Clothing choices I can't behind:
Cardigans on guys. Ok, short, fitted cardigans, sure. Fine. Ill fitting ones, no. Thin, overly big ones, no. Big dorky thick ones?

Tank Thong. Have you seen this? It graces American Apparel's site, as well as their stores. I'm not a big fan of thongs by themselves, but adding shoulder straps to hold it even further up your butt? I just don't understand the practically of this. It can't be comfortable.

Brightly, annoyingly, patterned tight denim. Ok, admittedly, girls look better in this than guys, and can usually pull it off, given the correct body type. Guys can not at all ever pull this off. Super tight, "side pipe" showing pants are not hot guys. Fitted jeans, sure. Yes, very attractive. Not pants that hurt when you sit down. Please stay away from these.

Short shorts on men. A conversation from the blog where I got this picture sums up how I feel about them.
"i would be afraid my testicles would fall out of the shorts if i moved the wrong way.
September 10, 2007 3:29 AM"
"as long as i can gaze at some sculpted legs like that, it's okay by me.
and if the mouse comes out of the house, well, that's just extra frosting on the cupcake.
September 10, 2007 9:27 PM"
Please. Please, keep your mice in their homes.

Big, nerdy glasses. Ok, I understand that for some reason, think black rims have been in style for quick sometime. Now really huge glasses are in style? I dislike people wearing glasses unnecessarily. It doesn't make sense to me. I guess my brain equates it to someone wearing a arm cast for fashion reasons. Why would you do it?

Also, check out
these sweet shorts I found while searching men's shorts.