I, unfortunately, would have last last last last years tech.
As for character classes, all i have is speculation
Of the original 5, barb, ama, necro, pally, and sorc
Barb is back
I think amazon won't be (due to both sexes.) i think it'll just be a name switch. basically a "ranger" or somethiing that plays really similarly.
Necro is basically replaced as disease=poison, pets=pets.
Pally should be interesting. If someone is right about Divine antagonists maybe the church of Zakarum (iirc a pretty decently-big part of Diablo lore) has gone corrupt? So we'll see either pally being the few noble ones left, or maybe like some sort of dark knight? For those that watched (or didin't watch) the big gameplay trailer, the days of consta-potioning are supposedly over, so I wonder if there will be any healing-oriented players. Maybe a more full fledged cleric type. Or maybe Pally will actually do some decent healing. (lol holy bolt) Maybe none of this!
Sorc will be back in some way. There has to be some big casting nuker with low hp.
Other than that, the only thing that irked me (and 90% won't be in the final build, obvz) was that the narrator kept saying "for MASSIVE DAMAGE," but I never saw anyones health globe drop below maybe 40%