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Re: Diablo 3
« Reply #50 on: 30 Jun 2008, 14:59 »

Lackluster?  He can summon a wall of god damned zombies.  That attacks shit that gets near it.  That's fuckin' awesome!

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Re: Diablo 3
« Reply #51 on: 30 Jun 2008, 15:44 »

its weird.  in the end it boils down to them being annoying whiners.  they dont like him being hunched over, they dont like how he doesnt summon skeletons, they dont like that hes (probably) replacing necro, blah blah.


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Re: Diablo 3
« Reply #52 on: 30 Jun 2008, 15:49 »

They should sack up.  Zombies > skeletons.

It's about time that Diablo had a fresh, new package.


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Re: Diablo 3
« Reply #53 on: 30 Jun 2008, 16:40 »

Before we all get too excited, remember that Blizzard also has a track record of not releasing a game until they feel it is ready, and that can be quite a while.  Starcraft II was announced a while back and there's been no release date given yet, so Diablo III will be presumably even farther off.
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Re: Diablo 3
« Reply #54 on: 30 Jun 2008, 18:21 »

Don't wet your britches yet, we won't see it for a decade or so, at least.

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Re: Diablo 3
« Reply #55 on: 30 Jun 2008, 19:46 »

They should sack up.  Zombies > skeletons.

It's about time that Diablo had a fresh, new package.

That's what im thinking.  If you want d2 characters, play d2, imo.

To poster mentioning far off release date: all the better, i can save money and get a pc or mac capable of playing it :).


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Re: Diablo 3
« Reply #56 on: 30 Jun 2008, 21:36 »

Yeah, that is what I was about to say.  ie: Those fucking whiners can keep playing D2 if they want to play with the necro.  This is a new game.  I am sure people bitched that they couldn't play as one of the 3 main chars in D1 when D2 came out, but then they shut up and played the game and found that it was awesome.

Also please note that this Barbarian is a bit older instead of the original bald one.  Not sure if it is the original and he's just aged or if it's a different one.  Either way I think it gives him more character.

I can't really think of any serious faults in the gameplay video I saw, because for one I am not sure that I saw enough to be able to start criticising anything properly, and for two this is obviously still a very early in-house alpha.  I bet one of the reasons why they only showed two characters is that they are the only two they have in a state that is playable enough to show in a demo.


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Re: Diablo 3
« Reply #57 on: 01 Jul 2008, 04:28 »

Yeah, so it turns out Diablo 2 still works perfectly on my Vista laptop, which is probably bad news for my mouse. And for my marriage.

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Re: Diablo 3
« Reply #58 on: 01 Jul 2008, 06:27 »

*Sigh* That essentially DID happen to me last night, parm.

As for the Witch Doctor, I like him, but I'm wary.

There's only five character classes, allegedly. The Witch Doctor sounds almost exactly like the Necro. Judging by the short list of classes we'll have (Three to be named, allegedly), I'm worried my beloved Druid will be left by the wayside. I don't even necessarily need it to be a Druid, but I did like having my Shapeshifting Tank/Summoner. The Necro's got the summoning down and all, but I quite crave my shapeshifting, as it was one of my favorite aspects to Diablo II: LoD. I don't see how they'd fit the type in once they get down to the other three. You'll need a fighter class like the Paladin, a rogue or ranger like class and a high powered magic user

Considering the look so far, though, I have sincere doubts that I'll be left out in the cold. If I'm deprived of my Druid, I can probably content myself if they maybe retooled the Amazon into a catch all ranger type with some animal summons. That sounds plausible as I seem to recall reading that classes aren't gender locked like in Diablo II, meaning the Amazon as it was would have to be out.

(Edit for math)
« Last Edit: 01 Jul 2008, 06:53 by 0bsessions »
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Re: Diablo 3
« Reply #59 on: 01 Jul 2008, 06:43 »

I don't even care who they replace.  I just now stopped giggling like a schoolgirl after seeing the gameplay video.  Wall.  Of.  Fucking.  Killer.  Zombies. 

That is all

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Re: Diablo 3
« Reply #60 on: 01 Jul 2008, 06:53 »

the one thing i ask of a shapeshifting class-
dynamic models which change based on eqp!


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Re: Diablo 3
« Reply #61 on: 01 Jul 2008, 07:02 »

I don't even care who they replace.  I just now stopped giggling like a schoolgirl after seeing the gameplay video.  Wall.  Of.  Fucking.  Killer.  Zombies. 

