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Recommend me FPS!
« on: 30 Jul 2009, 13:28 »

Hey guys, I'm trying to expand my video gameage (gamage?) past the RPG/casual genres, but I'm not sure where to start when it comes to FPS. I've tried both CS: Source and Team Fortress 2, but I really wasn't impressed with either.

So, what're your thoughts on FPS games? (preferably for the PC and with a multiplayer option). It's pretty sad that the only games I play regularly these days are Super Smash Bros and Rock Band.

Help a brotha.. err, sista out!


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Re: Recommend me FPS!
« Reply #1 on: 30 Jul 2009, 13:38 »

The Orange Box is always a good choice. It's Half-Life 2, HL2: Episode One and Two, Portal and TF2, but you already have that one. For a multiplayer FPS I highly reccomend Unreal Tournament 2004, or UT3 if you have more to spend: You won't get a better adrenaline rush from a shooter. These games are a good place to start.
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Re: Recommend me FPS!
« Reply #2 on: 30 Jul 2009, 13:42 »

There are a lot of good mods about for the Source engine (i.e. for TF2 and CS:S) that add loads of cool functionality and are also free :D  I recommend Insurgency and Eternal Silence, for two very different FPS experiences. Call of Duty is always a banker too.
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Re: Recommend me FPS!
« Reply #3 on: 30 Jul 2009, 15:15 »

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare is a modern classic
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is another good one but it has alot of problems

man . . . you know it's too hot when my brain is so fried that those are the only two i can think of.  :|
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Re: Recommend me FPS!
« Reply #4 on: 30 Jul 2009, 15:26 »

Half-Life 2
Left 4 Dead
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Fallout 3

Come to think of it, in that order.
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Re: Recommend me FPS!
« Reply #5 on: 30 Jul 2009, 17:03 »

rather than place the blame on somebody's undeveloped irony sensor, let's just blame the internet, k?
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Re: Recommend me FPS!
« Reply #6 on: 30 Jul 2009, 17:43 »

What are you after from the genre? Something deeply immersive that will linger with you long after you've played it? Something you can rip through in only a few minutes per level if you feel like it, leaving a trail of blood and guts in your wake? For the former I'd recommend Half-Life 2, I never get tired of playing it. For the former I'd actually suggest that you can still get a lot of fun out of the godfather of them all, the original Doom. Yes the graphics are unbearably ugly by today's standards, yes the mobility is severely limited (you can't even look up!), but for sheer playability it's still a damn classic.

For something different, try something from the Thief series. Granted, most of the "shooting" is shooting water-tipped arrows at flaming torches, but it's a great series and a good example of what can be done when a little imagination is applied to what is usually a powerfully unimaginative genre. I'd suggest Thief 2.


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Re: Recommend me FPS!
« Reply #7 on: 30 Jul 2009, 17:49 »

What are you after from the genre? Something deeply immersive that will linger with you long after you've played it? Something you can rip through in only a few minutes per level if you feel like it, leaving a trail of blood and guts in your wake? For the former I'd recommend Half-Life 2, I never get tired of playing it. For the latter I'd actually suggest that you can still get a lot of fun out of the godfather of them all, the original Doom. Yes the graphics are unbearably ugly by today's standards, yes the mobility is severely limited (you can't even look up!), but for sheer playability it's still a damn classic.

If you want the latter of what Inlander suggested with a graphics update and lots of blood, gore, monsters from hell, and creative killing machines, play Painkiller.

I would also like to add that Fallout 3 is not the best choice when you're looking for a great shooter. It's the right choice for a great action-RPG; a shooter, not so much.
« Last Edit: 30 Jul 2009, 17:55 by LTK »
Quote from: snalin
I just got the image of a midwife and a woman giving birth swinging towards each other on a trapeze - when they meet, the midwife pulls the baby out. The knife juggler is standing on the floor and cuts the umbilical cord with a a knifethrow.


