok, resurrecting the wisdom teeth theme from a long time ago because it is valid again.)

Tooth thread,

I just got home from the dentist where I had my upper two wisdom teeth pulled out. My dentist is a sweetheart, and she kept telling me things to calm me down even though I don't think I acted nervous or anything (she could probably see the fear in my eyes), and it was all over in roughly 15 minutes. It didn't hurt at all, and the actual tooth pulling was nowhere near as horrible as I had imagined it, but the things surrounding the actual pulling were, and still are, really awful. The worst thing is without doubt the sedation. I am completely numb in my palate, and every time I swallow it feels like I'm swallowing my tongue, which triggers the gag reflects and makes me cough up lots of blood and saliva. And oh god, the blood. It just wont stop coming! I left a bloody trail in the snow between the dentist's office and all the way home. The taste is in my mouth constantly, and it's making me nauseous. 

In two weeks I'm having my lower two teeth pulled out, which will be far worse because, as some of you might remember, they are going out the surgical way, and I don't get to be unconscious. Bloody hell, what a mess. (Expect me to resurrect the tooth theme when I'm done with that too, because I'm not wasting an opportunity to whine.)
« Last Edit: 01 Dec 2008, 01:37 by Metope »
Quote from: Meebo
[00:07] Liz: Jordan tell us how you feel about Edison.
[00:08] Ozy: FUCK YOU LIZ
[00:08] Ozy: has left the room


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(in Edinburgh!)
Expect lots of screaming, perversely fast computer drums and guitars tuned to FUCK

Quote from: Michael McDonald
Dear God, I hope it's smooth.


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Dear Blog Thread,

I am moved out now! I live in another house to the one I lived in last week! I do not live with my parents anymore!

To celebrate I am eating ramen. Also because I could not afford anything else because I spent too much money on records.


EDIT: Ok So I know I am a couple of pages late but hey fuck you God is an Astronaut are way rad.
It's a roasted cocoa bean, commonly found in vaginas.


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You won't win Jens. (Because they are very good) (prick)
It's a roasted cocoa bean, commonly found in vaginas.


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Dear blog thread,
somehow I have ended up with a party planned every weekend for a month.  This weekend it is a tequila brunch for my housemate's birthday, but I am a bit sad because all my friends live in Brisbane so I won't really know anyone and it will be awkward!

Who wants to come to a tequila brunch this weekend?
Quote from: Hannah in Meebly
you it be the mics taht are broked?
Quote from: ViolentDove
But then again, I used to dress like the bastard child of a drug-addled punk and a shrubbery.


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Ooh ooh me!

Speaking of, Blog Thread, I am happy because I have kind of unofficially resumed drinking, but despite my best efforts I can not really get into it. I mean this in the sense that even if I want to, I can not pound beers until I am drunk. It is a strange thing.

But it is also very much a good thing because I can enjoy drinking beer, and I very much appreciate a well-brewed beer, without making a goddamned embarrassment of myself like I always used to.
It's a roasted cocoa bean, commonly found in vaginas.


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I spent too much money on records.


Dovey, have I ever told you that you're my hero?
Wait so you're letting something that happened 10 years ago ruin your quality of life? What are you, America? :psyduck:


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Today's Scarygoround has a great suggestion for dealing with age differences:

"I suppose I could make Sarah a fact sheet... about the past."


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Dovey, I expect to see you on my doorstep by 11am Saturday.  We will have a rocking time.
Quote from: Hannah in Meebly
you it be the mics taht are broked?
Quote from: ViolentDove
But then again, I used to dress like the bastard child of a drug-addled punk and a shrubbery.


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re: grad school grades - Unfortunately my own grad school application experience is of no relevance to you. I had pretty spotty grades as an undergrad, but that was because I spent all my time learning about and practicing digital art instead of studying for my biology classes. Then I went to grad school for digital art, so they didn't care too much what grades I got in my biology classes.


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Thanks for posting!
It's a roasted cocoa bean, commonly found in vaginas.


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And Chan Marshall is still goddamn hot


Dear blog thread,

Somebody stole my friends' beloved shitzu Coco, and then they dropped off a brand new puppy shitzu that looks just like her. Either they are the weirdest fucking dog thieves ever, or they hit Coco with their car and didn't know how else to deliver the news and repay them.

Man what a weird fucking day.

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Yesterday I made a cake (pinapple with orange icing). I don't know why I made it other than because I felt like baking. It is an oddly delicious cake, especially cold.
:grumpypuss: :grumpypuss: :grumpypuss:


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Send me a piece, Linds. Also, get thee to gabbly.
Ho, ho, ho!


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actually pretty much everyone who has posted so far saying grades are not the most important thing (including joe) have helped me feel a lot better about this, so thanks.
i am going to talk to some professors who i think don't completely hate me and see what happens from there.
Not to sound mysoginist, but I hate women.


