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Author Topic: Let's have a fashion advice thread.  (Read 1096764 times)


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Re: Let's have a fashion advice thread.
« Reply #50 on: 06 Aug 2008, 08:37 »

Do you ever see sexy rock stars wearing shorts
What about an indie rock legend?

If shorts are good enough for Ian Mackaye, they are good enough for me.


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Re: Let's have a fashion advice thread.
« Reply #51 on: 06 Aug 2008, 08:41 »

Goodness! I know that I shop at cheap second-hand places, and that I'm poor, but if I see a shirt for $7 I like I'm more than likely to leave it alone. My price range for shirts is 3-5 bucks.
Did you say you live in Australia? I do remember that things are rather expensive over there, at least on the east coast, I never made it west.

Nope, not Australia, but someone else who replied upthread with about the same reaction as I did does live there. I live in Norway, which is known for being expensive, but every time a thread like this appears, I'm baffled by how cheap stuff in the US is, and I want to go there to shop for clothes and shoes. The majority of my t-shirts cost less than $30, though, but that's only because I'm living off of a student loan.

And for $3, I can almost get a bottle of 1,5L soda at one of the cheapest grocery store chains. How can a t-shirt at that price not be crappy quality and fall apart/look weird after 1 wear & wash?


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Re: Let's have a fashion advice thread.
« Reply #52 on: 06 Aug 2008, 08:44 »

Shorts are horrible things. They look bad on everyone. Everyone.
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Re: Let's have a fashion advice thread.
« Reply #53 on: 06 Aug 2008, 08:52 »

Without reading everyone elses posts, I can say with relative authority that if you are going to spend a bit of money on any piece of your wardrobe it should be your pants and your shoes.  You definitely get what you pay for.  If you want nice looking, long lasting, good fitting pants.  You are going to have to pay for it.  If you want to spend $30, you are going to suffer in at least one of those categories. 
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Re: Let's have a fashion advice thread.
« Reply #54 on: 06 Aug 2008, 09:40 »

buy cheap and durable,and look for sales.

also imy motto is "If your only going to wear it a couple times, put it back on the rack."

As much as i hate saying I went in PacSun I feel awesome saying I got 3 shirts for $15!!

what bold and underlined is my advice come fashion wise.


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Re: Let's have a fashion advice thread.
« Reply #55 on: 06 Aug 2008, 10:05 »

And for $3, I can almost get a bottle of 1,5L soda at one of the cheapest grocery store chains. How can a t-shirt at that price not be crappy quality and fall apart/look weird after 1 wear & wash?

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Re: Let's have a fashion advice thread.
« Reply #56 on: 06 Aug 2008, 10:11 »

But that's not exactly an American phenomena.. I mean, most of the plain t-shirts I used to buy from H&M were made in Bangladesh or another Asian country, but they still cost me about $20, if not more. And H&M is pretty cheap.
« Last Edit: 06 Aug 2008, 10:13 by Ladybug »


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Re: Let's have a fashion advice thread.
« Reply #57 on: 06 Aug 2008, 12:04 »

It just has to do with monetary value, the economy, the location, and a bunch of other things than just labor costs. I'm sure an H&M in the UK would be way more expensive than the ones in the US. I mean, I shopped at the one in New York and I got shirts for under $10 a piece and it's all the same company.
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Re: Let's have a fashion advice thread.
« Reply #58 on: 06 Aug 2008, 14:45 »

Man, I have no problem getting jeans for around $30 dollars. I am confused by all of you.

Also shorts are lame. I will wear pants in 90 degree weather with shit-tons of humidity.
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Re: Let's have a fashion advice thread.
« Reply #59 on: 06 Aug 2008, 16:41 »

i need advice, dudes.  i got this shirt because i was like "oh this will work with my pencil skirt!", but now that i've tried to wear them together i'm not so sure.  like, i feel that the shirt poofs out, then is tight, then the skirt is tight... and it looks kind of funny with that band between the poofy part of the shirt & the top of the skirt.  is it in my head?  or does it just look dumb and i just shouldn't try to make it work?

the reason i'm dressed up all fancy-like is because i have to start interviewing for Real Jobs soon and realized i had to buy a bunch of new clothes because all my clothing is way not office-appropriate.  my grades are not so great and my resume sucks, so my plan is just to try and look as good as possible and hope that my interviewer will forget about all that stuff and just hire me on the spot anyways based solely on my looks and fashion sense ;(  basically what i am saying is that it is important that you all give me the cold hard truth!

here is what i wore today by the way.  i'm not going to keep doing this unless other people join in too because otherwise it'll just be this embarrassing thread where i just post pictures of myself and everyone is like 'geez mooface get over yourself and stop bumping the thread you camwhore ugh".

ps sorry for all the weird cropping.  all my photos came out at weird angles.  i don't know how those myspace kids do it.


