Jordan: The coat in the first picture looks really rad, I'd like to see photos of just that. The scarf is sort of way too huge though, I dunno if you can wear it with that coat, it takes the sort of classy look you have going and turns it into kid going through his parents closet.
I really like the orange shirt, I have one almost the exact same color that I love dearly. The maroon one is awesome too, even if I am immediately wary of shiny fabrics. Only comment is maybe look for something that fits you a little better in the future, there is a lot of extra fabric on your arm in that one picture, and I don't think you need that.
However, those ties are terrible, man. Like, god-awful. I would be willing to look at more detailed pictures and potentially change my mind, but for my taste at least, you need a little less flash in your tie when you're wearing a shirt that bright. Hell, I'd do a little less flash in my tie generally, but that's just me. Plus, they both look kind of awkwardly wide, but maybe that's just my knot.
I like the T-shirt too, but please do not wear long sleeves under T-shirts. It is a look that is not a good look, my friend.
Are the pants new too?