for the last 4 years of high school, i worked evenings and weekends at kwiksave, a shitty low-rent discount supermarket chain in the UK that closed most of its stores recently.
however, what made it awesome was that i got my job there at the same time as a friend of mine got a job on the deli counter there (run by another company), and between us, we ensured that every part-time position that ever came up in that building was filled by our friends from school. even better was that the floor manager used to, on occasion, when the manager and deputy weren't there, wonder onto the shop floor and shout "LASH!" which was our cue to head to the liquor lock-up in the back warehouse-y area, where he'd have lined up all manner of booze for us to get twatted on.
one time that sticks out in my memory was drinking immense amounts of vodka and lemonade, followed by the floor manager and myself drinking a large bottle of cherry brandy between the two of us. he then proceeded (after saying "that's enough, now let's go and get some work done") to disappear back into the warehouse, where we found him slumped on a crate with an empty bottle of vodka next to him. by the end of the shift, he'd banged on the front doors screaming for his mother (and scaring off customers in the process), and been escorted home by his brother (who he didn't recognise and tried to fight...). we had to get the security guard (who was also in on the drinking thing) to "lose" that day's security tapes. the next day, the deputy manager (who's actually really cool, and incidentally is now a good friend and work colleague of my mother's) basically hinted that she knew "SOMETHING UNTOWARD" had gone on, and that she'd let it go for now, "BUT IF ANYTHING LIKE THIS HAPPENS AGAIN...!" etc.
despite the job itself being proper shit, and the head manager being a ageing-butch-lesbian-looking miserable bitch, the amount of insane shit we all got away with will always make me look back on that job fondly.