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Re: Let's have a fashion advice thread.
« Reply #60 on: 06 Aug 2008, 16:56 »

I actually really like that blouse with the skirt. It's a nice color and it's not too tight or too poofy. I also like the two strap-like piece down the front.
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Re: Let's have a fashion advice thread.
« Reply #61 on: 06 Aug 2008, 17:02 »

The lines all look good, but if you have anything else the same color as the top (like barettes? I dunno) you might wear them with it, so you're not just drawing attention to the chest area. That's just my opinion if I was interviewing you.


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Re: Let's have a fashion advice thread.
« Reply #62 on: 06 Aug 2008, 17:15 »

This thread is making me want to buy jeans! Which is no good because I already have ten pairs and jeans are expensive but I don't have a pair that make me look absolutely devastatingly smashing yet so therefore I need more. Good logic?

MaiAda I think that shirt and skirt look fantastic together! I think I know how you feel about getting all dressy, when you do not do it very often it feels weird no matter what. That outfit is brilliant on your curves and the colours are lovely on you too, I think it looks great as is!


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Re: Let's have a fashion advice thread.
« Reply #63 on: 06 Aug 2008, 17:32 »

I'm hard pressed to imagine jeans that wouldn't look smashing on you.

Maybe 70's bell bottom jeans?

No wait, that would look pretty awesome.


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Re: Let's have a fashion advice thread.
« Reply #64 on: 06 Aug 2008, 19:19 »

Oh hey I know the moment has passed, but I wear shorts a bit.  I have hairy legs and all.  I don't care if people think it looks odd, it's a lot better than wearing jeans/pants on hot days and feeling like shit.

Also Lunchy I don't understand why you wouldn't wear shorts.  Lady legs are awesome, what is wrong with lady legs?

I mean, they are so awesome.  Dang.


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Re: Let's have a fashion advice thread.
« Reply #65 on: 06 Aug 2008, 19:28 »

I agree with both est and Sam.  Lady legs are awesome and the skirt looks a little high-waisted, but not bad at all.

I love jeans, but I am never satisfied with any of the pairs I have ever bought.  They never fit exactly right.  I like Levis 511s, the skinny ones, but they're always too short.  What I mean by that is, my ankles are always exposed, and I would like to find pants that are longer, but with the right waist size for me but also skinny jeans.  Maybe I should just by the next size up and wear them a little looser?  'Cause sometimes they look way too tight.


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Re: Let's have a fashion advice thread.
« Reply #66 on: 06 Aug 2008, 19:57 »

Or you could buy some awesome boots!

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Re: Let's have a fashion advice thread.
« Reply #67 on: 06 Aug 2008, 20:01 »



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Re: Let's have a fashion advice thread.
« Reply #68 on: 06 Aug 2008, 20:06 »

Fine then, flash your ankles for the whole world to see. Strumpet.
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Re: Let's have a fashion advice thread.
« Reply #69 on: 06 Aug 2008, 20:34 »

Strumpet is possibly one of the best words ever.

If your ankles are exposed and you don't want boots (though it's a good suggestion), high top chucks should do the trick. (Chucks + jeans = win, always.) Or yes, you could try the next size up, especially if they really are too tight. Or dig around for different jeans. I had to do that, because "long/tall" are either still too short or they go past my toes. But the latter is rare and it makes me feel better, because for once "regular" has a long enough inseam.

A 34" inseam for ladies is not a ridiculous request, oh ye makers of jeans.
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Re: Let's have a fashion advice thread.
« Reply #70 on: 06 Aug 2008, 20:56 »


Linds speaks words of wisdom!

Also, to add a bit of length sometimes you can take the hem down a bit as well, which is a fairly painless process if you have access to a sewing machine (or stapler, if you're all punx rawkz). Depends on the jeans, though. Some are double hemmed, so you've got a bit of lee-way to take them down, but others aren't.