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Re: Recommend me FPS!
« Reply #8 on: 30 Jul 2009, 19:38 »

Lise, Half-life 2 and the two episodes are pretty good.  There is a really neat story to it and it's told pretty well (especially for a game).  The Orange box includes all of them, I think?  I can't remember.

If you've already tried CS:Source and TF2 I'm guessing maybe you've already bought HL2?  If so you should give it a go.  If not & you don't want to buy them PM me your Steam tag & I'll gift you the original HL2 to see if you like it.

Also, Left 4 Dead is pretty good.  The multiplayer games are kind of like CS:Source, except there are zombies instead of terrarists and sometimes you play as the zombies and throw up on people or choke them with your prehensile tongue.  It's pretty gross fun!


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Re: Recommend me FPS!
« Reply #9 on: 30 Jul 2009, 21:03 »

I think Orange Box had Episode 2. Steam should have some kind of package for all the HL2 things.
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Re: Recommend me FPS!
« Reply #10 on: 30 Jul 2009, 22:39 »

The Orange Box does have both episodes included.


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Re: Recommend me FPS!
« Reply #11 on: 30 Jul 2009, 22:46 »

Not only one of my favorite FPSs but one of my all time favorite games is No One Lives Forever. Holy hell was that game brilliant. You can probably get it for like $10 or something these days but don't let the fact that it's several years old dissuade you. Not only is the game incredibly compelling, it has some totally amazing level design (a midair gunfight as you're literally free falling from a crashing airplane, a laser gun duel on a secret space station, a spear gun battle with enemy scuba divers in a sunken, shark infested tanker that just the level before you were skulking around before it was sunk ect. ect.), it's hilarious (it's a 70s spy spoof done right for once (sorry Austin Powers)), full of cool villains (a sword wielding Opera diva whose voice inflicts damage, a massive, kilted Scotsman, a one eyed, mustachioed Russian killer), great set pieces...I could go on and on. Just know that it's endlessly inventive and clever and original in the FPS genre and one of the handful of games out of everything I've ever played that stands out as something truly remarkable.
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Re: Recommend me FPS!
« Reply #12 on: 30 Jul 2009, 23:04 »

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Re: Recommend me FPS!
« Reply #13 on: 30 Jul 2009, 23:07 »


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Re: Recommend me FPS!
« Reply #14 on: 30 Jul 2009, 23:25 »

Oh wow, thanks so much for the suggestions guys! I didn't expect that many replies, so I'm pleasantly surprised. After reading your advice, I think I'll give CS: Source and TF2 another go (with mods) since I already own the games, but unfortunately I can't run any of the high-end games that you all recommended  =( (that means no Crysis, UT 3, COD 4, or even Fallout 3). I did manage to run Fallout 3 at one point on the lowest graphic settings, but it still lagged like hell.

Speaking of, has anyone heard anything about an "Oldblivion" type patch for Fallout 3 so people with lower end computers can run the game smoothly?

Also, I'm excited to try out UT 2004, Doom, No One Lives Forever (how's the sequel to that game, TheFuriousWombat? Is it any good?), and Thief 2 (thanks, Inlander).

Hopefully I can run the older games... for some reason I have difficulty running those as well, sometimes. I tried playing Deus Ex at one point, and it was incredibly slow despite the fact that I have an adequate graphics card for the game. I have the worst luck!


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Re: Recommend me FPS!
« Reply #15 on: 30 Jul 2009, 23:49 »

rather than place the blame on somebody's undeveloped irony sensor, let's just blame the internet, k?
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Re: Recommend me FPS!
« Reply #16 on: 31 Jul 2009, 06:02 »

You *could* try Halo: CE. That's both Combat Evolved and/or Custom Edition (the standalone moddable multiplayer version) (I really don't want people to slug me for this but I suppose it'll happen eventually)

Granted, the single-player is old news, and everything looks like textured carpet on a low resolution, but everything is quite runnable unless your computer is actually a cardboard box wired to leads made of plastic embedded in a 10-year-old shit-coated lemon.