That is all

That's what I thought!

I have the same sentiments as Jon, really.  But at the same time I would alright with them introducing some new aspects to the universe.  It would certainly sadden me to not trump around the levels opening up volcanic vents underneath mobs of enemies with an Elemental Druid, but I can look past that and embrace a fresh, new experience.

Besides, there's always the chance they might reintroduce them again in an expansion pack or downloadable content.


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Re: Diablo 3
« Reply #62 on: 01 Jul 2008, 07:33 »

That's the biggest reason I'm not too worried. While I'm surprised and a little disappointed there's only five classes in a game being developed in 2008, I'm rather over it considering they could always patch it or release an expansion pack it there's a fan outcry.
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Re: Diablo 3
« Reply #63 on: 01 Jul 2008, 07:53 »

I'm not really all that broken up over the lack of character classes when they're trying to "deepen" the experience of playing a particular class.
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Re: Diablo 3
« Reply #64 on: 01 Jul 2008, 16:00 »

My elemental druid who, at higher levels, had a kick ass bear shapeshift, was my favorite of dozens of D2 characters, even more than my early beloved Amazons (shades of my beloved Rogues from D1 which I played when I was 7). I feel like rouge's might come back in lieu of Amazon actually since Amazon are only women but you can choose the sex of your character in D3. Rouge has Amazon-ish attributes but can be male or female and has some additional potential abilities. I feel like the druid, however, is to be no more. Maybe there'll be a elemental character but I feel like shapeshifting, if it's in D3 at all, might even be relegated to the Witch Doctor. To me, this new class is a distillation of Necro and Druid into one new character. My guesses for character classes: Barbarian, Rogue, Witch Doctor, Sorcerer/Wizard, Paladin. I think the sorcerer type character is an obvious given and I feel like a MP action RPG without an aura class character is unlikely, hence the Paladin type character. A ranged character is needed to, hence the Rouge. The other two are confirmed. Thoughts?
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Re: Diablo 3
« Reply #65 on: 01 Jul 2008, 16:36 »

I feel like the ranged character will somehow be a mix of the amazon and the assassin. Rogue is a very likely name for the class, but I'm edging a little bit more towards a Ranger-type class. The Witch Doctor could very well be Blizz's idea of a mix between the Necro and the Druid, so those are done. The Barbarian is the Barbarian. We will probably get a Paladin that is a bit more like a Cleric. I'm thinking that the Magic-User will end up with a much wider range of spells, considering the loss of the Necro's Bone attacks. So that leaves the Amazon and the Assassin.
I would like to think that they would make a Ranger class, but you're very likely to be right about the inclusion of a Rogue class as a mix between Amazon and Assassin. I just don't think they'll call it a Rogue, because that sounds too much like you're just playing a thief. So, a mix of Ranger and Rogue elements. It will be a Roganger! Both Rangers and Rogues have that stealthy, agile aspect in D&D, and both tend to use ranged weapons and sneak attacks.
So, err...yeah!

Edit: But then again, they could destroy the whole thing and just add a class titled Elf. But I have more faith in Blizzard than that, so I hope I'm wrong.
« Last Edit: 01 Jul 2008, 16:38 by MusicScribbles »
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Re: Diablo 3
« Reply #66 on: 01 Jul 2008, 16:41 »

^ I was typing out a post, and then it said to review becuase a new had happened.  You actually summed up almost exactly waht i was gonna say with rogue=amazon+assassian. that was crazy.


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Re: Diablo 3
« Reply #67 on: 01 Jul 2008, 16:49 »

Apparently there is already a petition to change the art style.  Last I checked it had almost 4,000 signatures.  People are saying it isn't dark enough, looks lifted too much from WoW (they even say 'cartoony'!), and want the light radius back.
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Re: Diablo 3
« Reply #68 on: 01 Jul 2008, 17:00 »

I fuckin hate people.


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Re: Diablo 3
« Reply #69 on: 01 Jul 2008, 17:01 »

I honestly kind of agree with them.  It doesn't look a lot like a Diablo game, but the light radius (with the new, improved dynamic lighting engines and such) would bring back that "alone in the dark" feel that Diablo II nailed almost perfectly in several areas of the game.  The new graphics and such do look very nice, they just don't capture the same menace that the other games did.