Alternatively, you can get a different style with longer legs and take the hem up.
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Re: Let's have a fashion advice thread.
« Reply #71 on: 06 Aug 2008, 22:46 »

Do you ever see sexy rock stars wearing shorts
What about an indie rock legend?

If shorts are good enough for Ian Mackaye, they are good enough for me.

I had lunch with the man! He was wearing shorts then, too...

I only have three pairs of shorts, and two of them are athletic shorts for working out at the gym. But I hardly think that they're some kind of fashion crime. Guys' legs probably aren't too attractive, but I think you'd have a hard time finding a guy who said that he didn't find a woman showing some leg to be good-looking/sexy.
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Re: Let's have a fashion advice thread.
« Reply #72 on: 06 Aug 2008, 22:53 »

Guys I just checked my Doctor Who LJ community and they have a picspam up of David Tennant in the Fires of Pompeii Confidential.




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Re: Let's have a fashion advice thread.
« Reply #73 on: 06 Aug 2008, 22:56 »



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Re: Let's have a fashion advice thread.
« Reply #74 on: 07 Aug 2008, 01:55 »

shorts can look good!

Oh that is nasty. That is dogshit.

I can't stand shorts. I basically have two pairs of trousers and they are both exactly the same; black JeansWest Silverstar bootlegs. I really only have boots so it all works out. I do need to take a trip to the Army Surplus store and buy some more black fatigue pants though. Those things are hell of comfy and look quite good. They are also cheap and last for ages. Hurrah.

Also, I've just started working in a Proper Office Job and feel like I should buy some more button-down shirts for it. I don't really wear ties outside of weddings or funerals so does anyone have any advice for someone who has never really bought button down shirts before?
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Re: Let's have a fashion advice thread.
« Reply #75 on: 07 Aug 2008, 12:28 »

Someone needs to buy these.


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Re: Let's have a fashion advice thread.
« Reply #76 on: 07 Aug 2008, 12:47 »

Cute girls could probably sell me anything.

I've just figured out who would suit those though. Manda, these are your jeans to buy!


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Re: Let's have a fashion advice thread.
« Reply #77 on: 07 Aug 2008, 13:18 »

Switch out the fabric with a different kind and those are very similar to pants I had in middle school/high school. They are fun.
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Re: Let's have a fashion advice thread.
« Reply #78 on: 07 Aug 2008, 13:21 »

Also, to add a bit of length sometimes you can take the hem down a bit as well, which is a fairly painless process if you have access to a sewing machine (or stapler, if you're all punx rawkz). Depends on the jeans, though. Some are double hemmed, so you've got a bit of lee-way to take them down, but others aren't.

I've thought about hemming, but I don't think there's enough hem there.  I checked the Levi's website, and I think I got knock-offs or something, because they did not list the waist+length size I have.

I've been thinking about modifying all my old, baggy jeans to fit like skinny jeans, because I have so many pairs that I don't wear and it's ridiculous and I feel bad about only wearing two or three pairs when I have like, twenty, but I think it would be fruitless, since they're all about 30x30 or 30x31, and I want 30x32.  Argh.  I think I might just give all my clothes to thrift stores, get some money back and buy new clothes.


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Re: Let's have a fashion advice thread.
« Reply #79 on: 07 Aug 2008, 13:40 »

Well, I looked on the Gap website and they have several styles in 30x32, if that helps. You could at least sell the ones you don't wear and aren't attached to, if you feel like it. I know how much the length of my pants bothers me, so I can imagine it bothers you just as much.
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Re: Let's have a fashion advice thread.
« Reply #80 on: 07 Aug 2008, 15:21 »

Blah blah Pencil Skirt blah Poofy Shirt blah blah

Basically it works great together the colours, great, you already knew that.  Now your well fit, and the puffy just makes your boobs look bigger which works for your benefit in a Real Job environment.

Now Ozy:

Get some pants, a straight cut or even something a little looser (you dont look like a second skin, skinny jeans kinda guy) but with a faded blueish-black (even dark blue is balls, and looking at your Dr. Ozy pic, that is a bad idea, and try on a smaller shirt size, see how it feels and looks.  Or try throwing on an undershirt, something thin like an Obey shirt for complimenting colour or a crappy white crew neck from Wally World.  For your jacket, try some dark greyish jeans and a medium earth tone shirt, like a light brown or you absolutely cant go wrong throwing Navy on top of White or Black/White.