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Also, get thee to gabbly.

You're not in there! No cake for you.
:grumpypuss: :grumpypuss: :grumpypuss:


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Dear blog thread,

I am back from a nice Thanksgiving vacation at my parents' house. It was good to have a week or so with little to do.

Unfortunately, now I have a lot to catch up on.
« Last Edit: 01 Dec 2008, 11:59 by benji »
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I would like to pretend that the spike there at the end was a result of just not having updated my word count each day for the last four days, but in reality I only wrote about two hundred words on each of those days so it wasn't even worth updating. It was actually much easier to finish this year and for the first time I don't have a burning hatred for everything I wrote! I'm in fact still writing it!

My sociology teacher, who is in fact a university lecturer in English (this is how our college works... they employ people from other places to teach part time on courses they don't actually know anything about), told us that she bases her acceptance of students onto her course based almost entirely on interviews and so forth, with very little concern for grades. It depends where you want to go but I'm fairly certain that particularly with post-grad you have more chance of getting in without astoundingly brilliant grades than you think.

Nothing much of note has happened today.
There's this really handy "other thing" I'm going to write as a footnote to my abstract that I can probably explore these issues in. I think I'll call it my "dissertation."


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First major snowfall of the year here today.

I am miserable. I do not handle winter well. Everyone gets the seasonal blues, but I get really, seriously depressed. It gets so dark so early, and during the day it's almost unceasingly gray. Everything is cold, dead, fragile and lifeless. There's no vibrancy, warmth, anything, everywhere. The snow is pretty and novel for a week or so, then it just grates on me and I want it to go away.

Recently, I have been looking at running away to Corisca. Maybe just Monaco.
"Death is nothing, but to live defeated is to die daily."
 - Napoleon

Scandanavian War Machine

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i just found out that my iPod that broke on Friday is still under warranty!

Quote from: KvP
Also I would like to point out that the combination of Sailor Moon and faux-Kerouac / Sonic Youth spelling is perhaps the purest distillation of what this forum is that we have yet been presented with.


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Dear Blog Thread,

If I had a camera on me right now, I would take a picture of what it looks like outside.

IT IS FUCKING FOGGY. It's like a Goddamn vampire movie outside. Like San Francisco to the power of ten.

(I don't live in San Francisco.)


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San Francisco can be pretty foggy, but because the sun is shining the fog is white and not depressing like a vampire movie. It's more like you'll turn a corner and run into St. Peter.


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Dear blog thread,

If I have to have another discussion with one of my friends about why I don't think college would be an efficient use of 4 years of my life, I swear to god I will punch them. The physical blow won't do a damn thing to them, but the psychological impact can do anything from getting them to shut up to getting them to beat me into a coma. I don't fucking care which, just as long as I don't have to hear this shit again.

My business is my goddamn business and no good friend is going to treat me like an inferior just because I don't think college is my best option. I can understand friendly caring and concern, but when it gets to the point of "If your music doesn't work out, you're fucked" that doesn't exactly provide me with much encouragement to do anything. That's roughly equal to saying "Well, I have no faith in your music. And since you're not going to college, when your music inevitably fails, you're fucked."

tl;dr if I wanted my friends to discourage me more than I already am about my music, I'd tell them I wanted to make a living writing jingles for the KKK.

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Scandanavian War Machine

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many of the best bands met/formed in college.

"better safe than sorry" i always say.
Quote from: KvP
Also I would like to point out that the combination of Sailor Moon and faux-Kerouac / Sonic Youth spelling is perhaps the purest distillation of what this forum is that we have yet been presented with.


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California is so dang foggy! Driving home last night was way fun because visibility was like two meters and whenever a car passed it would fade into blackness. Driving home last night was terrifying.

Patrick, I feel pretty much the exact same way, except I'm uh still going to college because... besides going to go meet people and form a band, I don't really know why. I've pretty much killed my chances of getting into the school I really really wanted to go to and now I need to figure out a new plan.

I am drinking Simply Orange orange juice with pineapple and it is the best thing.

edit: okay so Low put out a new Christmas single last month and I am listening to "Santa's Coming Over" and jesus christ it is legitimately frightening
what the fuck, low
« Last Edit: 01 Dec 2008, 17:21 by squawk »
it's time to stop posting

Scandanavian War Machine

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i wouldn't, simply because it would be annoying to say aloud.

"orange orange" does not roll off the tongue; unlike actual oranges, which are delicious.
Quote from: KvP
Also I would like to point out that the combination of Sailor Moon and faux-Kerouac / Sonic Youth spelling is perhaps the purest distillation of what this forum is that we have yet been presented with.
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