The multiplayer is usually the drawing point of the game - low pings are so easily achievable I live in Australia and it feels like some random guy from Mexico has his computer hooked up next to mine in a LAN game, along with his other random friends from Siberia, Korea, the Netherlands and France next door to my house. Drawbacks is that a portion of these players will inevitably be a bunch of pricks, but if you find a server where the people play properly then it's a strangely addicting multiplayer.

Gameplay can be easily gotten used to, there are plenty of game modes to play around with, mechanics are only *slightly* broken, and once you get sick of the base game you can move into Custom Edition territory, which can then be backed up with Halo 2 and Halo 3 emulated content. Although the modding takes quite a while for a game of its generation, tags and their silly stupid implementations makes releasing custom content sometimes as slow as molasses at sub-zero. Theoretically its moddability knows no bounds.

People have mentioned UT04, and you could also try UT: GOTY edition, if you like that sort of pacing for your games. It's been modded to hell and back, it's fast, simple, learning curve isn't too steep (just takes practice to use it well obviously) and there's volumes of stuff to choose from when you want to customise. I've gotten tired of that sort of game, but I used to be into it and when I was, it was pretty much the only FPS I really wanted to play.

Being an older generation title, I would confidently take a guess and say that your computer should probably have no problem running it at all.

You could also try some of the Wolfenstein titles. Those are great fun (just make sure you turn your brain off when it comes to the storyline) and the multiplayer title Enemy Territory is also great, although I find some of the maps and modes to be slightly limited in scope. (As a side note, what did you guys think of the Wolfenstein title previewed at E3?)

I still like Star Wars Jedi Knight 3: Jedi Academy, and play it every now and then. Granted, that's a third-person-perspective you get when chopping shit up with a lightsaber, and the first person element isn't really that inspiring, but that multiplayer is also really great and because it was using the Quake III engine (although probably expanded and used to a far greater extent than most people would have ever expected), the game has also been modded for the good part of this decade since Jedi Knight II.

Those are just my picks, but there's so many out there to choose from. I haven't mentioned some of the more recent titles, but it's just because everyone's pretty much mentioned all of them and you said that your computer wasn't all that flash.


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Re: Recommend me FPS!
« Reply #17 on: 31 Jul 2009, 06:06 »

Not only one of my favorite FPSs but one of my all time favorite games is No One Lives Forever.


The sequel is pretty damn good as well. You get to fight ninjas in a trailer park in Akron, Ohio! 
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Re: Recommend me FPS!
« Reply #18 on: 31 Jul 2009, 13:09 »

Doom. Yes the graphics are unbearably ugly by today's standards, yes the mobility is severely limited (you can't even look up!), but for sheer playability it's still a damn classic.
There are emulators that allow you to use your mouse to aim (including up), or even jump, if you want them. I had one of those, I'll see if I can find which one it was. I like having the mouse, not having it is just distracting, having started playing FPSs in the '00s. Quake is also a good one, even though the graphics are very dated, worse than Doom, since doom used pixels rather than 3d polygons. That game is some of the most fun I have had with an FPS, nothing too complicated, just move, jump, and shoot. No alternate attacks, no reloading, nice and simple. Quake 2 isn't nearly as good, sadly.
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Re: Recommend me FPS!
« Reply #19 on: 31 Jul 2009, 13:21 »

wait why don't you like tf2 it is the perfect game
also israel


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Re: Recommend me FPS!
« Reply #20 on: 31 Jul 2009, 18:22 »

fuck doom, play SHADOW WARRIOR
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Re: Recommend me FPS!
« Reply #21 on: 31 Jul 2009, 19:55 »

If you don't mind retro gaming Deus Ex was really enjoyable and can be had for cheap via steam.
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Re: Recommend me FPS!
« Reply #22 on: 31 Jul 2009, 20:47 »

Honestly, I didn't like Deus Ex when I played it. Maybe I just didn't know what I was doing yet, but I had a hard time even with the first level. I thought I was supposed to be getting into the building in the middle, rather than to the other side of the island, and my guns at that point were so wimpy that I would always get hurt shooting at people, even with headshots, and I hadn't exactly geared my abilities toward stealth. I know this is blasphemy, but I found Invisible war much easier (admittedly the demo).
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Re: Recommend me FPS!
« Reply #23 on: 31 Jul 2009, 22:19 »