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Re: Diablo 3
« Reply #70 on: 01 Jul 2008, 17:07 »

The Rogues are basically the tribal people from D2 Act 1.  Given that the Barbarian is from D2 Act 5 and the Witch Doctor is from D2A3 I think there is a lot of weight to what you're saying.  I am wondering if from D2A2 they might give us one of the Arabic spell-sword guys as a playable character (think of him as a kind of arcane Paladin replacement), or if there will be some crazy other char from that area or if I'm totally wrong about the tribal thing and they'll do something totally different.

But, now that I think of it if they gave us a Rogue and a Spellsword then they'd have to give us a healer-type class other than the Paladin.  Some kind of cleric could be a possibility.  I know that clerics aren't usually attributed to being decent in a fight by themselves, but Blizzard's recently had experience tooling out World of Warcraft clerics to be able to hold their own in a fight, so perhaps it's not so far-fetched.  Another possibility would be to bring back the Monk type character they had in the add-on to the first game, and in addition to being a combat monk make it have healing abilities or auras like the Paladin.

Grah, I shouldn't be thinking about all this so much.  I know I'm just gonna work myself up too much.

edit: man, fuck those guys.  It's a fucking alpha demo and they wanted to show off a bunch of cool stuff.  Of course they aren't gonna make it all dark so no-one can see anything.  Fucking shitcunts!
« Last Edit: 01 Jul 2008, 17:11 by est »

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Re: Diablo 3
« Reply #71 on: 01 Jul 2008, 17:30 »

I don't remember if i posted somethign similar to this already but the change of the health system makes me think that  thers atlesat more of a possiblity for a healer type.


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Re: Diablo 3
« Reply #72 on: 01 Jul 2008, 17:38 »

Yeah, that and the removal of the utility belt in favour of a more readily-accessible set of skills points toward a total revamp in that regard.  So long as it's done right I'll welcome it, as I got pretty sick of having to juggle all those potions.  It would be nice to still have some potions in the game to use in emergencies, but having monsters drop health globes would definitely help keep things moving along more smoothly.

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Re: Diablo 3
« Reply #73 on: 01 Jul 2008, 17:44 »

People are actually complaining about the globes too.  tryna start petitions to get rid of those because apparently they ruin the atmosphere.  the atmosphere create when a swarm of bugs drops a partizan.


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Re: Diablo 3
« Reply #74 on: 01 Jul 2008, 18:23 »

Yeah, that and the removal of the utility belt in favour of a more readily-accessible set of skills points toward a total revamp in that regard.  So long as it's done right I'll welcome it, as I got pretty sick of having to juggle all those potions.  It would be nice to still have some potions in the game to use in emergencies, but having monsters drop health globes would definitely help keep things moving along more smoothly.
Ehhhh, I think the potions were a good aspect of Diablo. They gave more control to the player. I recently started up D2 again (like lots of people, I imagine) and take for example, when you enter the second level of the Cave in the stoney field, there's at least 1 unique archer demon with a posse of archer demon minions. Well, I went into that level with my druid and there were 3 unique archer demons. The only reason I could beat them after dying 4 times was because I was able to horde potions and quaff them for long enough to get to my dead body, get my stuff back and knock down an archer or two before I became another inert pincushion (this was with a good 95% health bonus from lycanthropy, btw). Think of how much that level would suck without potions.

Not to be That Guy, but the Hulk:Ultimate Destruction model of health is going to seriously suck for non-tank characters unless they either A. Make every class a tank or B. seriously simplify an already incredibly simple gameplay paradigm. AND I DON'T LIKE THE LOOKS OF IT.
« Last Edit: 01 Jul 2008, 18:34 by KvP »
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Re: Diablo 3
« Reply #75 on: 01 Jul 2008, 19:03 »

I did say that it would be good if they kept potions in for emergencies, your example would be a good reason to buy a stack of emergency potions.  I just see the globes as lessening the need for potions in the general run of play.


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Re: Diablo 3
« Reply #76 on: 01 Jul 2008, 20:18 »

Not that anything in these games is actually "realistic", but seriously, you kill something, and the result is a red ball floating in the air above it?  Then you run through it and suddenly you feel much better?  It's just not that much trouble to pull out a potion and drink it.
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Re: Diablo 3
« Reply #77 on: 01 Jul 2008, 20:35 »

You're fine with a plague-spewing witch doctor going to hell and raising a wall of zombies, but balk at a health power-up?  If you can wrap your head around zombies and demons carrying gold and items of class-specific armor, then essences rising from the corpses of the newly dead that renew the health of a demon-killing übermensch shouldn't be that much of a challenge.