And let me repeat, pay more for your jeans, they will look better and last longer.  And dont let anyone tell you fake fading is unauthentic and douchey, real authentic doesnt look as good and thats what this is about.
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Re: Let's have a fashion advice thread.
« Reply #81 on: 07 Aug 2008, 15:53 »

And dont let anyone tell you fake fading is unauthentic and douchey, real authentic doesnt look as good and thats what this is about.

I can't tell you if you're being serious or not. What if you're just trying to not be a douchebag?


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Re: Let's have a fashion advice thread.
« Reply #82 on: 07 Aug 2008, 16:10 »

Someone needs to buy these.

I want those jeans. I would wear them every day and my parents would laugh at me because they used to do that to their jeans when they were at teacher's college in the 70's. But I would still wear them all the goddamn time.

Thank you Dan, for showing me something I cannot get but really want. Thanks a lot.
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Re: Let's have a fashion advice thread.
« Reply #83 on: 07 Aug 2008, 17:43 »

I can't tell you if you're being serious or not. What if you're just trying to not be a douchebag?

What Im saying is dont shy away from something thats nice because of a preconceived notion, a prejudice, against it.  Alot of high end denim looks stressed, because frankly, it looks better.
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Re: Let's have a fashion advice thread.
« Reply #84 on: 07 Aug 2008, 18:14 »

the puffy just makes your boobs look bigger which works for your benefit in a Real Job environment.

I bet you were joking when you said that, but was that really necessary? Boobs have nothing to do with having a job.
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Re: Let's have a fashion advice thread.
« Reply #85 on: 07 Aug 2008, 18:27 »

They have something to do with looking hot, which she was hoping would offset her resume and education credentials.  I just worded it in a delicate cloak of humor.
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Re: Let's have a fashion advice thread.
« Reply #86 on: 07 Aug 2008, 19:09 »

Not necessarily. For some reason it's "cool" among many of the males in this country for their pants to be about three sizes too big. For a guy like me who's relatively skinny and somewhat short, finding jeans that look good and don't sag down to the thighs is a bitch.

Probably already answered 2 pages ago, but not for about the last 5-7 years, buddy.

And for $3, I can almost get a bottle of 1,5L soda at one of the cheapest grocery store chains.

Dude.... seriously? For like, $1.50 you can get a 2-liter of brand name, or two 2 liters of off-brand grcery store stuff.
« Last Edit: 07 Aug 2008, 19:13 by Leinad »


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Re: Let's have a fashion advice thread.
« Reply #87 on: 07 Aug 2008, 19:17 »

It may not be cool to you, but it's still around. Seriously. I want to throw belts at people in not only my neighborhood, but all of the surrounding ones and also downtown as well. The only reason I don't is because I would probably get the shit kicked out of me if I did so. As long as people want to look like a "gangsta," there will be many asses to see.

Also, Ladybug lives in Norway, the land of expensive.
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Re: Let's have a fashion advice thread.
« Reply #88 on: 07 Aug 2008, 19:24 »

Oh hey I know the moment has passed, but I wear shorts a bit.  I have hairy legs and all.  I don't care if people think it looks odd, it's a lot better than wearing jeans/pants on hot days and feeling like shit.

You should see my legs. They are hairier than most of them legs. I only have one pair of shorts and I wore them once this summer (Thank God, they were only 10 dollars). I hate shorts and I love jeans.

I have those Urban Star jeans. They are so damn great. I can wear them 5 days in a row and they will still look clean. I had those for like 2 years. Way better than Calvin Klein jeans.
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Re: Let's have a fashion advice thread.
« Reply #89 on: 07 Aug 2008, 19:46 »

When I am drunk and in a place where there are lots of people with popped collars, I find myself walking up to them, unpopping it, patting them on the shoulder, and walking off again into the crowd. I think of myself as a superhero of sorts.

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Re: Let's have a fashion advice thread.
« Reply #90 on: 07 Aug 2008, 19:54 »

I finally got my Nudie Jeans today. They fit quite nicely and they look great. I might buy a pair of grey Cheap Monday's tomorrow but I think the ones that are left and prices at 30$ are too big for me. I told my mom I wouldn't buy anymore jeans because she got frustrated with me today. I dont have that many! Like maybe 8-10 pairs that I wear regularly. (2 Levi's, 2 Evisu, 1 Club Monaco, 4 Bluenotes (cheap jeans from work!), 1 Nudie)  I really have to clean out my closet though.