It's not blasphemy to say it's easier, it's just blasphemy to say it's better. You're right though, in retrospect; Deus Ex is a poor introduction to shooters. It's also awesome.
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Re: Recommend me FPS!
« Reply #24 on: 31 Jul 2009, 22:35 »

It's not blasphemy to say it's easier, it's just blasphemy to say it's better. You're right though, in retrospect; Deus Ex is a poor introduction to shooters. It's also awesome.

Alex, sometimes you say things and I wonder how it's possible for you to be so right.
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Re: Recommend me FPS!
« Reply #25 on: 01 Aug 2009, 01:01 »

If you guys read my other post, I did say that I tried playing Deus Ex, and it wouldn't run right :(. I still haven't figured out the issue, but the subtitles lag behind, and my character moves at a crawl. Blarrrrrgh

On the bright side, I started playing No One Lives Forever, yaaay!! It's fantastic and fun so far (I love how tongue-in-cheek it is). My only problem is that I'm horrible at sneaking around and being stealthy; I'm used to just blasting my way through enemies. This game seems kind of impossible to play that way, as I always end up ambushed/dead. What's your play style for NOLF, guys?

PS: For those who've played NOLF, would you suggest crouching, walking, or taking small steps for maximum sneakiness? Also, is it necessary to cover up every body with the special Body Removing Powder?


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Re: Recommend me FPS!
« Reply #26 on: 01 Aug 2009, 02:56 »

On the bright side, I started playing No One Lives Forever, yaaay!! It's fantastic and fun so far (I love how tongue-in-cheek it is).

In that case it's you might not like Deus Ex even if you got it to work. The game is a strictly humour-free zone - to its severe detriment, in my opinion.

My only problem is that I'm horrible at sneaking around and being stealthy; I'm used to just blasting my way through enemies.

Umm . . . In that case maybe the Thief series isn't for you, after all. (Its creators described the three games in the series not as first-person shooters, but as "first-person sneakers".)


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Re: Recommend me FPS!
« Reply #27 on: 01 Aug 2009, 06:54 »

It's pretty sad that the only games I play regularly these days are Super Smash Bros

How is this sad?


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Re: Recommend me FPS!
« Reply #28 on: 01 Aug 2009, 11:10 »

It's not blasphemy to say it's easier, it's just blasphemy to say it's better. You're right though, in retrospect; Deus Ex is a poor introduction to shooters. It's also awesome.
I wasn't even new at shooters, I just couldn't do anything with what they gave me. It was something like three headshots to kill a guard, and a ridiculously slow rate for accurate fire. Maybe it would have gone better if I had used a strategy guide to build JC better, but if I need a strategy guide to get through the first level of the game, after going through the tutorial, I don't know if I want to be playing it. A poor learning curve and early game isn't enough to completely write off a game, but it can really discourage me.
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Re: Recommend me FPS!
« Reply #29 on: 01 Aug 2009, 11:19 »

The first level of Deus Ex unfortunately seems to turn a lot of people off to the game. It just takes patience, that's it. In terms of your skills it shouldn't matter much, but putting points into rifles or heavy weapons is clearly a bad idea.
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Re: Recommend me FPS!
« Reply #30 on: 01 Aug 2009, 12:47 »

Yeah, I wasn't trying to imply that you were new to shooters or anything Nodaisho, just agreeing that there's a learning curve issue combined with a lot of features that aren't typical FPS fare, like light character build development and stealth elements. Anyway, I lucked out with Deus Ex, in a way, since I had just gotten off a real Thief binge when I had bought it. Between that and your brother recommending that you avoid killing, I always stuck with stealth, stun grenades, tranquilizers and the taser baton anyway, which incidentally seems a bit more effective than just running and gunning with a relatively low skilled character.