Anywho, I really don't see how the art didn't fit diablo.  So it's not grainy and early 90s; so what?  I thought that a literal horde of ghouls climbing from an abyss to attack the barb en masse was very appropriate. 


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Re: Diablo 3
« Reply #78 on: 01 Jul 2008, 20:40 »

Hey, you know a few months back when I was complaining about how all current-gen games are boring messes of brown and gray, and that I wanted some fucking color in my games?  Actually I was joking, color is for losers who want to see what the world around them looks like.  I have also never played a decent game in my life that included health powerups.

...the internet is a fickle and infuriating mistress indeed.


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Re: Diablo 3
« Reply #79 on: 01 Jul 2008, 21:22 »

Not that anything in these games is actually "realistic", but seriously, you kill something, and the result is a red ball floating in the air above it?  Then you run through it and suddenly you feel much better?  It's just not that much trouble to pull out a potion and drink it.

They even had the little quick-keys before, too.  They could serious do the same thing and keep the bar for the skills, too.  I am going to parallel est's idea with the Cleric character as a result of tooling the Priest on WoW with the fact that they could even use those hideable quick bars that showed up on the left and right and directly above your character bar that you could turn on and off.  You could set a couple slots for potions and viola.  You're one click away from the regenerating properties of the various elixers and potions you find or buy, and no silly globe-things.

I was just wondering, though, if anyone got the sense that they might be dumbing Diablo down into just a plain action game?  I mean, I know it was pretty much the same thing before, but the games were more heavily focused on the plot than the action, really.   It's like they're saying, "Hey, fans.  So, uh...The guys who penned the plot before is, uh OH HEY LOOK, I JUST TOTALLY KICKED THAT PILLAR OVER INTO A MOB AND KILLED LIKE, THREE OF THEM.  THEIR GUTS ARE ALL OVER THE GROUND.  OH MAN.  ISN'T THIS AWESOME?  I JUST DID A THIRTY HIT COMBO."

At least the voice actor for Decard Cain was the same dude.  At least it sounded like him.
« Last Edit: 01 Jul 2008, 21:27 by imapiratearg »


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Re: Diablo 3
« Reply #80 on: 01 Jul 2008, 21:57 »

Poor Cain.  "No one ever listens."
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Re: Diablo 3
« Reply #81 on: 01 Jul 2008, 22:07 »

Maybe if he wasn't such a wishy-washy sap he could make people listen.

There.  I said it.


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Re: Diablo 3
« Reply #82 on: 01 Jul 2008, 23:19 »

I was just wondering, though, if anyone got the sense that they might be dumbing Diablo down into just a plain action game?  I mean, I know it was pretty much the same thing before, but the games were more heavily focused on the plot than the action, really.   It's like they're saying, "Hey, fans.  So, uh...The guys who penned the plot before is, uh OH HEY LOOK, I JUST TOTALLY KICKED THAT PILLAR OVER INTO A MOB AND KILLED LIKE, THREE OF THEM.  THEIR GUTS ARE ALL OVER THE GROUND.  OH MAN.  ISN'T THIS AWESOME?  I JUST DID A THIRTY HIT COMBO."

I have a really hard time believing that they're going to be dumbing down the plot for Diablo 3.  These are the same guys who spent months just trying to nail the general feel, style, and themes of Starcraft 2, before even getting into the specifics of a story arc or new/developing characters.  Blizzard has executed some of the most cohesive and believable game worlds ever created, and everything they've made since the first Warcraft has been a step up for them in terms of plot and atmosphere.  The one possible exception to this (being an MMORPG) would be WoW, but even that game has a general plotline and rich atmosphere lurking just beneath all the grinding.  I have no reason to start doubting Metzen and his team now. 

If you're gonna accuse their storytelling of anything, it would have to be that it tends to be somewhat derivative... but that's almost the intention.  They take your typical conventions (be it sci-fi, high fantasy, whatever), strip them to their core, add in a twist or two, then polish the entire thing to a dazzling brilliance.

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Re: Diablo 3
« Reply #83 on: 02 Jul 2008, 03:37 »

I don't think I could live without potions. My barb just can't handle any respectable mob without using three (level 21 in the start of act 3, roughly 400hp, that's half the amount my level 69 act1 hell necro has, resists chosen depending on what damage I'm gonna be facing, drawing people off and fighting on my terms, using warcries intelligently) and my necro can't do anything without quaffing super mana potions like a dodgy radiator goes through water. I don't want to play a game where I have to put any points into energy.