Also, one piece of advice to the dudes: wear cardigans. They're sexy.
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Re: Let's have a fashion advice thread.
« Reply #91 on: 07 Aug 2008, 19:59 »

Shorts are awesome, mostly because I live in Florida. Attempting to wear anything below the knee is somewhat like running buck naked through a nuclear waste disposal facility with a broken air conditioner. Thats on the sun.

Although I am not a fashion guru (I could certainly use help), my one piece of advice is to ignore price (Mostly). Certainly, pricier jeans will give you a better experience is a good general rule, but my 9.95 jeans from a local store have served me well (Much more then my 50 dollar jeans from same local store did.)


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Re: Let's have a fashion advice thread.
« Reply #92 on: 07 Aug 2008, 20:30 »

When I am drunk and in a place where there are lots of people with popped collars, I find myself walking up to them, unpopping it, patting them on the shoulder, and walking off again into the crowd. I think of myself as a superhero of sorts.

I have yet to receive a beating.

I would probably chase you down... so I could shake your hand.

Also, one piece of advice to the dudes: wear cardigans. They're sexy.

Seriously? Like Mister Rogers? My favorite sweater is a pure new wool, heavy brown sweater I got in Edinburgh like ten years ago. It makes me look almost like a grizzly bear, and I can go down to 0 celsius with no jacket over it.

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Re: Let's have a fashion advice thread.
« Reply #93 on: 07 Aug 2008, 20:59 »

Also, one piece of advice to the dudes: wear cardigans. They're sexy.
Ugh. Just ugh.


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Re: Let's have a fashion advice thread.
« Reply #94 on: 07 Aug 2008, 21:32 »

My general advice on fashion, fellas buy two suits, one blue or black and one grey maybe pinstriped, never banker striped both wool. The first one is for more conservative needs, the second is if the first isn't appropriate. If you're under 5'8" don't buy your jackets double breasted, you look boxy, if you're on the larger side, even if it is muscles, don't buy double breasted you look too round.


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Re: Let's have a fashion advice thread.
« Reply #95 on: 07 Aug 2008, 22:29 »

Today, I am sporting a pair of mens cargo shorts, in green camo. A brown womens tshirt, that I'm not sure where I got it. I found it in my suitcase. I am also wearing white shocks, and grey low top Converse. Clearly, I am the epitome of fashion.

I don't always dress so poorly. This weekend, I was wearing a blue and white striped cardigan, that was waist length, over a black tube top. I also wore denim capris. I thought it looked rather nice.
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Re: Let's have a fashion advice thread.
« Reply #96 on: 07 Aug 2008, 22:51 »

Not necessarily. For some reason it's "cool" among many of the males in this country for their pants to be about three sizes too big. For a guy like me who's relatively skinny and somewhat short, finding jeans that look good and don't sag down to the thighs is a bitch.

Probably already answered 2 pages ago, but not for about the last 5-7 years, buddy.

No. As Linds said, it's still very much a fashion, unfortunately, among a large segment of young males, whether urban or suburban. Generally you see it with people who listen to copious amounts of gangsta rap--i.e., rap that has no meaning.
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Re: Let's have a fashion advice thread.
« Reply #97 on: 08 Aug 2008, 00:08 »

No. As Linds said, it's still very much a fashion, unfortunately, among a large segment of young males, whether urban or suburban. Generally you see it with people who listen to copious amounts of gangsta rap--i.e., rap that has no meaning.

Here it's smart students trying to be trendy.  When the waistline is actually below the buttocks, I can only suppose that they are being held up at the front, presumably by an erection.
"Being human, having your health; that's what's important."  (from: Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi )
"As long as we're all living, and as long as we're all having fun, that should do it, right?"  (from: The Eccentric Family )


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Re: Let's have a fashion advice thread.
« Reply #98 on: 08 Aug 2008, 02:57 »

Also, one piece of advice to the dudes: wear cardigans. They're sexy.

Seriously? Like Mister Rogers?
Yes, seriously. No, not like Mister Rogers. Cardigans can look awesome, and they can look plain silly, depends a lot on how you wear them - like with most other pieces of clothing.


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Re: Let's have a fashion advice thread.
« Reply #99 on: 08 Aug 2008, 07:00 »

Mmm, cardigans. Fun for a girl or a boy, just like a slinky! I have quite the collection of cardigans that I hope to keep expanding.
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