As for humor in games, I prefer a consistent tone to failed attempts at humor, and frankly I have no idea how you could have made Deus Ex a funny game without making it into something quite different entirely. Besides, I got enough amusement out of the Neal Stephenson references and the office emails.
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Re: Recommend me FPS!
« Reply #31 on: 01 Aug 2009, 17:55 »

why aren't you all talking about shadow warrior?
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Re: Recommend me FPS!
« Reply #32 on: 02 Aug 2009, 03:00 »

If the OP is intrigued by all the Deus Ex talk but slightly put off by it at least for now, here's another FPS-ish action RPG with stealth and character development: Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines.

Awesome story, awesome atmosphere, awesomeness all around, but you'll have to hunt down the inofficial fanpatches to make it really enjoyable. Otherwise it runs on good ol' Source, so your rig should handle it just fine.

For mindlessly shooting hordes after hordes of enemies, check out the Serious Pony Sam series. Also old, cheap and fun.
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Re: Recommend me FPS!
« Reply #33 on: 02 Aug 2009, 03:09 »

I tried playing Deus Ex.  It sucked.


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Re: Recommend me FPS!
« Reply #34 on: 02 Aug 2009, 04:17 »

I tried playing Deus Ex.  It sucked.

you wont say nothing bad about Deus Ex cause its great game.
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Re: Recommend me FPS!
« Reply #35 on: 02 Aug 2009, 05:36 »

Granted I tried playing it a couple years after release, but like, the graphics were already quite dated, controls were clunky and I found it kind of boring.


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Re: Recommend me FPS!
« Reply #36 on: 02 Aug 2009, 06:14 »

Awesome story, awesome atmosphere, awesomeness all around, but you'll have to hunt down the inofficial fanpatches to make it really enjoyable. Otherwise it runs on good ol' Source, so your rig should handle it just fine.

That really depends. That game is absolutely riddled with load-zones, and even if the game runs smoothly it can take a long time to load. I mean real, proper old-school "loading screen" load-zones, not discreet little Half-Life style waiting-for-a-couple-of-seconds load-zones. Make sure your computer is going to be able to load the game quickly before you spend money on Bloodlines, because if it can't then you're going to get quickly frustrated by having to sit around twiddling your thumbs every time you go into a building, or go to a different part of the city, or basically want to do anything that involves a slight change of scenery.


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Re: Recommend me FPS!
« Reply #37 on: 02 Aug 2009, 10:09 »

If you guys read my other post, I did say that I tried playing Deus Ex, and it wouldn't run right :(. I still haven't figured out the issue, but the subtitles lag behind, and my character moves at a crawl. Blarrrrrgh

On the bright side, I started playing No One Lives Forever, yaaay!! It's fantastic and fun so far (I love how tongue-in-cheek it is). My only problem is that I'm horrible at sneaking around and being stealthy; I'm used to just blasting my way through enemies. This game seems kind of impossible to play that way, as I always end up ambushed/dead. What's your play style for NOLF, guys?

PS: For those who've played NOLF, would you suggest crouching, walking, or taking small steps for maximum sneakiness? Also, is it necessary to cover up every body with the special Body Removing Powder?

NOLF can be tough in the 'stealth is essential' parts but most of the game works when you just go in guns-a-blazin. There are a couple levels where alarms will cause you to fail but they just take some patience and strategizing. Baddies tend to move in patterns so figuring out the way guards are walking and timing your movement from cover to cover (best to do this in a crouch) to correspond with when the cameras are turned away and when the guards are somewhere else just takes some time to figure out. Once you do, those levels shouldn't be too much trouble and you'll be onto the next shootout. There are some frustrating moments (a safe cracking level a bit later in the game comes to mind) but usually taking a bit of time is all it takes to get past these points.