I don't think I like the idea of a cleric style support class either. The way in diablo 2 you have three and a half classes that do well as support, three and a half that are excellent tanks, and nearly all of them doing great damage, all in different styles and every class (except I suppose the sorc) falling into at least two categories was what made the game so good and replayable. Having classes fit one single style would take all the fun out of it.

I really hope they don't dumb it down at all. Or at least don't hide the underlying ruleset or go to boring timers on skills. I loved looking up in tables what ias breakpoints I needed to cut another frame off my attack speed. I loved playing odd or novelty builds (<3 bowadins, melee sorceresses, daggerzons (really my favourite tank ever, I might make another and not lose the save before she dies this time) and such) that just happened to almost work well because of some nuance of the ruleset.

Other really short points that I can't be bothered making into paragraphs:
I hope static items like uniques and sets aren't tremendously better than the best of the randomly generated rares.
I hope the horadric cube makes a comeback and there are more, less static crafting recipes.
I'd love to play hardcore right from the start.
At a guess there will be five classes, and if they're taken from the acts in d2, what would act 4 give you?
Barbarians are silly
I hope d3 isn't too influenced by wow. In the style of quests, the way pvp works, the way items happen, the way skills work, the gang dynamics, everything.
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Re: Diablo 3
« Reply #84 on: 02 Jul 2008, 04:23 »

If you want to play a game exactly the same way as you play D2 how about you just save money an play D2?  Just sayin'.  I mean, D2 was radically difference to D1, but once I got used to the changes I could appreciate them.  Hopefully that is the way it will play out with D3.
« Last Edit: 02 Jul 2008, 04:27 by est »


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Re: Diablo 3
« Reply #85 on: 02 Jul 2008, 04:46 »

You have a point, but really I'd prefer to play a game that's better. There are things it did that I thought were really good, and I think it's fair to say that I hope they keep them or at least not make them not so good. That's really all I'm saying there. I'm not gonna get all fired up and start writing petitions or anything (what the hell guys, petition to change the art? Jeez). I'll give the game a chance whatever happens to it, but I guess I'm just gushing about how well done some parts were in diablo 2.
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Re: Diablo 3
« Reply #86 on: 02 Jul 2008, 08:39 »

Also, correct me if I'm wrong (can't watch the video again right now), but I don't think potions are going anywhere.  They'll still be in the game to use as you need them, health orbs will just be there to streamline the "trash mobs" so you don't have to be chugging health pots every minute on normal enemies.  Hey, maybe it'll make it so large amounts of life/mana leech isn't a requirement for higher level melee characters, so you can get a bit more diversity in your gear.  And really, did the gameplay look THAT different from Diablo 2? 


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Re: Diablo 3
« Reply #87 on: 02 Jul 2008, 08:52 »

Don't get me wrong, I really like the new gameplay!  It looks totally bitchin' as opposed to Diablo II, where your character would stand in the same spot and do the same movements every time you clicked to hit or cast a spell.  It just kind of feels like they're bumping it up to an action game.  I think I over reacted with my last post, but I am just worried they might do away with all the nuances that made the game intelligent and challenging.

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Re: Diablo 3
« Reply #88 on: 02 Jul 2008, 09:15 »

I don't think I could live without potions. My barb just can't handle any respectable mob without using three (level 21 in the start of act 3, roughly 400hp, that's half the amount my level 69 act1 hell necro has, resists chosen depending on what damage I'm gonna be facing, drawing people off and fighting on my terms, using warcries intelligently) and my necro can't do anything without quaffing super mana potions like a dodgy radiator goes through water. I don't want to play a game where I have to put any points into energy.

I really hope atleast for a long time (like d2, it took forever for people to do the crazy "charms+enigma+whatever-to-get-the-bare-minimum-stats-you-need" builds.  Why include a stat you end up not needing?  I hate when core mechanics of a game are destroyed by stupid stuff through patches :-/


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Re: Diablo 3
« Reply #89 on: 02 Jul 2008, 09:28 »

Fair enough, with a game like Diablo I can see why you might get a bit apprehensive with some things (I sunk countless hours into D2 back in the day).  But for me, it comes down to two things: 1)the trailer, even in shitty resolution, looked great, and 2)Blizzard has yet to steer me wrong... ever.  This isn't something that any other game developer has done for me, so I've got some pretty strong faith in their stuff.


