This thread is poorly timed as I see Pitchfork just posted a glowing review of their new album and I fear they're going to end up the fast-track Pitchfork-hype-to-overrated-to-underrated train. But, hopefully, before all that begins, some others will check them out and genuinely enjoy their new album Skeleton. It's a very good mixture of shoegaze (like Ride, not MBV) tropicalia and punk. I saw them the other night with No Age and High Places at Floristree in Bodymore and while No Age definitely stole the show, I was really impressed by them.
I admit I went in not expecting much, indeed, I had listened to some tracks on their myspace and didn't like it at all. I didn't really know how to make sense of it. I remember thinking it sounded like Animal Collective covering Gilberto Gil. So I didn't expect to like them, but I was still impressed by their energy and how tight they were, and I actually liked the songs.
I don't know if the new album is as good as Pitchfork makes it out to be, but it's till worth picking up, IMO, and I, to reiterate, I highly reccommend checking them out with No Age if they're coming to your town.