It's not essential to cover up every body with that body dissolving powder. If the body is within sight of a camera, you will need to to avoid alarms (or use the camera blocker device). Also, if you don't want an alarm to go off, you'll need to get rid of bodies lying out in another guard's potential field of view. Guards probably won't randomly wander across a body somewhere discrete so waiting for a guard to wander off somewhere more out of the way on their patrol loop is a good idea. Another option is to lie in wait and ambush the other guard or guards who could see the body and take them out with silenced weapons. One big benefit of being sneaky more often than you have to: you'll get a lot more of the game's humor. The guards often have really hilarious conversations if they don't know you're around. I love stealth games so while the first couple times I played NOLF I blasted through most everybody, once I got better at learning the tricks and such I played it stealthy pretty much throughout, quick saving a lot so anytime I set off an alarm I would reload and try again. Like Deus Ex, it is possible to go through most of the game without getting into massive firefights, something that's fun to try in order to mix things up.

What level are you on? There's so many good ones! the game's lengthy too which is nice.

The was OK. Someone mentioned before the trailer park level. That one is cool! The boss fight there has you sword fighting a badass female ninja inside a trailer inside a tornado! The trailer is literally in midair in the tornado and all sorts of crap like cows and bikes and furniture comes flying through the walls and stuff. So cool! Overall, I didn't find the game nearly as engaging as the first, however. Fun though and worth a shot if it's cheap.
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Re: Recommend me FPS!
« Reply #38 on: 03 Aug 2009, 21:04 »

Lise, I almost forgot to mention that when you beat NOLF you have to wait through the end credits to see the extra scene. It's an absolute must!
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Re: Recommend me FPS!
« Reply #39 on: 03 Aug 2009, 21:46 »

I have heard that the Condemned games are great.
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Re: Recommend me FPS!
« Reply #40 on: 05 Aug 2009, 09:16 »

PAINKILLER. One of the best, most satisfying games I've EVER played!
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Re: Recommend me FPS!
« Reply #41 on: 05 Aug 2009, 19:14 »

The Specialists is a pretty rad HL1 Mod.
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Re: Recommend me FPS!
« Reply #42 on: 05 Aug 2009, 23:42 »

Granted I tried playing it a couple years after release, but like, the graphics were already quite dated, controls were clunky and I found it kind of boring.
I liked it better when you reviewed Contra.

Awesome story, awesome atmosphere, awesomeness all around, but you'll have to hunt down the inofficial fanpatches to make it really enjoyable. Otherwise it runs on good ol' Source, so your rig should handle it just fine.
That really depends. That game is absolutely riddled with load-zones, and even if the game runs smoothly it can take a long time to load. I mean real, proper old-school "loading screen" load-zones, not discreet little Half-Life style waiting-for-a-couple-of-seconds load-zones. Make sure your computer is going to be able to load the game quickly before you spend money on Bloodlines, because if it can't then you're going to get quickly frustrated by having to sit around twiddling your thumbs every time you go into a building, or go to a different part of the city, or basically want to do anything that involves a slight change of scenery.
Bloodlines was built on an alpha of Source, and as such it runs pretty much exactly like HL2 did when it first came out. HL2 was actually a lot worse w/r/t loading times. Really all you need is a good amount of RAM and a good single-core processor or better and the load times become tolerable. The hub levels are actually quite large, it's just entering buildings throws up loading screens. There are fan-made patches out that will fix a lot of the niggling errors but most of them change game content and balance to some degree, so beware.

You know what, no, Lise is looking to play FPS games. Bloodlines is a mind-bogglingly terrible FPS game. It's a pretty incredible RPG up until the last hour and a half or so (when they ran out of capital and just rigged up a ramshackle ending) but a decent FPS game it is not, for a couple of reasons. For one, combat is not twitch-based as in FPSes, it's completely roll-dependent like a tabletop. Meaning you can shoot at someone from point-blank range and miss.  For two, like all Troika games it's not balanced for shit. They pretty much lifted weapons rules straight out of the tabletop. Guns automatically do 20% less damage to supernatural beings before other resistances are counted in, and given that the majority of your enemies are supernatural, playing a gun-based character is really quite stupid.
« Last Edit: 05 Aug 2009, 23:44 by KvP »
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Re: Recommend me FPS!
« Reply #43 on: 06 Aug 2009, 00:56 »