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Re: Diablo 3
« Reply #90 on: 02 Jul 2008, 09:31 »

I'm downloading D2 again.

Not because I like to play it, but because I want to remind myself of how horrible it is and how much I hate each and every one of you who wanted Blizzard to do this.
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Re: Diablo 3
« Reply #91 on: 02 Jul 2008, 09:36 »

I am actually Satan and I hate this game because I feel it is racist towards demons like myself.
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Re: Diablo 3
« Reply #92 on: 02 Jul 2008, 09:39 »

You sure enjoy doing that, don't you.
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Re: Diablo 3
« Reply #93 on: 02 Jul 2008, 10:26 »

There can't be two Satans, can there?  'Cuz I'm with Ozy on this.  Game was at best mildly fun.
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Re: Diablo 3
« Reply #94 on: 02 Jul 2008, 10:30 »

I'm pretty sure Ozy was joking, but let's wait for him to reply first before coming to any solid conclusions.
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Re: Diablo 3
« Reply #95 on: 02 Jul 2008, 10:35 »

I've got no problem with people being lukewarm about the Diablo series in general; it's a very loot-driven game and that's not everyone's cup o' tea.  Some people love crafting a character into the perfect (or perfectly ridiculous) fighting machine, and the mentality needed to derive enjoyment from repeated boss loot runs is something like a zen-addict.  The internets are filled with this these people, and I just happen to be one of the sicker individuals.


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Re: Diablo 3
« Reply #96 on: 02 Jul 2008, 11:16 »

I must be one of the few who actually plays the game for the challenge.  I always want to play the game all the way through, but playing the same character over and over, running the same areas over and over, or killing the same boss over and over, sounds only slightly more interesting than watching cereal get soggy in milk.

I've been playing the game for years now, and have played through with at least one character of each class, and multiple subclasses.  When the 1.10 patch came out and basically redid the whole game (skill symmetries totally changed how you build characters, and destroyed most 1.08/1.09 builds), I started over, and have again finished the game with each class and a couple of subclasses now.  Some aspects of playing through are repetitive, yes, but that can't be helped.  What's always different is how you play it, taking advantage of each character's skill set.

I see posts on some of the gaming boards I visit ("Results of last 100 Mephisto runs" and "After 1000 runs, I finally got a --- Rune!") and think these people how no fucking lives.  Then I remember that everyone plays the game for different reasons.  But really, those people have no fucking lives.
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Re: Diablo 3
« Reply #97 on: 02 Jul 2008, 11:19 »

What if they are awesome though! They could be awesome!
Also, if my computer can be revived, I am reinstalling everything Diablo.
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Re: Diablo 3
« Reply #98 on: 02 Jul 2008, 11:27 »

I might be the only one here, but I feel like I am completely lukewarm on everything Blizzard does in general at this point. Part of this is probably because I am almost completely a console gamer at this point, and the games Blizzard makes are 2 RTS series, an MMO based on one of those RTS series, and a dungeon crawler that can basically be summed up as 'click click click click click click click click click CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK'. No thanks, guys. I was never a fan of RTS games in the first place, and as I got older I just lost patience with the genre entirely. MMOs are a massive timesink that I don't feel give a satisfactory payoff in any way. On top of that, they haven't made a new franchise in 10 goddamn years, and Starcraft wasn't exactly much of a leap in creativity so much as 'Warcraft in space'. I feel like their resources and talent could be so much better utilized if they took some fucking chances once in a while.

Admittedly, Diablo is the Blizzard franchise I have the least experience with, so maybe I'd love it if I tried it, but I seriously doubt it. I'll just have to accept that Blizzard doesn't make games that I'm interested anymore. They're making more money than God on a monthly basis, so they don't have to give a shit about what I think.
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Re: Diablo 3
« Reply #99 on: 02 Jul 2008, 11:29 »

Not because I like to play it, but because I want to remind myself of how horrible it is and how much I hate each and every one of you who wanted Blizzard to do this.
I don't totally disagree, actually. Something about D2 makes me quit and either abandon the game or start over at around the middle of the second act, usually right after acquiring the horadric cube. Probably because the wait time between levels gets progressively longer and thus my patience gets tested as the urge to try out new skills and create new awesome socketed equipment combinations starts to go unfulfilled.

On the other hand, D3 enjoys significant involvement from Leonard Boyarski, more involvement than I had previously thought. Thus you are unequivocally wrong. So wrong, because it is going to be so awesome.
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