I just want to know this one dude's opinion!
Dang, maybe I should have just messaged him. Oh, well.
I just came back to read this thread again. Okay.
You don't have to agree with me, but I'm going by what the word 'song' means. Since singing is the verb form of Song, I don't really call anything without words a song,
unless the person who wrote it specifically wrote it as a song with no words . So if [insert post-rock band here] calls their stuff 'songs', then I have
absolutely no problem with other people calling them that. I can't remember any of the post-rock bands I listen to using the word song to describe their music, but whatever.
What I *do* take an issue with is people calling things that blatantly aren't songs, and were never intended to be. Like saying "oh snap I love that awesome song by Liszt, his songs are so much better than Chopin's" or something like that. It just annoys me, you know? Because it shows to me that the person doesn't take the time to learn about the form the composer is using and differentiate that from other forms. They just assume it's all the same. Which imho is going backwards musically. I wouldn't call anything Aphex Twin has composed songs either, and I don't think he ever has.
On topic:
The 7th is also my favourite because it walks the line between being too emotional and too cold and emotionless. Like, the notes in the first movement make you feel something, but they don't hit you over the head with it. It's subtle, which is something I appreciate, and something Beethoven is a little lacking in his other symphonies in my opinion.