I played both Half-Life 2 and Bloodlines on the same machine. Yes, Half-Life 2 also took an eternity to load anything, but you could play continuously for at least half an hour to an hour easy before having to wait at another load-zone, and in that time you'd be running around, shooting people, dodging rockets, solving puzzles, all sorts of fun stuff. In Bloodlines, you're out in the street. You have to go into a building to talk to a guy. Load-zone. Inside the building you have to find the specific room that the guy's in, then you have to go into that. Load-zone. Then you talk to the guy for a couple of minutes, and he tells you to go talk to some other guy, so you have to leave the room again. Load-zone. Then you have to leave the building again. Load-zone. Then you run through the rather boring streets of the particular part of the city you're in, and the new guy you have to go find is in a different part of the city, so you have to go there. Load-zone. Then in that part of the city maybe it turns out the guy's down a sewer, so you have to find a manhole cover and go down there. Load-zone. Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. Before you know it you've been playing the game for three-quarters of an hour, and you haven't actually done anything interesting or fun or enjoyable and you've spent an inordinate amount of time reading the same old gameplay tips on the same old loading screens.


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Re: Recommend me FPS!
« Reply #44 on: 06 Aug 2009, 13:59 »

You know what, no, Lise is looking to play FPS games. Bloodlines is a mind-bogglingly terrible FPS game. It's a pretty incredible RPG up until the last hour and a half or so (when they ran out of capital and just rigged up a ramshackle ending) but a decent FPS game it is not, for a couple of reasons. For one, combat is not twitch-based as in FPSes, it's completely roll-dependent like a tabletop. Meaning you can shoot at someone from point-blank range and miss.  For two, like all Troika games it's not balanced for shit. They pretty much lifted weapons rules straight out of the tabletop. Guns automatically do 20% less damage to supernatural beings before other resistances are counted in, and given that the majority of your enemies are supernatural, playing a gun-based character is really quite stupid.

Pains me to say it but this is very accurate. I loved Troika. Arcanum is still one of my favorite games. But yeah, they were shit when it came to quality control. If you want a really fun FPS, Bloodlines is not at all the way to go.
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Re: Recommend me FPS!
« Reply #45 on: 07 Aug 2009, 00:39 »

Man i should install Arcanum again, oh and that players manyal is real mans manual you could kill small kids with it if you drop it on them.
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Re: Recommend me FPS!
« Reply #46 on: 07 Aug 2009, 00:55 »

wait why don't you like tf2 it is the perfect game

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Re: Recommend me FPS!
« Reply #47 on: 07 Aug 2009, 00:56 »

TF2 kinda bums me out 'cuz I'm pretty bad at it. By simplifying and finely tuning everything, they have created the perfect format for exposing all of my flaws as a gamer. You see, I'm just an optimizer, when it comes right down to it. My reaction time is slow, I'm not terribly observant, my aim sucks, but I AM disciplined and I'm perfectly willing to use whatever borderline scummy but still within the rules methods are available to win. In other words, if a weapon is borderline overpowered, then I shall have three of them. Probably so I can camp and ambush people whenever possible. In TF2, everything is kinda balanced out so I just flail around and get maimed. I love TF2 dearly, but I'd feel kinda guilty exposing a clan to my badness, so I kinda just kinda fuck around on the pubs, which is unfortunate since that kinda thing doesn't really appeal to me that much.
« Last Edit: 07 Aug 2009, 01:03 by Alex C »
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Re: Recommend me FPS!
« Reply #48 on: 07 Aug 2009, 09:42 »

Pains me to say it but this is very accurate. I loved Troika. Arcanum is still one of my favorite games. But yeah, they were shit when it came to quality control. If you want a really fun FPS, Bloodlines is not at all the way to go.

I initially wanted to quote this for truth as well, but got kinda distracted or something. :>

Here are some straight forward classic FPSs that will scare you shitless: F.E.A.R. and Aliens vs. Predator 2 (particularly the marine campaign).
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